If 2016 was the year facts didn't matter, when Oxford Dictionaries declared we went "post-truth", it makes sense that conspiracy theories flourished. These are some of the most outlandish (and, we feel fairly confident in saying, all untrue).
2016年,牛津字典宣布我们进入了"后真相"时代,如果今年是事实无关紧要的一年,那么阴谋论如此猖獗也就顺理成章了。以下是一些最荒诞的阴谋论 1. The Earth is flat
You might think that this one was put pretty conclusively to bed around 330BC, but it persists into 2016, championed by the radio-friendly rapper B.o.B.
The Atlanta musician resurrected the argument that the Earth may, in fact, be flat with a storm of tweets in January that seemed to lean heavily on the fact the horizon appears straight in photos ("where is the curve? please explain this").
今年1月份,来自亚特兰大的音乐人B.o.B.连发数条推特,重新提出地球可能是平的,主要的论据就是照片中的地平线看起来是直的。 Neil deGrasse Tyson's public putdown prompted B.o.B. to release a diss track, which was not very good, but did show how far the bar has fallen when it comes to prompting diss tracks these days.
奈尔•德葛拉司•泰森 That was about the last time anyone spoke of B.o.B. in 2016.
2. Taylor Swift is a satanist
Taylor Swift's similarity to the daughter of Anton Lavey, the founder of the Church of Satan, delighted social media this year, coinciding as it did with the pop star's "downfall".
这里所谓的声名狼藉是指霉霉今年因为几场撕x人设彻底坍塌。故事要从侃爷的一首歌开始。今年2月侃爷发布了新歌《Famous》,在这首歌中,他未经许可暴露了霉霉的肉体 霉霉以该曲"极其歧视女性"为由掀起骂战。并在2月的格莱美颁奖礼上含沙射影讽刺侃爷。但侃爷坚称事先就和霉霉沟通过。
无独有偶,同一时间,霉霉遭前男友卡受 这些报道让卡受怒了,他连发数条推特否认该说法,并炮轰霉霉和媒体。
3. Katy Perry is JonBenét Ramsey
This theory dates back to 2014 but resurfaced this year alongside a CBS documentary about the girl's murder.
In a video posted to YouTube, a truther refers persistently to "the Katy Perry character" ("You can see that that's just an older JonBenét Ramsey, right? You can see that") and puts forward the physical similarity between the two sets of parents as evidence ("same people").
在一段油管视频中,一个"揭露真相的人"不断提到"水果姐的特征" He then laboriously – and not entirely successfully, on a technical level- morphs Perry's face with Ramsey's.
Never mind that Perry, born in 1984, would have been 12 when Ramsey died aged six in 1996. Other YouTubers taking up the theory have pointed out that, in photos, their eyebrows look similar.
4. Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer
The theory – meme, joke, whatever – that the aspiring Republican presidential candidate was, in fact, the unknown killer operating in northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s was inescapable on social media earlier this year, and eventually made its way into the real world.
有志成为共和党总统候选人的泰德•克鲁兹实际上是上世纪60年代末及70年代初在加利福尼亚北部行凶的一名神秘杀手 In February a poll of 1,012 registered voters found 38% of Florida voters thought it was possible Cruz was the Zodiac killer.
"But not all of the evidence adds up," BuzzFeed noted astutely: Cruz was born in Canada in 1970. The earliest confirmed victims of the Zodiac killer were murdered in 1968.
5. Kylie Jenner is secretly fronting a pop band
The singer of the US pop trio Terror Jr is known only by the alias Lisa Terror, and hides her face behind her hair in promotional images. The only account the band follows on Twitter is that of Kylie Jenner: the teenage socialite/makeup mogul, a Kardashian by any other name.
凯莉•詹娜是美国三人流行组合Terror Jr的成员,她以别名丽莎•泰尔示人。她还在宣传造型中用头发遮住脸。Terror Jr在推特上唯一关注的账号就是凯莉•詹娜:年纪轻轻的社交名媛,化妆达人,卡戴珊家族的一员。
In March, Jenner featured a song by Terror Jr in a promotional video for her lip glosses; that same day, Terror Jr launched its social media presences. (As far as conspiracy theories go, this one is admittedly low stakes.)
