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发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  . 考查并列连词、从属连词的用法

  2. 重点考查主从复合句和并列句的连接词的选用。








  the key/answer/visit/apology/introduction/way…to;



  2.“介词+ 名词”型

  (1) in + 名词

  in advance 在前头,事先,预先

  in case 如果,万一

  in charge


  in common


  in demand

  有需要的in doubt


  (2) ①on+ 名词

  on guard 在值勤 on leave 在休假

  on holiday在度假

  on strike罢工 on sale出售 on loan


  ②on+the+名词 on the move


  on the march 在行军

  on the flow 在涨潮

  (3) beyond +名词

  beyond one's power 是某人力所不及的

  beyond one's reach 够不着

  beyond description 难以形容

  beyond words

  无法用语言形容 beyond doubt


  (4) under + 名词

  under development 在发展中under observation 在观察中 under test 在测试中

  under construction 在建设中under examination 在检查(调查)中 under consideration 在考虑中

  (5) at + 名词

  at length 详细地,长时间

  at sea 茫然

  at will 任意地at work

  在上班at lunch 在吃午饭

  at rest在休息 at table 在吃饭 at school 上学

  at church 做礼拜

  at peace 处于和平状态

  (6) out of + 名词

  out of breath 上气不接下气 out of balance 失去平衡 out of date 过时 out of patience 不耐烦


  ①rob sb. of sth. ; supply us with food ;make a desk of wood ; make bread from flour

  ②介词 + the + 部位与动词的关系(=动词 + sb.’s + 部位,可换用)

  strike him on the head(“击,拍,碰,摸”意义与on连用)

  catch him by the arm(“抓,拉,拿,扯”意义与by连用)


  reply to the letter回信,sing(dance)to the music和音乐唱(跳),amount to 达到,加起来有……,devote to把……贡献给,drink to为……干杯,object to反对,look forward to 渴望,come to苏醒,belong to属于,search for搜……,ask...for...寻找,use...for用作,leave for前往,take...for误以为,


  at前的adj.:angry, good, bad, surprised, excited, puzzled等。

  of前的adj.:afraid, sure, certain, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy等。worthy of值得的;proud of(take pride in)自豪;sure of / about确信;fond of喜欢;full of充满

  with前的adj.: angry, strict, busy, careful, popular, patient等。satisfied with (by)满意;busy with sth.(in doing sth.)忙着干某事;wrong with不对

  in前的adj.:strict, weak, interested, successful, rich等。

  to前的adj.:polite, kind, cruel, rude, close, available等。similar to相似

  for前的adj.:sorry, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious,(be) hungry/thirsty等。grateful for sth. to sb.为某事感激某人;fit for适合;ready for准备

  from前的adj.:far, different, free, safe等。free from没有……(免除……);far from离……远

  about前的adj.:worried, anxious, careful,curious等。glad about sth. for sb.为某人某事高兴

  5. 复杂介词型

  (1) 表示原因(通常在句中作状语), 意为“由于,因为”。

  because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系);on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素。

  (2) 表示“除……之外”。

  with the exception of= except, except for“除……之外”;

  apart from (=美式英语中的aside from)是个复合介词,既可表示“除……之外”,相当于except (for), 又可以表示“除……之外,(还,也)”,相当于besides; in addition to“除……之外(还,也)”,相当于besides。

  (3) 表示“有关,关于”。

  concerning=regarding“关于,就……而论,在……方面”;with respect to“关于,就……而言”;

  as for和as to用于句首时表示“至于”。

  (4) 表示“在……之前”。

  ahead of=in advance of,可表示“(在空间或时间上比某人或某事物)更前,更早”,还可表示“领先,优于”;

  in front of 多指空间的前后关系,“在……前方”。

  (5) 表示“支持,赞成”。

  in support of 维护,支持,支援;in favor of 可指某人“支持,赞成”,也可指事物“有利于……”。

  (6) 表示“鉴于,由于;根据,按照”。

  in the light of 按照,考虑到 in terms of 就……而言,谈到 according to 根据;按照

  in view of 鉴于,因为

  (7) 表示“尽管”。

  in spite of 尽管,不管




  并列连词可用来连接词与词,词组与词组,分句与分句。常用的并列连词有:and(和),as well as(既……又),both... and(不但……而且),not only... but also(不但……而且),not ...but(不是……而是),neither...nor(既不……也不), either... or(不是……就是),or(或者),but (但是),yet(然而),for(因为),so(所以),while(而),when(这时)等。如:

  Both my brother and my sister are teachers./ His room is bright but mine is gloomy(暗沉沉的)./ He can not only repair radios but also fix them./ It is a glorious(光荣的)yet difficult task./ Strike while iron is hot.



