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发布时间:2016-12-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编











  1. Whais the woman doing?

  A. Ordering a pizza in a restaurant.

  B. Picking up a pizza she ordered.

  C. Ordering a pizza on the phone.

  2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. A trip

  B. A film

  C. A festival

  3. When might the speakers leave for the party?

  A. At 6:20

  B. At 6:30

  C. At 6:40

  4. What may have happened to the books?

  A. The woman's sister forgot to mail them.

  B. They were delivered to the wrong address.

  C. The post office lost them.

  5. What do we know about the woman?

  A. She is being fired.

  B. She will be given an other job.

  C. She always came to work on time.







  6.Where does the No. 60 bus go?

  A. To the train station

  B. To the stadium

  C. To the museum

  7.What will the man do next?

  A. Take the No.60 bus.

  B. Take the No.56 bus.

  C. Take the No.88 bus.听下面7段对话,回答第8至9题。

  8. How did the man feel about the woman's idea at first?

  A. It was easy.

  B. It was creative.

  C. It was impractical.

  9. Why does the woman ask the man to keep her dish a secret?

  A. She hasn't prepared it well.

  B. She wants it to be special.

  C. She doesn't have faith in the man.

  听下面 8段对话,回答第10至 12题。

  10. What was the woman's cousin doing six months ago?

  A. Studying at a university

  B. Travelling around England

  C. Working at a hotel

  11. What does the woman think of her cousin's job?

  A. It was a great experience.

  B. It was a good way to meet famous people.

  C. It was tiring.

  12. Why is the woman a bit annoyed with the man?

  A. He only cares about business.

  B. He only wants to talk about famous people.

  C. He is always showing off.

  听下面 9段对话,回答第 13至 16题.

  13. What happened to the woman?

  A. She hurt her arm in an accident.

  B. She hurt her leg three months ago.

  C. She lost one arm in an accident.

  14. What made the woman excited this morning?

  A. She could lift heavy bags.

  B. She only had a mild pain.

  C. She made tea for herself.

  15. What does Dr. Prescott say about the woman's recovery?

  A. She is going better faster than he expected.

  B. She is completely fine now.

  C. She still needs to take medicine every day.

  16. What will the woman do next?

  A. Get some new medication(药).

  B. Talk to the receptionist.

  C. Schedule an appointment for tomorrow.

  听下面 10段对话,回答第 17至 20题.

  17. What is true about the incident in Ningbo?

  A. The driver of the car was badly injured.

  B. People had to cut the car apart to save the driver.

  C. A big tree fell down due to the typhoon.

  18. When did the volcano in New Zealand last erupt?

  A. About 100 years ago.

  B. About half a century ago.

  C. About 30 years ago.

  19. What kind of weather is forecast for southern Ontario?

  A. Heavy snow.

  B. Heavy rain.

  C. Dense fog.

  20. What are drivers advised to do in Ontario?

  A. Turn their headlights on.

  B. Drive at a slow speed.

  C. Wait at the side of the road.





  21. Interstellar directed by Christopher Nolan is

  most touching movie that I

  have seen and I really want to see it for

  second time.

  A. a; the

  B. the; the

  C. the; a

  D. a; a

  22. ---I feel so nervous about the coming final exam.



  A. Glad to hear that

  B. Take it easy

  C. Sounds great

  D. I really envy you

  23. It is said that people are

  likely to tell lies over the phone as they are in emails.

  A. as twice

  B. twice as

  C. twice more

  D. twice than

  24. The temperature will drop sharply next week, when a snowstorm

  to hit this area.

  A. expects

  B. will expect

  C. is expected

  D. will be expected

  25. It remains to be seen

  the operation was successful.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. whether

  26. While he majored in philosophy and literature, he has no passion in


  A. every

  B. either

  C. both

  D. neither

  27. Brown has already won the first prize in the contest

  his wildest dream.

  A. beyond

  B. at

  C. within

  D. upon

  28. It is nearly 400 years

  Harvard University was founded.

  A. when

  B. since

  C. before

  D. after

  29. Although

  ,the athletes were not discouraged but practiced harder.

  A. beating

  B. beaten

  C. being beaten

  D. having beaten


  was the force of the explosion that windows were blown out.

  A. That

  B. This

  C. So

  D. Such

  31. But for your help, we

  the project in time,

  A. couldn't complete

  B. wouldn't complete

  C. hadn't completed

  D. wouldn't have completed

  32.Iam very grateful to Mr. Brown, without

  help I wouldn't be so excellent.

  A. who

  B. whom

  C. that

  D. whose

  33. It was not until you are fully devoted to your study

  you will achieve success.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. where

  D. before

  34. ---I hate to say it, but could you move a little bit?

  ---Sorry. I

  that I was blocking your way.

  A. didn't realize

  B. don't realize

  C. wasn't realizing

  D. haven't realized

  35. ---Can you lend mea couple of dollars? I am a little short.


  . I am running out of money.

  A. No problem

  B. Forget it

  C. All right

  D. No wonder

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)




  the carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a

  rough first day on the job. A flat tire on the way to my house made him



  hour of work, his electric saw quit and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start,

  so 1 offered him a


  .While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.

  On arriving, he


  me to meet his family. As we walked together toward

  his house, he stopped at a small tree by the front door, touching the tips of the

  branches with both hands.

