2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(外研版必修2)-查字典英语网
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2014届高三英语一轮单元复习训练:Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(外研版必修2)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 6 Films and TV Programmes


  1.In the meantime I can't ________(使感兴趣)you in a new car.

  2.They were still ________(争论);I could hear them down the road.

  3.She likes ________(喜剧)films.

  4.Those ________(勇敢的)people dare to challenge the difficulties.

  5.The ________(感人的)story told by the poor girl made people present decide to try to help her.

  6.Sometimes the ________(人物)the director creates are not realistic.

  7.“The Last Supper”is widely regarded as Leonardo da Vinci's________(杰作).

  8.________(偶尔)I'll have a piece of chocolate,but it's quite rare.

  9.A ________(女性的)role in a family can't be ignored.

  10.Travel will be fun and________(令人愉快的).

  答案:1.interest 2.arguing 3.comedy 4.brave 5.moving

  6.characters 7.masterpiece 8.Occasionally 9.female 10.entertaining



  ________________ years of hard work ________ made him succeed.


  Each of us ______________________ society.


  __________________________________, the restaurant was actually very nice.


  The girl feels lonely as if no one else __________________ her.


  ____________________________ that Zhao Benshan is a good actor.

  答案:1.It was; that 2.plays an important part in 3.Much to my surprise 4.cared about 5.It's generally agreed


  1.He always worked hard,but ________,he didn't pass the exam.

  A.much to our surprise B.to our great surprising

  C.to our surprise much

  D.to surprise

  答案:A 句意:他学习总是很努力,但让我们非常惊讶的是,他没有通过考试。much to one's surprise/to one's great surprise让某人非常吃惊的是。

  2.(2012·枣庄模拟)________,he went into the bar,sat down at a table and ordered two cups of coffee.

  A.Thirsty ad exhaustedly

  B.Thirsty and exhausted

  C.Thirstily and exhaustedly

  D.Thirstily and exhausted

  答案:B 考查形容词作状语。句意:他又渴又累,所以走进酒吧,坐在桌子旁点了两杯咖啡。Thirsty and exhausted相当于Because he was thirsty and exhausted,表示主语所处的一种状态。

  3.________we go off to the country to breathe fresh air and enjoy its peace.

  A.Now and then

  B.Sooner or later

  C.Step by step

  D.More or less

  答案:A 考查固定短语。now and then不时地;sooner or later迟早;step by step一步一步地;more or less或多或少。句意:我们经常到农村呼吸新鲜空气,享受农村的宁静。

  4.(2016·江西高三联考)Few people paid few attention to their health conditions ________ they were seriously ill.





  答案:C 此题考查not...until...的应用。few有否定意义。句意为:“极少数人会注意他们的健康状况,直到他们病的很厉害。”

  5.Could you tell me when the next wall paper will ________?


  B.come out


  D.carry out

  答案:B come out“出来,出版”;publish“出版”;realize“实现,领悟”;carry out“执行,完成”。句意:你能告诉我下一期墙报什么时候出版吗?若选A,要把A项改为be published。

  6.There are many ways to ________ ourselves such as listening to music, playing basketball and so on.





  答案:A 考查动词辨析。entertain“使娱乐”;support“支持,支撑,赡养”;endanger“使危险”;supply“供应”。句意:有很多方式使我们自己高兴,例如听音乐、打篮球等。

  7.They ________ him into withdrawing his complaint. Which of the following is WRONG?

  A.asked B.talked



  答案:A talk/argue/persuade sb. into doing sth.“劝服某人做某事”。所以选择A项。

  8.Tom's never willing to change his mind. It's no use ________ with him.


  B.having argued


  D.to argue

  答案:A It's no use doing sth.为固定句型,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是doing sth.。句意:汤姆从来不愿改变自己的主意,同他争论是没有用的。

  9.—Did you know any French before you arrived Paris?

  —Never ________ it, actually.

