China's top Internet regulator released a cyberspace security strategy on Tuesday, advocating peace, security, openness, cooperation and order.
The government will guarantee cyberspace sovereignty and national security, protect information infrastructure and act against cyber terror and crimes, according to the strategy released by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC).
网络空间(cybersapce)在维基百科上的定义是:the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs(计算机网络通讯发生的理论环境),通俗一点来说,网络空间是信息时代人们赖以生存的信息环境,是所有信息系统的集合。
网络空间安全(cyberspace security/cyber security)自然就是计算机网络通讯发生的环境安全,具体来说包括,硬件和软件系统安全(system security),网络安全(network security),信息传播安全(information transmission security),信息内容安全(information security)等几个方面。
坚定捍卫网络空间主权 guarantee cyberspace sovereignty
坚决维护国家安全 safeguard national security
保护关键信息基础设施 protect key information infrastructure
加强网络文化建设 strengthen cyberculture construction
打击网络恐怖和违法犯罪 crack down on cyber terror and crimes
完善网络治理体系 improve cyber management system
夯实网络安全基础 consolidate the foundation of cyber security
提升网络空间防护能力 improve cyberspace defense capability
强化网络空间国际合作 boost cyberspace international cooperation
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