福建省2014高考英语一轮复习 作业手册(7)(含解析)新人教版-查字典英语网
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福建省2014高考英语一轮复习 作业手册(7)(含解析)新人教版

发布时间:2016-12-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  课时作业(七) [必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games]

  (限时:35分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空

  Dodo is a fish.She is not a(n)__1__fish, though.She has learned to swim through hoops and tubes and even put small basketball into a goal.

  It all__2__when Andy, a diver, brought a fish back his home.Soon he noticed that the fish would react to his movements whenever he came near the tank.So he decided to__3__Dodo.He used technique which worked for other__4__like dogs and tigers.

  “I wanted to show that fish can be__5__animals, not just tasty food, ”said Andy.

  He__6__a variety of kits (成套用具) and put weights on the tiny net and ball so they would__7__to the bottom of the tank.

  At first Dodo earned a food__8__every time she swam to the net.The fish liked the treat, so she learned to repeat such an action to get__9__treat.Once Dodo learned to do towards the net, Andy added a new step: ball handling.__10__Dodo learned to push a ball into a goal.However, it may__11__Andy three weeks, including five or six training sections a day, to teach Dodo to swim through a hoop.

  Andy__12__up a website and so many people asked him questions__13__training fish that he started Fish School, a__14__that sells fish­training manuals (指南) and kits.He has lots of fun as well as making__15__from training the fish.

  【文章大意】 本文主要阐述潜水员Andy对一条鱼进行训练, 结果不仅获得了乐趣, 而且获得了可观的经济效益.





  解析: 选C. formal正式的;normal正常的;ordinary普通的, 一般的;unusual不寻常的.





  解析: 选A. 介绍事情的来龙去脉, 故用start.





  解析: 选B. 从下一句的“used technique”可知是“训练”这条鱼.

  4.A. pets




  解析: 选B. 从空格后表示列举说明的内容like dogs and tigers, 可知是动物.





  解析: 选D. 从下文的结局可知这条鱼带来了好处, 故选褒义词, 表示“有趣的(事物)”.





  解析: 选A. “kits(成套用具)”应该是买来的. 最后一段提到Andy训练这条鱼成功后自己制造kits卖给别人, 是对此处“买”这种行为的呼应.





  解析: 选C. fall实物从高处落下;drop水滴滴落;sink to沉到某处;lag落后.





  解析: 选D. 根据语境, Dodo每次努力靠近球网就得到“报酬, 酬劳”. 干扰项B.payment意为: 付款, 报答.




  D.beautiful解析: 选A. 由本句的liked the treat及repeat可知是“额外的”款待.





  解析: 选B. 此句的“learned to学会了……”暗示了句子开头缺少表示结果的副词.





  解析: 选D. 固定句型: it takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事.





  解析: 选C. look up查询;pick up捡起, 顺便搭载;stand up站起来. set up建立(网站, 公司, 机构等), 符合题意.





  解析: 选D. 此处意为“这么多人问到关于训练鱼的问题”. A和B选项与介词to搭配;C项join为“连接”之意, 不符合题意.





  解析: 选D. 由“Fish School”及“sells”可以推测Andy开了一间带有商业性质的“养鱼培训学校”, 最符合词义的是business公司, 企业.





  解析: 选A. 此处指“从训练鱼中赚钱”, 并没有提及是“美元”还是“英镑”. Ⅰ.单项填空________ charge of this company, which was in ________ charge of Mr. Wang.

  A.the; the

  B./; //

  D./; the________

  A.What did you say?

  B.I beg your pardon?

  D.I didn't get it on earth.,it is now generally admitted________I don't think Hippomenes ________ winning the race because he cheated the princess in the race.





  5.Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help ________since the organization was built.

  A.has offered

  B.had been offered

  C.have been offered

  D.is offered

  6.This advice is of some value, I think. It deserves ________.

  A.being considered

  B.to be considered

  C.to consider


  7.The employees have not been paid________since the new manager took over this company last year.





  8.With the mid­term examination approaching,students should________rgetic.

  A.work out

  B.pull out

  C.give out

  D.figure out

  9.Under good treatment, she is beginning to ________ and will soon come back to work.

  A.wake up

  B.grow up

  C.pick up

  D.show uphe ________ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.



  C.had better


  11.—What do you think of store shopping in the future?

  —Personally,I think it will exist along with home shopping but________would never be replaced

  12.My brother was against my suggestion while my sister was________it.

  A.in honor of

  B.in search of

  C.in favor of

  D.in charge of

  13.In many states of America, a neighbor may ________ you with playing your radio too loudly.





  14.In this list, two names ________ particularly.

  A.stand for

  B.stand by

  C.stand out

  D.stand up

  15.________the danger from the enemy action,people had to deal with a severe shortage of food,clothing,fuel and almost everything.阅读理解Canterbury is an independent, coeducational secondary school. There are currently 791 pupils on the school roll(名单). The school has a long and distinguished history, and it is also one of the oldest charities in the country, providing scholarships to pupils and organizing a Charity of the Term.