  (1)引导时间状语从句的:after, before, when, as, while, since, until, till, as soon as

  (2)引导原因状语从句的:because, since, as

  (3)引导让步状语从句的:although, though, no matter(无论), even if (though)

  (4)引导条件状语从句的:if, unless, once, so (as) long as

  (5)引导结果状语从句的:so... that..., such...that...

  (6)引导目的状语从句的:so that..., in order that...

  (7)引导比较状语从句的:as...as..., not so (as)... as...,... than...

  (8)引导方式状语从句的:as if...

  (9)引导主语,宾语或表语从句的连词主要有:that, whether, if三个。其中that 和whether间或还可以引起同位从句和状语从句。


  (1)and, or和but

  I must work hard, or I'll fail in the contest.

  Make up your mind, and you'll get the chance.

  —Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

  —I'd like to, but I'm too busy.

  (2)not only...but (also), as well as不但……而且

  She plays not only the piano, but (also) the guitar.

  Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some.


  “既不……也不……”; both...and...“两者都”;either...or...“不是……就是……”

  Neither you nor he is to blame.

  Either you or I am right.



  They were not the bones of an animal, but the bones of a

  human being.

  (5)for 因为

  He is absent today, for he is ill.


  (6)so, therefore因此

  He hurt his leg, so he couldn't play in the game.时间状语从句

  1.when, while, as的区别



  When we were at school, we went to the library every day.


  (2)while 用作连接词表示时间关系时,意思也是“当(在)……的时候”,主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生。它有时可与when通用,但它只能指一段时间(a period of time),而不能指一点时间的(a point of time)。如上面第一个例句中的when,可以用while代替;而第二个例句中的when,就不能用while代替。例如:

  Please don’t talk so aloud while others are working.



  I saw him as he was getting off the bus.当他下公共汽车的时候,我看见了他。


  the minute, the moment, the instant, every time, the last time, every time。如:

  The first time I got to the island, I was amazed by its beauty.


  The moment I entered the room, I smelled something usual.


  Every time I visit him, he is always reading.


  3.directly和immediately也可作为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”,相当于the moment/the instant和as soon as。如:

  I knew something was wrong directly I arrived.


  The boys did all sorts of mischief immediately my back was turned.


  4.before 和after

  before 引导的从句的动作通常发生在主句动作之后,如果从句是过去时,主句一般要用过去完成时或一般过去时。after引导的从句动作通常发生在主句动作之前,如果主句要用过去时,从句则要用过去完成时或一般过去时。例如:

  The plane had taken off before he arrived at the airport.他到机场前飞机早就起飞了。

  After he had lived in the south for nearly 20 years, he decided to go to seek his fortune in the north.


  They arrived at the cinema after the film began.


  5.no sooner...than 和hardly (scarcely)... when

  这两个连词词组都是表示主句与从句动作随即发生,意为“一……就……”。主句动词用过去完成时。如果no sooner, hardly 或scarcely位于句首,主句要倒装。例如:

  No sooner had he entered the house than it began to rain.


  He had hardly gone to bed when the telephone rang.


  6.till 和until


  Until they had finished the work, they did not go home.直到他们完成工作才回家。

  7. It 与before, since, when引导的时间状语从句连用时的区别:

  (1)It is/has been+时间段+since ... 自从……以来已有多长时间了。

  (2)It is/was+时间点+when ... when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。常译为“当……的时候,是……”。

  (3)It be +时间段+ before ... it 指时间, 主句中的时态常是一般将来时或过去时两种时态.主句中的表语多是long, not long , 3 days , 2 weeks 等表示时间段的词或短语。常译为“……之后……”。例如:

  How long is it since we met last time?


  It was a lready midnight when I got home.


  It was not long before she got married and moved to Japan.


  (二)地点状语从句地点状语从句用where, wherever引导

  Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

  Wherever they went, they received a wrm welcome. 无论他们走到哪儿都受到热烈欢迎。


  原因状语从句用because(因为),since(既然), as(由于)引导


  ince, as不回答why的提问,而且从句一般放在句首,because一般放在主句之后。

  、be of +名词

  Because of the rain, we didn’t go to the park.

  、because 和so不可连用,只能选其一。(另有although, but)

  Why didn’t he come to school? Because he was ill.

  Since I must die, I must. 既然我一定要死,我一定这样做。


  The days

  short, for it is December now.


