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发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  写作教程 Module 6 Notices, Warnings and Instructions 选修

  写作教程 小资料 通知主要是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达事情或召开会议所用的一种文体。警告是在告知对方某些有危险性的或有不良后果的事情时所使用的一种书面表达形式。指导说明是在告知对方做一件事所采用的步骤时采用的一种书面表达形式。在格式上警告和指导说明类似于通知。只不过警告和指导说明没有确定的对象。 WRITING CONVENTIONS·写作模式

  一、根据下列提示拟写一个通知: (1)高二(5)班在本周五晚上要开个英语晚会. (2)晚饭后6∶30在教室集合,晚会7∶00开始. (3)每个同学都要表演一个节目,内容不限. (4)欢迎老师和全班同学参加. (5)下通知的时间是2011年10月15日. 例 ?写作模板 NOTICE An English evening party will be held on Friday Evening.Every one of our class is requested to be in the classroom at 6∶30 after supper.The party will begin at 7∶00 p.m..Each of the students should perform during the evening party.You may tell a story, ,sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on.All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening party. verybody is expected to attend it on time. Class 5, Grade 2 October 15, 2011

  二、根据下列提示拟写一则警告: 1.道路前方100米有塌方,禁止通行,请改换路 线. Warning! No passing.100 meters ahead the road has collapsed because of the rain and it’s unsafe to go through.Switch your way, please. 2.未经允许,不许触摸机器. ?写作模板 Warning! Don’t touch the machines without permission. 三、根据提示写一则指导说明: 为方便你校美国交换生的使用,请根据下列要点用英文为化学实验室写一则使用说明. 要点:1.须在老师指导下进行实验; 2.进入实验室前须洗手; 3.实验时注意保持实验室的整洁卫生; 4.最后一个离开的学生关灯、锁门. ?写作模板 Chemistry Laboratory Instructions Chemistry laboratory is for students to do chemistry experiments and research.To ensure students’ safety and the normal functioning of the laboratory, the following rules should be strictly obeyed. First of all, experiments can only be carried out under the teachers’ supervision.Second, make sure your hands are clean before you enter the laboratory.Unclean hands may dirty the equipment and the chemicals needed for your experiments.Third, please pay attention to the environment of the laboratory when experimenting. All rubbish and remains should be thrown into the bin behind the door.Fourth, the last one to leave the laboratory please remember to switch off the lights and lock the door. ?名师指津 1.常用词汇: ensure, safety, obey, switch off. 2.句型归纳: 1) You should follow/obey these instructions/rules. 2) Each ticket admits one adult and one child. 3) You must pay for the ...that you damaged. 4) You can only borrow two books at a time. 5)

  ...should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not above 25℃. ?文体讲解 书面通知在用书面形式表达出来时,它有自己比较固定的格式:如通知开头要有标题(通常为Notice或Announcement),标题下面是正文,正文后通常还应有发通知的单位(通常写在右下角)和写发通知的日期(通常写在左下角)等. 警告没有称呼,标题常为Warning!, 标题下面为正文,可以有落款也可没有.内容有时可仅为一句话. 指导说明通常要把标题写明(** Instructions),除标题外只有正文,正文中通常分几个步骤把操作或做事的方法说明.说明书的第一段为总则说明,交代说明书的写作对象和写作目的,然后在第二段根据要点具体说明. LANGUAGE FUNCTION·语言功能 一、通知: 1.多用将来时态(通知主要表达即将发生的事,如“某一活动将举行”常用“...will be held/given”等等). 2.多用祈使句(用于对活动参加者提出要求或注意事项). 3.多用简单句(通知的目的是把将要进行的活动及有关事项说明清楚,所以采用的句子必须简洁明了,以短句、单句为主,以便读者一目了然). 4.多用被动语态(因为通知往往注重对活动内容、对象的说明,因此句子多以事物为主,突出重点). 5.多用一些套语.如: Please be here.Be sure to be here on time./ Please be present on time./ The meeting will put off until next month. 二、指导说明: 1.指导说明的语言要客观、准确、简洁、易懂,不可因追求语言的华美生动而失实,产生误导作用. 2.被动句和祈使句常出现在指导说明中,而从句的使用不宜过多,因为结构复杂的句子易造成读者的理解困难. 3.指导说明中常出现专业术语和词汇,如名 称、型号、功能、特征、用途、注意事项等. 4.最后,衔接上下文的词汇和短语也必不可少,它们的使用可令文章连贯通顺. MODULE TASKS·模块任务 Ⅰ.写一则通知 假如你是班长,根据下面的内容和提示,写一篇100词左右的口头通知,以便向同学们宣布. 事由:欢迎澳大利亚学生来校参观. 参观时间:6月15日上午9∶00~12∶00. 参观人数:约60人. 活动安排: 1.8∶30在校门口; 2.9∶00带客人到会议室开联欢会; 3.领客人参观植物园、校办工厂; 4.11∶00在操场进行篮球比赛; 5.客人12∶00离校. 注意:1.对客人要友好; 2.要用英语交谈. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ One possible version: Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? About sixty Australian students will come to visit our school on June 15.We’ll meet them at the school gate at 8∶30.We’ll take them to the meeting-room, where a get-together will be held.After that, we’ll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory.At 11∶00 there will be a basketball match on the playground.They’ll leave our school at 12∶00. Please be friendly to them.We must talk with them in English. That’s all.Thank you. Ⅱ.写一份说明书 哈尔滨第六制药厂研制了一种新药,药品已经被外商定购.请你根据提示为该厂产品写一份使用说明书: (1)本药品为中药(traditional Chinese medicine),对肺病疗效显著. (2)常用量:每天三次,一次三粒,根据情况可以加服1~2粒. (3)服药后身体不适要停服,小孩和老人禁服. (4)本药品应存放在阴凉干燥处. (5)使用本药品要严格遵从医嘱.

  ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ One possible version: Medicine Operation Instructions, The medicine is made by the Sixth Medical Factory of Harbin.It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.It has a great effect on lung disease.Take three pills once and three times a day. One or two pills can be added according to your condition.Stop it if you feel uncomfortable after taking it.It is not suitable for children or the old people.Please strictly follow the doctor’s instructions when you take it.This medicine should be preserved in dark and dry places.


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