今年3月,詹娜出现在Terror Jr宣传视频的一首歌曲中,为其唇膏做宣传。同一天,Terror Jr出现在社交媒体上。 Jenner has denied being Lisa Terror on Snapchat, but then came the smoking gun: a Twitter user apparently found her listed as a performer on the track 3 Strikes by a music licensing organisation.
詹娜在Snapchat上否认自己是丽莎•泰尔,但随后又出现了一个铁证:一名推特用户发现她被一家音乐专利授权机构列为《3 Strikes》的表演者。
The entry has since been amended, and when Teen Vogue put the theory to the band, it replied only with its trademark grape emoji. But let's be honest, it's not like a Kardashian to shy from the spotlight.
这一登记事后被人修改,当《Teen Vogue》将这则阴谋论告诉Terror Jr乐队时,Terror Jr只回复了一个他们标志性的葡萄表情符号。不过,说实在的,对聚光灯感到害羞可不是卡戴珊家族成员的风格。
6. Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau's dad
This theory emerged on Reddit after the Canadian prime minister raised eyebrows with his obituary for the "remarkable leader" on Twitter.
User George_Rockwell said Trudeau's parents had visited Cuba "on several occasions", pointing to a photograph of Margaret Trudeau "happily allowing the tyrant to hold her four-month-old baby" as evidence. (The baby was, in fact, Justin's late brother Michel. Details, details.)
红迪网用户乔治•罗克韦尔称,特鲁多的父母已经"数次"前往古巴,他给出的证据是一张玛格丽特•特鲁多"开心地让卡斯特罗抱着她四个月大的婴儿"的照片。 The Redditer also remarked on the "similar appearance" between the Canadian prime minister and the now-deceased Cuban leader, with a photograph morphing their two faces presented as "DAMNING EVIDENCE".
Trudeau subsequently defended his initial remarks on the "passing of a former head of state" but did not say whether or not he was his father.
社交媒体也迅速发酵。推特话题#特鲁多溢美之词7. Hillary Clinton is dead and was replaced by a surrogate
The theory that Hillary Clinton had died was the logical extension of rumours of her ill health, and beloved by her detractors during the US election campaign.
YouTube user "Confederate Marshell" presented "100% PROOF" that Clinton had been dead since at least 11 September this year and replaced by CGI and multiple body doubles.
油管用户"Confederate Marshell"拿出了"100%的证据"证明希拉里最晚已于今年9月11日去世,取而代之的是电脑特效和多个替身。
8. Hillary Clinton is running a child abuse ring from a pizza restaurant
You might want to be sitting down for this one: the Democratic presidential candidate and her campaign chief John Podesta are running a child sex ring from the backroom of the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Washington.
Given that the fact the restaurant has the same initials as "child pornography" is put forward as evidence by believers, the truly shocking detail of this completely baseless conspiracy theory is that even one person believed it.
Yet in early December, a 28-year-old man was driven to "self-investigate" the reports, wielding an assault rifle at a employee and firing it inside the restaurant. After his arrest Edgar Welch said he "wanted to do some good and went about it the wrong way". "I regret how I handled the situation," he added.
12月初,一名28岁的男子埃德加•韦尔奇忍不住"私自调查"起这个阴谋论,他对一名员工挥舞着突击步枪,并在店内开火。被捕后他称"自己是好心办坏事"。他还表示"对于自己的处理方式非常后悔" 。
9. Climate change is a hoax engineered by China, or maybe the UN
The president-elect of the US seems to subscribe to this one.
In 2012 Donald Trump tweeted that global warming "was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive".
He later said this was a "joke". If so, China didn't seem to think it very funny.
In Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts has suggested that climate change is in fact the work of the United Nations and called for an "Aus-exit".
10. Donald Trump is a Democratic party plant
This one, at least, we can safely disprove.
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