2016届高中英语短语知识点《Unit 1 Cultural Relics》学案 新人教版必修2-查字典英语网
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2016届高中英语短语知识点《Unit 1 Cultural Relics》学案 新人教版必修2

发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Book 2

  Unit 1 Cultural Relics


  1.have sth. done 请人做某事/遭遇不幸

  have sb. do


  have sb./sth. doing 让某人/某物一直持续做某事,一段时间

  2. There is no doubt that = Undoubtedly

  3. It’s no wonder that… 难怪


  1. survive

  He survived in the accident


  He survived the car accident 幸免于车祸,及物动词

  survive sb.(by...)比…活得长(几年)


  adj. 奇特的,异样的=unusual;fancy clothes:奇装异服;

  vt. 想像;爱好, 认为

  fancy (one’s) doing sth.想像(某人)做某事;

  He is the kind of person I fancy;

  fancy+ that 认为……

  n. 渴望,喜爱

  have a fancy for


  3. design n./v设计;构思

  by design(=on purpose)有意,故意

  be designed for /

  be designed to do sth.为了…

  4. prove

  (1)vt. prove sth.to sb.向某人证实某物/事

  (2)系动词: prove (to be)+ n/adj.=turn out (to be) + n/adj.证明是;结果是

  The medicine proved (to be) satisfactory

  5.belong to

  (1)belong to 不用于被动语态和进行时态。(2)belongings n.财产;所有物;

  China is a country belonging to the Third World.(此belonging作定语表主动,不是进行时态)

  6. search for:搜寻,寻找

  (1)in search of 寻找,= in one’s search for。

  (2) search somebody, 搜身,为及物动词。(3)search (+地点)for+ sb./sth: 搜寻,寻找

  They searched the village for the enemy.

  7. tell...apart, apart from, take apart

  (1)Tell A and B apart 把…区别开。=tell A from B


  A from B

  (2)apart from 除……之外,包括except, except for, besides的用法

  (3)take apart 拆开,拆散。

  8.情态动词+ have + done

  should(=ought to)have done 本该做而没做needn’t have done 本来不需要做而实际上做了could have done

  本来能够做而未做 I would like to have done…本想做而未做

  9.* 情态动词表猜测的用法

  1).must/may/might 用于肯定猜测

  can/could 用于否定或疑问猜测

  2).对现在猜测:情态动词+ do

  对过去猜测: 情态动词+have+ done

  might/could 强调语气比may/can弱,

  如; He must be at home.(对现在的肯定猜测)

  He can’t be at home(对现在的否定猜测)

  It must have rained last night.(对过去肯定猜测) It couldn’t have rained. (对过去否定猜测)

  另外:can用于肯定句强调对客观情况的猜测;Walking in the forest can be dangerous. mustn’t 表禁止

  may not 可能不

  10 in return for作为对…的回报 in turn 反过来,轮流

  by turns 轮流

  11. remain

  1)保持,仍然是(=系动词)remain seated/silent/quiet

  2)停留 I remained in London for three days.

  3)剩下 Vi

  Nothing remained after the fire ;

  remaining food (不用remained)


  remain to be seen / done

  12. consider sth. to be 认为…是…

  consider doing : 考虑做某事

  take…into consideration 考虑到

  considering 介词,考虑到

  considerate;考虑周到的,体贴的considerable; 相当多的,相当大的

  *13. worth 1). be (well) worth doing/n. 值得做某事(主动)

  be worth the trouble/effort/time/money: 付出辛苦/努力/时间/金钱是值得的


  $ 1 million worth of gold ;

  a day’s worth of petrol

  3) be worthy of sth./being done值得做某事(被动)

  = be worthy to be done

  如; The article is worthy of being studied / to be studied

  4) It is worthwhile to do /doing sth.值得做某事(主语it)

  5) worthless 无价值的,没用的



  6)worthy: 值得尊敬的; 如:my worthy teacher

  14. evidence 证据,不可数


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