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发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【答案】 ①suffered serious damage  ②suffering defeat ③Suffering from a serious disease/illness ④他因粗心而遭恶果。 ⑤她童年深受苦难。 25. suggest v. ①建议[同advise] ②暗示,表明 【练习】完成句子/用所给动词的适当形式填空/单项选择 ①他建议去散散步。 He suggested a walk. =He suggest ___________________________. ②我建议取消这次会议。 I suggest calling off the meeting. =I suggest that ___________________________. ③It is suggested that the problem ________ (deal) with in other ways.

  ④His attitude suggested that he ________ (be) not interested in it.

  ⑤I suggest that he ________ (leave) early for the airport. ⑥The suggestion that the mayor ________ the prizes was accepted by everyone. A. would present B. present C. presents D. ought to present 【解析】 ①going for a walk  ②the meeting should be called off ③(should) be dealt  ④was  ⑤(should) leave ⑥B 句意:由市长颁奖的建议被每个人接受。 26. suit v. ①[T/I]适合,合适 ②[T](衣服等)合身[同fit]③[I]相称 n. [C]一套衣服 【练习】完成句子 ①他穿着一套黑西装。 He is wearing _____________________________.

  ②这个时间合适你吗? Will the time _____________________________?

  ③他使自己的演讲适合听众。 He ________ his speech ________ his audience.

  ④他适合当推销员。 He is _____________________________ a salesman.

  ⑤他适合担任这个职位吗? Is he _____________________________ the position?

  ⑥这工作与他的能力很相称。 The job ________________ his abilities.

  【答案】 ①a black suit  ②suit you  ③suited; to  ④suited to be  ⑤suited for  ⑥suits with 27. supply v. [T]供给,供应,提供[同provide] n. ①[U]供给,供应[反demand] ②[用复数] 生活用品,活动用品,供应品 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①你能提供一份客人的名单吗? Can you ______________________________ of guests?

  ②报纸每天向我们提供大量的信息。 Newspapers supply __________________ us every day.

  = Newspapers supply ________________ information every day. ③我们周末需要哪些野营用品? What kind of camping _____________ will we need for the weekend?

  ④洪水过后,食物和水很短缺。 After the flood, food and water __________________.

  ⑤We are __________ high techniques now in order to improve the quality of our products.

  A. supplied

  B. supplied with

  C. supplied for

  D. supplied to 【解析】 ①supply a list  ②lots of information to; us with lots of  ③supplies  ④were in short supply ⑤B supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. for/to sb. 向某人提供某物。本题是前者的被动形式,而后者的被动形式为sth. is supplied for/to sb.。 【练习】 用provide, supply, offer的适当形式填空/单项选择 ⑥The bank promised ________ us with money. ⑦He ________ his seat to a woman carrying a baby. ⑧All children should be grateful to their parents, who ________ them ________ food and clothes.

  A. give; to

  B. supply; to

  C. provide; with

  D. offer; with 【解析】 ⑥to provide/supply  ⑦ offered ⑧C 句意:所有的孩子都应该感谢父母,父母给他们提供了衣食。give sth. to sb. 给某人某物; supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb., provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb., offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 都有“向某人提供某物”的意思,只有C项符合搭配。 28. support v. [T]①支持,赞成,拥护 ② 资助,赞助 ③供养,抚养 ④搀扶 n.[U]①支持,赞成,拥护 ②资助,赞助 【练习】完成句子 ①我们支持他的决定。 We _____________________________ in his decision.

  ②政府赞助我校的办学费用。 Our school ______________________ the government.

  ③我求学期间由父母供养。 I ________________ my parents when I was studying.

  ④他们给了我很大的支持。 They gave me so __________________________.

  【答案】 ①supported him  ②is supported by  ③was supported by  ④much support 29. suppose v. [T]①猜想,认为 ②假定,假设 ③假如(用其动词原形或现在分词作连词使用,引导条件状语从句) 【练习】完成句子 ①我想明天不会下雨。 I ____________________________ tomorrow.

  ②我想你不是当真吧,是吗? I don't suppose you are serious, __________________?

  ③你们应该按时完成作业。 You __________________ your homework on time.

  ④你应该8点钟到的。为什么这么晚? You ___________________________ at 8:00. Why are you so late?

  ⑤我们都认为他是一个很有前途的年轻人。 We all suppose ______________________ a promising young man.

  ⑥假如下雨,我们该怎么办? ______________________________, what shall we do?

  【答案】 ①don‘t suppose it’s going to rain  ②are you ③are supposed to finish  ④were supposed to arrive/were supposed to have arrived  ⑤him to be ⑥Suppose/Supposing it rains 30. survive v. ①[T]幸免于,从……中生还(后接灾难、伤病、战争等名词)

  ②[I]幸存,活下来 【练习】完成句子 ①这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于难。 Only two passengers __________________________.

  ②他能活下来是个奇迹。 It is a miracle that ________.

  ③这座城市还保留着许多18世纪的房子。 Lots of 18th century houses _____________________.

  ④为了生存我们需要食物和水。 We need food and water for _____________________.

  【答案】 ①survived the air­crash  ②he survived ③survived in the city  ④survival 31. suspect v. [T]怀疑;猜想

  n.[C]犯罪嫌疑人 【练习】完成句子 ①汤姆怀疑玛丽拿了他的钱。 Tom suspected that Mary had taken his money. =Tom ____________________________ his money.

  ②警察认为他涉嫌那起谋杀案。 He ______________________ the murder by the police.

  ③我怀疑他是个贼。 I suspect ____________________________ a thief.

