2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练必修1 Unit2(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练必修1 Unit2(北师大版)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Unit 2

  Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1. A severe head (injure)left the fighter unconscious for three days.

  2. Ten mentally _______ (disable)workers in a factory were treated badly.

  3. I don’t agree with her, but I _______ (admiration)her for sticking to her principles.

  4. All his life he has been _______ (struggle)with illness.

  5. You should keep _____ (calm)even in face of danger.

  6. We cannot read a man’s _______ (characteristic)at the first glance.

  7. In my opinion, Mary is _____ (equally)to Bill in brains.

  8. _______ (fortunate), the man found the money that he’d lost.

  9. These young men _______ (competition)for the silver medal.

  10. I’m _______ (confidence)that he can do the job well, for he is an able man.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. It’s reported that many countries in the worldChina’s great development in the past twenty years.

  A. admire

  B. accept

  C. admit

  D. afford

  2. Jack is very _______ to enter a university he loves, and what’s more he wins a scholarship.

  A. calm

  B. fortunate

  C. keen

  D. confident

  3. However hard I tried to explain it to her, she just couldn’t understand. I found her impossible to _______.

  A. get over

  B. get along with

  C. get through

  D. get to

  4. [2012沈阳模拟]—It really makes my blood boil when this sort of thing happens.

  —. It’s passed anyway.

  A. Take care

  B. That’s a pity

  C. No problem

  D. Calm down

  5. We _______ the cake _______ ten parts, and each of us took one share.

  A. divided; from

  B. separated; from

  C. divided; into

  D. separated; by

  6. The basketball star will miss the rest of the NBA playoffs _______ a broken left leg.

  A. because of

  B. because

  C. in case of

  D. in spite of

  7. One of my classmates accidentally _______ he had cheated in the last examination, or he wouldn’t have got so high a mark.

  A. pointed out

  B. let out

  C. took out

  D. tried out

  8.[2012吉安模拟]Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair is alsoof Swedish people.

  A. specific

  B. special

  C. characteristic

  D. particular

  9. We hold these truths to be self-evident:

  that all men are created _______ and should be treated _______.

  A. equal; equally

  B. equally; equally

  C. equally; equal

  D. equal; equal

  10. [2012黄冈模拟]Leave it to me!

  I feel moreabout myself and my abilities these days.

  A. confident

  B. curious

  C. sensitive

  D. worried

  11. Several companies are _______ each other _______ a contract.

  A. competing against; for

  B. competed in; with

  C. compete with; against

  D. competing with; to

  12. What you said just now did _______ her a lot. She felt very sad.

  A. injure

  B. damage

  C. wound

  D. hurt

  13. On the Eve of the Spring Festival, parents always _______ lucky money to their children.

  A. give up

  B. give in

  C. give out

  D. give off

  14. [2012三明模拟]the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve people’s life.

  A. As

  B. With

  C. While

  D. If

  15. Last year a ship was sailing normally on Arabian Sea _______ some pirates appeared and hijacked it.

  A. unless

  B. until

  C. while

  D. when

  Ⅲ. 课文填词

  As we all know,

  it was Yang Liwei that China’s first manned spaceship,


  Shenzhou V,

  carried into space. He felt the high gravity while the spaceship was 2. ______ (发射)off. He spoke with ground control in Gansu in the spaceship’s sixth circling the earth as 3.

  as speaking to his families. Yang Liwei expressed the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space 4. ______ (和平地).


  landed safely,

  he was interviewed,

  6. t

  the reporters that

  7. _______ the ship came back into the earth’s atmosphere,

  its surface was

  8. ______ (发光) red.

  There’s no doubt 9.

  millions of people witnessed the successful landing. Yang Liwei smiled and waved to the crowds,

  thinking 21 hours in 10. s

  was too short.


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