China's financial market regulators are seeking opinions about how to better regulate trading of bitcoin, the virtual currency. These steps may include setting up a depository platform, said sources with close knowledge of the matter.
Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week, and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges, a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily.
比特币(Bitcoin)是一种在互联网上流通的虚拟货币(virtual currency),它不像传统货币那样由央行(central bank)来发行管理,而是完全依托互联网运行,是一种去中心化的加密货币(decentralized crypto-currency)。比特币的货币符号是฿,货币代码(currency code)为BTC。它的货币总量按照设计预定的速率逐步增加,增加速度逐步放缓(at an ever-decreasing rate),并最终在2140年达到2100万个的极限。
近两年来,比特币成为国内最赚钱的投资品种,超过房地产、螺纹钢等“明星”投资品种,吸引了大量投资者。业内人士担心,由于比特币是基于市场信心的虚拟货币(virtual currency),一旦密集出现不良交易平台“跑路”(abscond with the money)等现象,将对比特币的币值造成巨大损害,进而破坏整个市场的秩序。监管部门已经意识到比特币交易的监管问题,将采取相应措施,考虑设立第三方托管平台(setting up a depository platform)。