  目的状语从句用so(常用于口语), that, so that, in order that引导

  目的状语从句的谓语常含有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词。

  We’ll sit never to the front so we can hear better.

  He studied hard so that he might succeed. 他努力学习,以便成功。

  They hurried to the station in order that they could catch the train.



  1if 和unless

  if 表示正面的条件,意为“如果”,unless表示反向的条件,意为“除非,如果不”。例如:

  If you’ve got exams tomorrow, why aren’t you studying?如果你明天有考试,你为什么不学习?

  The sports meet will begin tomorrow unless it rains.运动会明天将要开始,除非下雨。

  【专家提醒】 条件状语从句中常用一般时表示将要发生的动作。

  2. providing, provided (that), supposing, suppose (that), as long as, so long as, on condition that 和in case


  All living things respire as long as they live.


  Supposing (that) you fail a second time, don’t get disappointed, but try again.


  On condition that the liquid is cooled still further, it will turn to a solid.


  3.only if和if only

  only if 引导的从句用陈述语气,意为“只要”; if only引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为“但愿……”,“要是……就好了”。例如:

  only if you have persistence, can you achieve great success.


  If only I had wings, I would be able to travel around the world easily.



  结果状语从句由such…that, so…that, so that, that 引导

  1. such… that 的常用句型

  such +a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+that

  such +形容词+可数名词单数+that


  注意so many (much, fw, little) +名词,such a lot of (或lots of)+名词是惯用法,不可乱用。

  She is such a beautiful girl that we all like her.

  They were such beautiful flower that we bought home.

  It was such delicious food that they ate it up.

  2. so+形容词或副词+that


  He is so rich that he can buy lot of things for himself.

  It was so hot a day that we all went swimming.

  It was such a good day that we all went swimming.

  3. so that, that都可以引导结果状语从句

  He didn’t study hard, (so) that he failed the exam.

  4. too…to, enough…to 可以引导结果状语从句与so…that 替换,so…that结构可以用too…to替换必须具备两个条件,一是主句和结果状语从句的主语必须一致,二是从句中的谓语部分必须含有can(could) not.

  She is young that she can’t go to school.

  She is too young to go to school.

  She isn’t old enough to go to school.


  1.让步状语从句可由although,though,as,while,even if(though),whatever,whether...or...,no matter who (when,what...)等引导。

  Although/Though she works very hard,(yet) she makes very slow progress.尽管她学习很努力,但还是进步不快。

  Whenever I’m unhappy(=No matter when I’m unhappy),it is my friend who cheers me up.




  (2)英语不允许在though 或although从句后同时用but。如果要强调前后两个部分的对比意义,可以在主句前加上yet或still。



  Hard as you may try,you will not succeed.



  Wait as you may,he will not see you.



  Child as he is,he can tell right from wrong.



  While I understand your viewpoint,I don’t agree with you.



  1.as 和just as

  二者都表示“如……;犹如……,正如……”。just as 比as强调的语气更强。例如:

  In the early days, people could not count as we do now.


  Most plants need sunlight just as they need water.


  2.as if 和as though

  as if 或as though从句可以用陈述语气,表示可能符合事实的情况;也可以用虚拟语气,表示不符合事实或与事实相反的情况,意为“好像,仿佛”。例如:

  It looks as though it is going to rain.


  He spoke as if he were a philosopher.


  He speaks as if he had been to the moon.


  He speaks as if he would fly to the moon.



  比较状语从句由as…as, not as(so)…as, than, the+比较级,the+比较级引导

  He swims as well as you. (do)

  He doesn’t swim as well as you (do).

  He got here earlier than you. (did)

  The busier he is, the happier he feels.


  1.China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ____all its citizens. 【2012福建卷】

  A. in charge of

  B. for the purpose of

  C. in honor of

  D. for the benefit of

  1.D考查介词短语。 In charge of “负责”;for the purpose of“为了……目的”;in honor of“为了纪念……”;for the benefit of“为了……的利益”,依据句意,D为正确答案。

  2.Brown said he was by no means annoyed;_____ he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood. 【2012浙江卷】

  A. all in all B. for one thing C. on the contrary

  D. by the way

  2. C 考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:布朗说他一点儿都不恼火。相反(on the contrary)他很高兴能够被透彻理解。All in all总而言之;for one thing其一;by the way顺便讲一下,均不符合语境,故排除。解题的关键是对词组by no means=never(决不)的理解。故正确答案为C。

  3._______all the animals I've ever had, these two dogs arc the most sensitive to the spoken word. 【2012浙江卷】

  A. From

  B. Of

  C. For

  D. With

  3. B 本题考查介词用法。From从;for为了;with有,均不符合语境。two dogs所属于all animals,故用介词of表示这种关系,故答案B符合语境。

  4. The furniture, with its modern style and bright colors, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looks _______ in the garden of a traditional home 【2012湖北卷】

  A. out of question

  B. out of order

  C. out of sight

  D. out of place

  4.D考查辨析。5. — Thank God you're safe!

