湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (57)-查字典英语网
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湖南省汝城二中2014届高考英语一轮复习阅读训练 (57)

发布时间:2016-12-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A 本文词数:260参考时间:1'50''

  The study conducted by a credit card company earlier this year shows that in Taiwan, people under the age of 30 are most willing to set aside money for their savings. The same study also finds that single consumers are more willing to save money than their married counterparts.

  MasterCard International conducted its latest survey by analysing consumers’tendency to save. The company interviewed 10,920 people working in 24 different markets. The study found that 63 percent of people below the age of 30 had plans to increase their savings rate —the highest of all age groups. Furthermore, single consumers (53 percent) trumped1 those who were married (28 percent) in their tendency to save, a trend consistent with findings in the Asia region.

  Single, young adults may be more willing to plan ahead for future spending, according to the MasterCard study, especially when it comes to the high costs of "investments"and "overseas travel", two of the three most popular things that survey participants listed as reasons to save.

  The high numbers representing the tendency to save may also convey Taiwan consumers’lack of security and trust in the area’s economic future, according to the study. A reason listed by consumers for their saving habits is one of caution about an unpredictable situation. A reported 96 percent of consumers in India are said to have precautionary2 savings, while 76 percent of Taiwan consumers have similar plans.

  Aside from precautionary savings, investments (55 percent), retirement (55 percent) and real estate (48 percent) are also main motives to save for Taiwan consumers. Notes:

  1. trump v.胜过;打败

  2. precautionary adj.预防的 词数:117 处理时间:1'40'' Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. 1. The author’s attitude towards young adults’money-saving is ______.

  A. approving

  B. positive

  C. doubtful

  D. not mentioned

  2. The author mentioned India in this article to show that ______.

  A. the habit of saving money exists in the Asia region

  B. Taiwan consumers are more likely to

  spend money

  C. India’s economic situation is worse than that of the Taiwan area

  D. few young men in the Taiwan area have savings compared with India

  3. According to the passage, single, young adults save money mainly because ___.

  A. they have a tendency to save money

  B. it is a popular trend in the Asia region

  C. they need to build a sense of security

  D. they spend more money than other age groups

  Section B

  本文词数:285参考时间:2'20'' The traditional model of professional success in America was based on a "Company Man"in the 1950s, which mainly referred to a white, male, corporate climber with a wife at home. Fast forward to 2011. Women now make up 51 percent of the total US workforce. Last year, the number of working mothers as sole family breadwinners hit a record high. As a result, many working mothers are starting to think that this outdated career template* needs a change. Lisa Depew, 34, was an engineer for Intel Corporation when her first son arrived in 2005. She took five months off to be with her son, thanks to family leave and an earned holiday, and then she intended to work a part-time schedule. She later had another child, and as her children got older, she requested a three-and-a- half-day schedule and eventually moved to a 40-hour week, with Mondays working at home. She is now the technical leader for tools and technology services in the sales and marketing group at Intel. "Could my career have advanced faster? Probably,"said Depew. "But would I have changed anything? No." A growing number of working mothers are defining success on their own terms, and they’ve made job decisions based on their family —something which would have doomed most corporate climbers in the past —it works for them. Tricia Kagerer, 45, negotiated with a construction company to work flexible hours so she could pick up and look after her children at school and day care. She is now the vice president of risk management for the firm. "When they offered me the job, I was clear that my kids come first,"said Kagerer, whose children are 11 and 14. Note:*


  n.模板 词数:182 处理时间:2'15'' Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. 1. In the 1950s, a woman was mostly regarded as a ______.

  A. housewife

  B. breadwinner

  C. useless person

  D. corporate climber

  2. What can we learn about Lisa Depew? A. She doesn’t like to do a full-time job.

  B. She doesn’t think very highly of her successful career.

  C. She has to raise two children alone because her husband has left her.

  D. She chose to work part-time so that she could look after her children.

  3. According to the fourth paragraph, we can learn that ______.

  A. it is hard for a woman to be as successful as a man

  B. it is the company that decides who can be promoted

  C. having family is no longer a block in working mothers’careers now

  D. fewer and fewer women are making job decisions based on their family

  4. What does the passage seem to suggest? A. Working mothers must keep a balance between family and work.

  B. Working mothers should work without considering their family.

  C. Working mothers should go back to their family and be housewives.

  D. It is easy for working mothers to keep a balance between family and work.


  词数:370参考时间:5'15'' Directions:

  Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading fromA-Ffor each paragraph.There is one extra heading which you do not need.

  A. The current situation of sugar consumption

  B. Reasons behind trying a sugar fast1

  C. Benefits of sugar and its wise use

  D. Introduction to an activity that my family had been participating in

  E. The significance of a sugar fast

  F. Difficulty in eating sugar-free

  1. __________________The idea of giving up sugar for a week was practically a sudden wish. My family had been participating in a year-long challenge called "Know More Do More". The idea behind KMDM is to help parents and show them easy ways to take charge of their family’s health.

  2. __________________We were one of two families who had promised to take a special "tip"out of a glass jar each week to do something to improve our lives. However, one day, my husband, Mark, and I decided to make up our own tip. We thought that a sugar fast might be a neat thing to try. The basic idea was to get the whole family into the habit of reading labels, looking for hidden sugar, eating more thoughtfully and really thinking about the food choices that we made. My daughters were the main reason I wanted to try this experiment. Our collective2 sweet tooth had been out of control for quite some time. Before, chocolate and candy used to be considered as treats, but they had been made cheap and plentiful. Sweet treats had become an everyday food, not an occasional food.

  3. __________________For the purposes of our sugar fast, "sugar-free"meant that we had to avoid sugar. It turned out to be a little more complicated than replacing after-dinner sweets with fruit and popcorn. It wasn’t until I went grocery shopping that I realised how much of the food we bought contained sugar.

  4. __________________Sugar is often referred to as the No. 1 food additive3. It’s in hundreds of packaged goods. We have all become major consumers of sweet-tasting food. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the consumption of artificial sweeteners4 is on the rise. In 2000, each American consumed an average 152 pounds of artificial sweeteners.

  5. __________________The sugar fast was an enormous education tool and challenge for us, one that was much harder than I had expected. One of my daughter’s school friends joined her in the last days of our sugar fast. She asked her parents to pack sugar-free lunches. I think children are more than capable of going sugar-free, and also, they’re smarter than we think. I think that is the best lesson of all. Notes:

  1. fast


  2. collective


  3. additive


  4. sweetener


  阅读参考答案          SectionA:1-3 DACSectionB:1-4 ADCA读写任务:1. D 2. B 3. F 4. A 5. E


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