  The curriculum(课程) at King's is based on strong academic roots. It emphasizes and relies upon what is best in traditional independent school education: scholarly excellence supported by a caring and tutorial system, and a wide­ranging co­curricular programme. However, it is continually adapting and reacting to the changing demands of modern education: new subjects are added, new teaching techniques are adopted, and there is an increasing awareness of the need to provide programmes of study that match individual needs and skills.

  The curriculum is divided into three units: the Lower School(Year 9 ), an introductory year; the Middle School(Years 10 and 11 ), working to GCSEs; and the Sixth Form(Years 12 and 13), taking AS and A levels.

  Full details can be found in: Shell Guide and Handbook; Middle School Academic Guide 2009—2011; Middle School Academic Guide 2010—2012; Sixth Form Guide 2009—2011 and Sixth Form Guide 2010—2012.

  Formal and structured educational support, for those who need it, is available at all levels. The well­stocked library is open 7 days and 6 evenings per week. ICT facilities (including the Internet) are available for all and the whole school(studies within the houses as well as classrooms) is extensively networked.

  Pupils are offered extensive career advice throughout their time at King's. Almost all go to university, either immediately or following a GAP year. The most popular university destinations are Cambridge, Bristol, Nottingham, Durham, Leeds, Oxford, Edinburgh, Manchester, and University College, London.

  Director of Studies: Geoff Cocksworth: grc @ kings璼chool.co.uk

  Examinations Officer: uElaine McDowell: eam @ kings璼chool. co. uk.

  Click here for more information.

  t16.The best title of the passage might be ________.

  A.The King's School

  B.The Curriculum in Britain

  C.New Teaching Techniques

  D.British Education System

  17.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.The King's School, Canterbury is a famous high school in Britain.

  B.The curriculum at King's is best in traditional and modern education.

  C.All pupils of the school go to university immediately after they graduate.

  D.Pupils' dormitories as well as classrooms are provided with network.

  18.The following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that________.

  A.the King's School focuses on pupils' individual development

  B.pupils in the King's School who pass GCSEs will go to university

  C.pupils in the King's School have an easy access to the school library

  D.pupils in the King's School receive good education

  19.The passage is probably taken from a ________.


  B.websitethough. The scientists suggest that the change in the Midwest climate may have happened because of farming.

  The first study was led by David Changnon, a climatologist(气候学家) at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.Changnon and his team studied temperature records from the sites in the Midwest. They found that since 1970, the average temperature in the region during July and August has gone down—by up to one degree Fahrenheit(华氏度)—from what it was during the years between 1930 and 1969. Their investigation also showed that the average rainfall in those states during those two months has increased. Between 1970 and 2009, about 0.33 inch more rain fell than between 1930 and 1969.These_changes may be connected by humidity(湿度), Changnon says. Humidity is the measure of how much moisture is in the air. Humid air, which contains a lot of moisture,takes longer to heat up than dry air, Changnon notes. And humid air often releases its moisture through rainfall.

  So where did the extra moisture in the air come from?Changnon points to farms in the region. As plants grow, they pull moisture from the ground and release it into the air. And among plants, soybeans (大豆) and corn plants release a lot of moisture. Midwestern farms now plant more soybeans and corn than in the past, with 97 percent of farmland today planted with these two crops. In the 1930s, corn and soybeans covered only about 57 percent, Changnon says. He also notes that the plants are planted closer together now than they used to be, so there are more plants per acre than in the past.

  The second study, like Changnon's, also found an increase in rainfall in the same area. But it points to another possible source for the increased moisture. Alan Robock at Rutgers University was part of the team that produced the second study and presented the group's findings. The team found that irrigation practices in the Great Plains have changed over the years. The researchers studied a vast area in the region. They found that in 1930, farmers in that region irrigated only about 1.8 million acres of farmland. In 1980, however, farmers irrigated nearly 15 million acres. Plants use the water and then release it into the air.

  These results by Changnon and Robock and their colleagues are the first step toward understanding a change in the weather.

  20.What does the underlined term “These changes” refer to?

  A.Lower temperatures and more rainfall.

  B.Higher temperatures and higher humidity.

  C.Making a record both in the past and now.

  D.The two periods of the 40­year investigation.

  21.Which of the following could be the possible sources for the increased moisture in the US Midwest?

  A.Scientists' research and farmers' attention.

  B.Less farmland and more plants.

  C.More plants and irrigation practices.

  D.Natural reservoirs and underground rivers.

  22.The studies show that in America's Midwest,________g higher and higher

  B.more and more farmland has been deserted

  C.the amount of rain is closely related to the temperature

  D.summers are now cooler and wetter than they were in years past

  23.According to the passage, irrigating more and more plants means ________.