  A.have I learned

  B.I had learned

  C.had I learned

  D.I have learned

  答案:C 考查倒装句式。句意:——在你来巴黎前懂法语吗?——事实上,(在那以前)我从未学过法语。根据句意可知,本句应该用过去完成时,否定词never放在句首,后面的句子需要部分倒装。故选C。

  10.I can hardly get interested in anything about music, so I don't ________ jazz.

  A.agree with

  B.care for

  C.agree to

  D.catch up with

  答案:B 句意:我几乎对有关音乐的任何东西都不感兴趣,因此我不喜欢爵士乐。短语care for=like,意为“喜欢”,故选B。

  11.Look, how depressed he is! He's never got ________ result in his life.

  A.a bad

  B.a worse

  C.the worse

  D.the worst

  答案:B 句意:看,他是多么沮丧啊!他这一生中还从来没有得到过比这更糟的结果。这里是形容词的比较级worse和否定词never结合起来表示最高级的意思,即:这是他一生中得到的最糟的结果。

  12.And when you ________other people,they tend to think a lot for you.

  A.talk about

  B.hear about

  C.care about

  D.look about

  答案:C 考查动词短语。talk about谈论;hear about听说;care about关心;look about向四周看。句意:如果你关心他人,他们也会为你着想。

  13.It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such an outstanding ________.





  答案:D 考查名词辨析。personality个性;appearance外表;change改变;character性格,人物。句意:是那种勇气和决心使他成为如此杰出的人物。

  14.“What really ________you at that time?”he said,with an ________look on his face.





  答案:A 句意:他带着感兴趣的表情问:“在那时,什么真正使你感兴趣?”第一个interested是interest的过去式,在句中作谓语;第二个interested是形容词,表示“感兴趣的”。

  15.It is very ________to see how much strangers can care for each other.



  C.to move

  D.to be moved

  答案:B 句意:看到陌生人那么关心彼此,很令人感动。moving令人感动的。



  Based on Sue Monk Kidd's best selling novel, The Secret Life of Bees is a movie of hope and faith for even the unloved and oppressed. Just as in the book, young Lily's thoughts sound and read like poetry, from the first moment when her room fills with bees.

  The movie tells the story of the young white girl who runs away from her cruel father. Lily convinces Rosaleen, the black housekeeper to escape with her, after Rosaleen is beaten when she attempts to vote. When Lily asks Rosaleen why she risked her life standing up to the angry men who wanted to kill her, she hears “Giving in to them would be just another way of dying”.

  That's Lily's story, too.

  She finally stands up to her father. They come to Tiburon, a town whose name is written on a label from a jar belonging to her mother before her death.

  In Tiburon, there is no place where Rosaleen can eat or stay, despite the fact that President Johnson just signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

  ( It's still just a piece of paper, Rosaleen says. ) So Lily goes in to buy food for them, and sees the jar on sale. When Lily finds out it's made right there in a farmhouse, they go there and ask for help.

  The good­hearted August who runs a successful company, offers them the honeycomb to live in.

  From August, Lily learns honey business and a life lesson from the bees. She sees a world where intelligence, independence and culture are honored and rewarded. She watches Rosaleen begin to understand that the dream of freedom from oppression she gave up when she was beaten is now possible for her. It is August who helps Lily see that love is all around her and all the others.

  本文简要介绍了一部电影“The Secret Life of Bees”,讲述了在20世纪60年代美国黑人民权运动风起云涌的时期,主人公Lily和Rosaleen为争取民权和自由而奋斗的故事。

  1.The story of Lily is mainly developed by ________.

  A. time

  B. space

  C. examples

  D. comparison

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,这部电影从Lily劝说Rosaleen跟自己逃跑开始,讲述了她们在Tiburon的生活以及认识了好心的August后生活的变化。故这部电影是按照时间顺序讲述的,选A。

  2.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The movie is adapted from a novel.

  B. Lily's father treats Rosaleen cruelly.

  C. Lily's mother writes the label for her.

  D. In fact, Lily's mother is August.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,电影“The Secret Life of Bees”,是根据Sue Monk Kidd最畅销的小说改编的,A项正确。

  3.What does Rosaleen really want to get?

  A.Better pay and honey business.

