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发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  专题升级训练九 情景对话


  Jack:How do you keep in touch with your aunt in America?

  Emma:Oh.I make a phone call once a month.




  Emma:I have never thought of it.Is it convenient and cheap?


  Emma:Oh?It may be wonderful to send e­mails through the Internet.

  Jack:Yes.In addition,you can make a phone call through the Internet,too.

  Emma:Really?__4__But I don't know how to get access to the Internet.Could you show me?

  Jack:__5__I'll show you.

  Emma:I appreciate it very much.

  A.No problem.

  B.I'm so glad to hear that.

  C.It's very expensive,right?

  D.No wonder it's so popular.

  E.Why not send e­mails through the Internet?

  F.Do you know how to send e­mails through the Internet?

  G.You can send e­mails to each other every day through the Internet


  W:Hello,Jack.You're getting ready for tomorrow's lessons,aren't you?

  M:Yes,I'm a bit nervous.__1__

  W:I understand how you're feeling.You'll make a lot of friends very soon.

  M:Thank you.I'll try my best to get used to my new school life as soon as possible.__2__

  W:At 8 o'clock.__3__

  M:Say it,please.

  W:Before class we have 10 minutes to hand in homework and then 20 minutes for morning reading.

  M:That's to say,we must get to school at 7:25.Five minutes later we'd hand in homework.Right?


  M:Well,I hear that lunch time is nearly 12 o'clock and I'll be starving by then.

  W:Don't worry.__5__

  M:That's great.

  A.So I suggest you get up before 7:00.

  B.By the way,what time does the first class begin?

  C.How long will it take us to finish our homework?

  D.But there is some other suggested time you should remember.

  E.During the break after the second class,we can buy something to eat.

  F.I have no idea what'll happen in class and how I'll get along with my classmates.

  G.I really don't know what to do after class.


  —How can I help you?


  —Would you like to send it surface or airmail?

  — __2__

  —If you send the parcel with surface email,it will take about 2 months to arrive;whereas with airmail,it will arrive in one week or more.

  —That's a big difference.__3__ How much will it cost to send it by airmail?

  —That depends on the weight.Place it on the scale,please.


  —That's 3000 grams.__4__

  —That's not bad.I'll do that then.Does that include insurance on the contents of the parcel or is that a separate payment?

  —__5__It's another 5 pounds.


  A.I suppose airmail will be much more expensive.

  B.I want to buy some stamps.

  C.I'd like to send this package to China.

  D.That's separate.

  E.That's all right.

  F.What's the difference between surface and airmail?

  G.It will cost 10 pounds for airmail.


  Husband:Honey,what would you say if we have a Christmas party at home this year?

  Wife:__1__Where could you have it?The house is rather small.

  Husband:__2__We could put food on the dining room table.


  Husband:Let me see—the Turners,the Manders,and a few boys,and some girls from my office.We may have music or...


  Husband:That's plenty of time.We'll get some invitations ready and sent out soon.We'll call to get a small Christmas tree.__5__

  Wife:You mean you fix food?

  Husband:Well,I can do some easy things.Maybe I can do some shopping—or,at least,wash dishes.

  A.Then who should we invite?

  B.You might have brought the presents in advance.

  C.And if we should fix food ourselves,it would cost less.

  D.We might have a small one.

  E.It would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.

  F.But I thought you were planning to go to the Turners'.

  G.We've got only three weeks to go.


  Crystal:Hi,I just had a very interesting experience.

  Jimmy:What is it?

  Crystal:__1__ It is the first day of my one­week program.

  Jimmy:That sounds like fun.

  Crystal:Yes,it was fun...but tiring! Kids are so energetic.


  Crystal:At the primary school down the street.I visited some of their classes in the morning,and then taught them some simple English in the afternoon.

  Jimmy:English must be very difficult for them.

  Crystal:__3__ I was quite impressed.

  Jimmy:What did you teach them?

  Crystal:One teacher asked me to practice some sentences.__4__

  Jimmy:That's great.You know,when I was in primary school,we never had English lessons.

  Crystal:How about in middle school?

  Jimmy:__5__ It wasn't very practical.

  Crystal:Well,but you've managed to learn English very well.

  A.I spent the whole day with dozens of little children!

  B.I helped my aunt look after her child at home.

  C.Yes,they find it easy to learn.

  D.Where did you meet all these kids?

  E.We studied English,but only for tests.

  F.Actually,but they were very eager to learn.

  G.We also played some English games together.


  Husband:Hi,darling.I'm home.


  Husband:Well,just as usual.

  Wife:Come on,I've known you for years.Your face tells me something has happened.

  Husband:Is that so?

  Wife:__2__ Tell me,what happened?


  Wife:You're promoted?


  Wife:You got a rise?

  Husband:Right! You deserve a reward.__4__

  Wife:Sure.But tell me everything from the very beginning.You didn't mention anything about this to me.

  Husband:I wasn't expecting a rise myself.I wasn't even aware that today was payday when I got to work this morning.


  Husband:No,I think I was the only one.The manager talked to me this morning.He said I had been working quite hard and wanted me to keep up the good work.

  Wife:Congratulations! Now let's go to celebrate.

  A.Did things go well today?

  B.Did other colleagues in your company get a rise,too?

  C.How about eating out tonight?

  D.Yes,you are right.

  E.Your eyes are shining and your mouth is smiling.

  F.How did things go in your office today?

  G.No,but very close.


  Mary:Hey,Tom,I need to talk to you.

  Tom:What's wrong?


  Tom:Oh my goodness.I completely forgot about that.What should I do,Mary?


  Tom:But John left the office 10 minutes ago.Well,I will give him a call to apologize.Is that OK?

  Mary:That's a good idea.

  (Tom is making a call.)

  Tom:Mary,John didn't answer the call so I sent a text message to him.__3__I'm glad that's over.

  Mary:Over?No way! You'd better leave a message on his desk or give him a small gift to express your deep regret.__4__

  Tom:OK,I have an excellent idea! I'll buy two tickets and go with him.

  Mary:Great! So remember.When you make mistakes,the best thing is to apologize immediately.__5__

  Tom:I understand.Thank you very much,Mary.

  Mary:You are welcome!

  A.Find him immediately and apologize!

  B.So I didn't make an apology to him.

  C.I apologized to him sincerely.

  D.If it's not enough,write a note and give him a small gift.

  E.When will you buy him the small gift?

  F.A ticket for a basketball game will do.

  G.Did you promise John a ride to lunch today?


  Peter:Can you help me?

  Mark:Sure,what's the problem?


  Mark:Well,how about San Francisco?We went there last year and had a great time.


  Mark:Well,there is Golden Gate Bridge,of course,and Golden Gate Park.It's really a big park.You can go for long walks or take a rest in the Japanese Tea Garden.It's beautiful there.


  Mark:There is also a place called Fisherman's Wharf.That's really popular with tourists.There are lots of shops,cafes and restaurants.And from there you can go on a boat trip to Alcatraz.You know,it's a small but very beautiful island.


  Mark:No,you can't stay on the island; there aren't any hotels.You can only go for the day.I think I've still got a book about San Francisco.I can lend it to you.


  A.What can you do there?

  B.Oh,great! What a great place to stay in!

  C.What an idea! What is the best time to go there?

  D.I can't decide where to go for the holiday—any ideas?

  E.Thanks a lot.San Francisco,here I come!

  F.Hmm,that sounds good.

  G.How can I go there?


  1~5 CEGBA1~5 FBDAE1~5 CFAGD1~5 FDAGC(五)1~5 ADFGE

  (六)1~5 FEGCB

  1~5 GACFD 1~5 DAFBE


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