  A.making more space for farms and buildings

  B.making more and more water into the air, and thus causing more rain

  C.more farms depending on water­saving systems

  D.using plants to change the climate

  Ⅲ.短文填词a Kenyan athlete 24.n________ Kip Keino competed in the 15,000 meters running race. At that time, he was very ill and ________ great pain. Although he had reached the standard for the final of the race, he decided at first 26.________ to take part. However, just before the race was going to start, he changed his 27.________. He ran from his room and 28.a________ at the race track a few minutes before the race was about to begin. 29.________ (令人惊讶地), he won the race, finishing well ahead of everyone else and showing what ________ (真正的) courage and perseverance can achieve. It was no ________ that he became the only Kenyan sportsman ever to appear on the 32.c________ of the world famous sports magazine Sports Illustrated and he was 33.a________ by people all over the world.



   take charge of 主管;in the charge of sb“由某人主管”通常由物作主语,而in charge of通常由人作主语。 考查情景交际。I beg your pardon? “请再说一遍,好吗?”当没有听清对方的话,要求再说一遍时的礼貌用语。3.C 考查非谓语动词。admit doing“承认做了……”;admit to be…“承认是……”。由句意“——他们说你昨晚错过了一个重要的约会。——事实上,如今人们公认那是个错误。”可知,应选C项。第二句意义上相当于people admitted that it was a mistake。 考查动词辨析。deserve“应得到”,符合题意。reserve 预订; preserve 保存; respond 响应,回应。 考查主谓一致。当主语后面与with, as well as, but, except, like, besides, including等与名词或代词连用时, 谓语动词与第一个主语保持一致,即在本题中与Large quantities of information保持一致。a large quantity of /large quantities of 后既可以加不可数名词也可以加复数名词,其谓语动词与quantity的数保持一致。由此可以排除A和D。since 引C项。 考查deserve的用法。deserve to be done 相当于 deserve doing 意为“值得被做”。 考查副词辨析。regularly 定期地。句意:自从去年新经理接手这个公司以来就没有按时付过雇工们的工资。 考查动词短语辨析。work out 此处可意为“锻炼 pull out驶出;give out 用完;figure out 计算出。 考查动词短语辨析。pick up 好转,康复,符合句意。句意:在良好的治疗下,她开始康复,很快就会回来工作了。wake up 醒来; grow up 长大; show up 出现。 考查情态动词。句意:他在那里的时候,每天下班后总是去拐角处的那家咖啡店。 would意为“过去常常”;should意为“应该”;had better意为“最好”;might意为“也许”,故A项正确。 考查动词的时态和语态。由句意“……我认为它(商店购物)将会与家庭购物并存但不会被取代”可知应用一般将来时态的被动语态。 考查介词短语辨析。A项意为“为了表示对某人的敬意”;B项意为“寻找;搜查”;C项意为“支持”;D项意为“管理”。句意:我哥哥反对我的建议,而我姐姐支持我的建议。 考查动词词义辨析。charge sb with (doing) sth“指控、控告某人(做了)某事”,是固定词组。而blame sb for (doing) sth“责备某人(做了)某事”;punish sb for (doing) sth“惩罚某人(做了)某事”;scold sb for (doing) sth“斥责某人(做了)某事”。 考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“代表;象征”;B项意为“旁观;站在一边”;stand out意为“显眼;突出”;stand up意为“站起来”。句意 考查短语辨析。A项意为“一……就……”;B项意为“只要”;C项意为“就……所知;据……”;D项意为“与……一样;也”。句意:人们不但面临敌人活动的危险,还要应对食物、衣物、燃料甚至所有东西严重短缺的问题。本文是对一所学校的介绍,包括学校概况、课程设置、教学设施、毕业生去向以及联系方式等。 主旨大意题。文章第一段的第一 细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“Almost all go to university,either immediately or following a GAP year.”可知并非所有的学生毕业后立即去上大学。 推理判断题。根据第三段中的内容可知学生通过GCSEs后,需要进入下一阶段(the Sixth Form)的学习,并不能马上去上大学。 推理判断题。文章最后的“Click here for more information.”意思是“点击此处获取更多信息”,由此可知本文出自一个“网站”。这是一篇科普类说明文。全球变暖是一个不争的事实,然而在美国中西部地区人们却感受不到这种变化,这是为什么呢? 代词指代题。上文中提到1970年以来,七月和八月的平均温度比1930年到1969年这段时间下降了1华氏度,而平均降雨量增加了0.33英寸。由此可知“These changes”指的是:温度降低,降雨量增多。 细节理解题。根据第三段内容和第四段中的第二、四句话和最后一句可知空气湿度增加的原因是C项。 推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,近四十年美国中西部地区七月和八月的平均气温比前四十年的平均气温要低1华氏度,而降雨量多0.33英寸。由此可知D项正确。 细节理解题。根据第四段中的Plants use the water and then release it into the air.可知,植物吸收灌溉的水,然后再将水释放到空气中,从而形成降雨。 25.in 26.not 27.mind 28.arrived 30.true 31.wonder 32.cover


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