  B. Equal rights and freedom.

  C. The fight to be voted as president.

  D. Enough food and houses.

  答案:B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“she attempts to vote”,以及最后一段中的“...the dream of freedom from oppression...”可知,Rosaleen向往平等的权利及自由。

  4.We can conclude that the story of Lily happened ________.

  A. in modern America

  B. in the 1960s in North America

  C. when the black owned equal rights in America

  D. before the independence of America

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中“...despite the fact that President Johnson just signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964”,可推知,事情发生在《民权法案》签署之初,即20世纪60年代的北美,B项正确。

  5.The passage is written to ________.

  A. advertise a book

  B. explain the secret of bees' life

  C. introduce a movie

  D. tell about American politics

  答案:C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了电影“The Secret Life of Bees”的主要人物和内容,故选C。


  We keep reading that TV is bad for you.If this is true,how come the current generation of TV­addicted kids is much smarter than we are?In my home,the only people who can work the remote control are the children.

  Perhaps TV does educate you.For example,you learn a useful medical fact:A_person_who_has_been_shot_always_has_time_to_ speak_an_incomplete_sentence_before_he_dies.“The killer was...”(dies)

  But I guess the biggest things we learn from TV can be regarded as“Life Skills”.Bad things only happen on dark and stormy nights.Emotional breakdowns cause people to wander in the heavy rain without umbrellas.And contrary to what scientists say,the crack(霹雳)of lightning and the accompanying flash happen at exactly the same time,wherever you are.

  I've even acquired useful geographical facts from science­fiction shows;Aliens speak English no matter which planet they come from.

  Making use of what we learn from TV can improve our security.Consider these truths.If you are ever attacked by 20 bad guys,don't worry about being outnumbered.The criminals will hang back and take turns to approach you in ones and twos just so you can conveniently defeat them all.Bad guys who are completely covered in black clothes always remove their black masks to reveal that they are in fact,aha,women.

  TV also teaches us important information about escaping from danger.Watch and learn.(1)If anyone is running after you down a passage,you will find that boxes have been conveniently placed near all the walls you need to jump over.(2)If you are tall and handsome,you can run from any number of armed criminals,and every shot will miss you.

  Be warned,however.If your name card says“henchman”(帮凶)and you are part of a group of plain­looking people trying to catch a handsome individual,a single shot will kill you.But don't be anxious:TV also delivers useful information for bad guys.All cars are inflammable(易燃的)and have amazing shock absorbers that enable them to fly into the air and land without damage-except police cars.

  TV even teaches about TV.Whenever anyone turns on a TV,it shows a news flash about someone they know.They then turn the box off immediately after that news item.

  6.By saying“A person who has been shot always has time to speak an incomplete sentence before he dies”(Paragraph 2),the writer shows his ________.



  C.deep concern

  D.medical knowledge

  答案:A 推理判断题。作者说影视剧里面人临死前都有时间说一句不完整的话可以教我们懂得一个医疗常识,实际上是幽默了我们一下。故答案为A。

  7.We can infer from Paragraph 3 that in the real world ________.

  A.bad things cause people to break down in the rain

  B.bad things never happen on dark and stormy nights

  C.people with emotional problems like to walk in the rain without umbrellas

  D.the crack of lightning and the accompanying flash don't happen at the same time

  答案:D 推理判断题。由该段中的And contrary to what scientists say,the crack(霹雳)of lightning and the accompanying flash happen at exactly the same time可知答案为D项。

  8.On TV what usually happens when a person turns it on?

  A.The news shown is always about someone the person knows.

  B.The person always turns off the TV when it's time for news.

  C.The program shown is always about the importance of TV.

  D.TV always shows news about famous people.

  答案:A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的Whenever anyone turns on a TV,it shows a news flash about someone they know.可知答案为A项。

  9.What's the main idea of this passage?

  A.Life skills can be learned from TV.

  B.TV plays an important role in society.

  C.Watching TV makes people more creative.

  D.What happens in TV is very different from reality.

  答案:D 主旨大意题。文章中列举了大量的事实,都是在说明很多影视节目中的情节是违反现实生活常识的。故答案为D项。


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