  —I stepped back, just______to avoid the racing car. 【2012江苏卷】

  A. in time B. in case C. in need D. in vain

  5.A 考查介词短语。句意为:——谢天谢地,你是安全的!——我走回去,正好避免赛车。in time意为“及时”,in case意为“万一,假使”;in need意为“需要”;in vain意为“徒劳,无济于事”。依据题意,A为正确答案。


  7. A number of high buildings have arisen _______ there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 【2012山东卷】 A. when

  B. where

  C. before

  D. until


  8. He smiled politely ______ Mary apologized for her drunken friends. 【2012山东卷】 A. as

  B. if

  C. unless

  D. though


  9. It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_________ gets more financial support from the European Union. 【2012福建卷】

  A. if

  B. unless C. because

  D. since

  9. B考查连词。句意:“除非有来自欧洲联盟的更多的经济支持,否则希腊政府很难克服目前的困难”,只能选择unless“除非”才能使句意完整。

  10.You can borrow my car_______you promise not to drive too fast. 【2012江西卷】


  B.even if C.in case D.as long as

  10.D 考查状语从句句意只要你保证不开得太快,你就可以把我的车借走。A.unless除非,B.even if即使,C.in case以防万一,D.as long as只要。选D。



  6.引导时间、地点、条件、让步、比较、原因状语从句的连词。 状语从句中的时态、语态、语气,

  与其它从句、句型结合起来考查。. _______

  journalism seems like a good profession (职业), I would prefer to be A. Although

  B. Even

  C. No matter

  D. Now that

  2. _______ he wants to fire you, I suggest you stop wearing sport clothes in the office.

  A. If

  B. Since

  C. Until

  D. Unless

  3. She tried to phone him, _______there was no answer because he was abroad.

  A. since

  B. while

  C. so

  D. but

  4. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _______ I heard the voices.

  A. as

  B. for

  C. while

  D. when

  5. You can speak French well _______ you practise it with a Frenchman every day.

  A. unless

  B. although

  C. as long as

  D. so that

  6. The class went on with the story _______they had left it before the holiday.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. in which

  D. when

  7. We didn’t plan to meet. We meet ___ in the street.

  A. by the way

  B. by chance

  C. on purpose

  D. in surprise

  8. — Could you tell me where Jim lives?

  —_______Jim used to live next door to us, and now he is living in another town.

  A. At the time

  B. At one time

  C. At a time

  D. At times

  9. Smoking does great harm to our health. _______many people smoke in Public Places.

  A. Therefore

  B. However

  C. Although

  D. No matter

  10. Dr. Bethune began to work _______ he arrived at the front.

  A. the moment

  B. by the time

  C. before

  D. at the moment

  11. This class named _______Lei Feng is one of the best

  classes in this school.

  A. in honour of

  B. in the place of

  C. in favour of

  D. in the way of

  12. We had to be patient because it_______ some time _______we got the full result.

  A. have been; since

  B. had been; until

  C. was; after

  D. would be; before

  13. _______ others say, the Professor is sure that his theory is correct.

  A. No matter

  B. It doesn’t matter

  C .Whatever

  D. What

  14. It’s cloudy. Take an umbrella _______you’ll regret it.

  A. or

  B. and

  C. after

  D. before

  15. — Let Jack take the place. He’s older and should be more experienced.

  — I don’t think so. A man doesn’t necessarily grow wiser_______ he grows older.

  A. because

  B. that

  C. than

  D. as

  16. ______you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.

  A. While

  B. Once

  C. Though

  D. Unless

  17 .— Was he pleased to hear the news?

  —_______ Pleased, even excited.

  A. No more than

  B. More than

  C. More

  D. More or less

  18. _______, his wife will stand at the gate to wait for him to come back.

  A. However he is late

  B. However is he late

  C. However late he is

  D. However late is he

  19. He whispered to his wife_______ he might wake up the sleeping baby.

  A. so that

  B. on condition that

  C. for fear that

  D. so long as

  20. I don’t believe ____ he says now. He is a cheat.

  A. no matter what

  B. everything

  C. whatever

  D. how


  1-5 ABDDC


  11-15 AD CDD

  16-20 BBCCC


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