  =I suspect that _____________________________.

  ④两名与抢劫案有关的嫌疑犯今天被拘留。 ___________________ were held today in connection with the robbery.

  【答案】 ①suspected Mary of taking  ②was suspected of  ③him to be; he is a thief  ④Two suspects 32. sympathy n.[U]同情,同情心 【练习】 完成句子 ①我们都对洪灾遇难者深表同情。 We all ____________________ the victims of the flood.

  ②她同情地凝视着那些可怜的孩子。 She stared at the poor kids _____________________.

  【答案】 ①feel/show/have great sympathy for ②with sympathy * * * * 2016英语高考高频词汇精选-S(二) 18. spot v. [T] ①发现,认出[同find; recognize] ②沾上污渍,弄脏 n. [C] ①场所,地点[同place] ②斑点,斑 ③污点,污渍[同mark] 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①他登上飞往巴黎的飞机时被警方认出。 He ____________________________ by police when boarding a plane for Paris.

  ②有人发现他在街上徘徊。 He was spotted ______________________ in the street. ③警察不到10分钟就到了现场。 The police were ________________ within 10 minutes.

  ④He was fired on the spot.


  ⑤这就是事故发生的地点。 This is the very spot _________ the accident happened.

  【答案】 ①was spotted  ②wandering  ③on the spot ④他被当场解雇。 ⑤where 19. spread v. ①[I]延伸,扩展 ②[I/T](使)蔓延;(使)传染 ③[I/T]传播,传开[同get around] ④[T]展开,铺开 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①这座城市向北延伸了10英里。 The city ____________________________ the north.

  ②火从2楼蔓延到5楼。 The fire ________ the first floor ________ the fifth floor.

  ③我们把午饭摊放在草地上。 We ________ our lunch ________ the grass.

  ④The illness spread quickly in the town.


  ⑤Paper­making began in China and from here it spread to North Africa and Europe.

  造纸起源于中国,__________________________ 【答案】 ①spreads (for) ten miles to  ②spread from; to  ③spread; on ④这种疾病很快在镇里蔓延。

  ⑤从这儿传播到北非和欧洲。 20. stand v. ①[I]站,立 ②[I]立在(某处),位于,坐落 ③[I]处于某种状态(接形容词作表语)

  ④[T]使直立,竖放 ⑤[T]容忍,忍受(通常用于否定句或疑问句,不用于进行时)[同bear] n. [C] ①看台 ②摊,摊位[同stall] 【练习】完成句子 ①他无法忍受被人嘲弄。 He could not stand ____________________________.

  ②我不会再容忍他们老是打断我。 I won't stand _________________________ all the time.

  ③不管发生什么事我都支持你。 Whatever may happen,I'll _________________ you.

  ④UN代表什么? What ________ UN ________________?

  ⑤我们不能袖手旁观而让他们独自去做。 We cannot _________________________ and let them do it by themselves.

  ⑥他在集体面试中脱颖而出。 He's ________________________ in a group interview.

  【答案】 ①being made fun of  ②them/their interrupting me ③stand by  ④does; stand for  ⑤stand aside/stand by ⑥stood out 21. struggle v. ①[I]斗争,奋斗,努力[同fight] ②[I]挣扎;艰难地前进 n. [C]斗争,奋斗[同fight] 【练习】完成句子 ①他们得和各种困难作斗争。 They had to _______________ all kinds of difficulties.

  ②妇女仍在争取与男人真正平等。 Women are still _____________ true equality with men.

  ③约翰努力争取通过期末各项考试。 John ______________________ his final examinations.

  ④沿着河边散步的时候,我发现一个孩子在水中挣扎。 Walking along the river bank, I found a child ____________in the water.

  ⑤同贫困作了10年的斗争后,她总算把儿子拉扯大了。 After ten long years' _____________________ poverty she brought up her son.

  【答案】 ①struggle against  ②struggling for  ③struggled to pass  ④struggling  ⑤struggling against/with 22. subscribe v. ①[I]订阅,订购(报刊或杂志)②[T/I](定期)捐(款),捐助 【练习】 汉译英/完成句子 ①I subscribed to several magazines. _____________________________________________ ②He subscribed to local charities. _____________________________________________ ③她每月捐助医院基金100美元。 She _______________100 dollars________ the hospital fund every month.

  【答案】 ①我订阅了几份杂志。 ②他向当地的慈善团体捐款。 ③subscribes; to 23. succeed v.[I]成功[反fail] 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①据说他们的计划成功了。 It's said that their plan _______________________. ②他考试及格了。 He succeeded _______________________________. = He succeeded in ____________________________.

  = He was successful in the exam. = He was successful in ________________________. ③你只有努力才能成功。 Only ________ hard ___________________________.

  ④We all know that ________ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games turned out to be ________ great success.

  A. /; a

  B. the; /

  C. the; a

  D. a; a 【解析】 ①has succeeded  ②in the exam; passing the exam; passing the exam  ③by working; can you succeed ④C 第一空the表特指;第二空a success指成功的事,即2008年北京奥运会。 24. suffer v. ①[T]遭受,蒙受(痛苦、灾害、损失等) ②[I](因疾病、痛苦等)受苦 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①这个城市遭受了地震的严重破坏。 The city _____________________ from the earthquake.

  ②遭受失败后,他又重新振作起来。 He cheered up again after _______________________.

  ③身患重病,他下不了床。 _____________________, he is unable to get out of bed.

  ④He suffered for his carelessness. _____________________________________________

  ⑤She suffered greatly as a child.



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