  The moment he opened the door, I noticed an amazing


  in him. His eyes

  lit up and he ran to his two small children


  and hugged them and gave his

  wife a kiss.

  After leaving the joyful family, I passed the tree and my


  got the better

  of me, so I asked, "before we went in the house, why did you


  by the tree?"

  "Oh, that's my trouble tree." he replied, "I know I can't__43

  having worries

  both on the job and in my life, but those


  don't belong in the house with my

  wife and children. I know I can


  one thing for sure, so every night before I

  walk into my home I hang them up on the tree,

  "Funny thing is," he


  . "when I come out in the morning to pick them up,

  there aren't nearly as

  4 7

  as I remember putting up the night before."

  36. A. lose

  B. save

  C. expect

  D. spend

  37. A. tip

  B. ride

  C. car

  D. coffee

  38. A. convinced

  B. requested

  C. reminded

  D. invited

  39. A. thought

  B. house

  C. change

  D. experience

  40. A. willingly

  B. quietly

  C. naturally

  D. cheerfully

  41. A. sympathy

  B. curiosity

  C. pride

  D. satisfaction

  42. A. pray

  B. bend

  C. pause

  D. concentrate

  43. A. delay

  B. help

  C. appreciate

  D. allow

  44. A. problems

  B. jobs

  C. facts

  D. duties

  45. A. stress

  B. replace

  C. learn

  D. control

  46. A. admitted

  B. signed

  C. trembled

  D. smiled

  47. A. many

  B. good

  C. interesting

  D. soon


  A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully, and before it blossomed, he


  it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom and also the thorns(刺). And he

  thought, "How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many

  sharp thorns?"


  by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it

  was ready to bloom, it died.


  it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God-like

  qualities planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at

  ourselves and see


  the thorns, the defects. We despair, thinking that nothing

  good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and

  eventually it dies. We never realize our _ 52


  Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to

  them. One of the greatest gifts a person can


  is to be able to reach past the

  thorns and find the rose within others. This is the

  54 _ of love, to look at a person,

  and knowing his faults, recognize the nobility in his soul, and help him realize that he

  can overcome his faults. If we show him the rose, he will


  the thorns. Then

  will he blossom, blooming forth thirty, sixty, a hundred-fold as it is given to him.

  48. A. conducted

  B. examined

  C. smelled

  D. tasted

  49. A. Softened

  B. Strengthened

  C. Saddened

  D. Lightened

  50. A. Yet

  B. For

  C. So

  D. Or

  51. A. only

  B. even

  C. hardly

  D. possibly

  52. A. potential

  B. courage

  C. wisdom

  D. hope

  53. A. imagine

  B. recognize

  C. appreciate

  D. possess

  54. A. passion

  B. trick

  C. cause

  D. secret

  55. A. strike

  B. conquer

  C. reject

  D. ignore





  I was five in the evening and I was cooking dinner when I noticed the house had

  gotten quiet. I wiped off my hands and thought to myself, "What is Serena up to?" My

  youngest Serena was full of energy, and curious about everything. She was always on

  the move and a quiet house was not normal for us. When I passed the front door and

  saw it was partially open, my heart sank, and panic set in. At that moment everything

  became a blur(模糊),one moment I'm cooking dinner and the next, doctors are

  rushing Serena off to the emergency room.

  I felt out of control, we didn't belong here. I wanted to take Serena home. I

  bargained, promised, and prayed with god. We waited 2 hours, before two physicians

  came to the doorway. Their arms were crossed, and they were noticeably

  uncomfortable. "I'm very sorry we did all we could, but it just wasn't enough." they

  said. I went home and became a stranger in my own life. I felt guilty, angry, lost, sad,

  and empty.

  Serena's death was a hard lesson. I realized my life had slowly moved off course.

  I had become lost in the corporate world, The things that were most important to me,

  family time, developing my hobby, and making a difference in the world, were taking

  a back seat to my career. That's why I made a decision to quit my job, took all the

  experiences and skills I had learned and became an entrepreneur(创业者). Now, my

  oldest daughter, Elena and I are passionate about helping women realize their dreams.

  Our mission is to help you use the power of telling your story to share your passions

  and gifts with the world.

  56. The writer felt it

  that the house had became quiet.

  A. satisfied

  B. terrified

  C. disappointed

  D. strange

  57. The first paragraph suggests that Serena


  A. was a rather naughty girl

  B. had a terrible accident

  C. was anxious about everything

  D. enjoyed moving things around

  58. "The corporate world" is the last paragraph refers to


  A. work

  B. loneliness

  C. sadness

  D. housework

  59. Which of the following might be the main idea of the story?

  A. Life is full of possibilities.

  B. Death is part of our existence.

  C. Accidents do happen in our life.

  D. Hold fast to what you care.


  Insead College is a highly valued provider offering officially-recognized degree

  programs all over the world, aimed to equip students with a high-quality mixed

  learning MBA program and personal coaching to help them to become top-class


  Unique Skills

  Students will benefit from 20 years of soft skills training experience from Insead,

  the leading soft skills training institute in Europe. To become a successful manager,

  theory alone is not enough, and being able to put theory into practice is more

  important today than ever before. With the Insead College MBA program you will

  have the unique opportunity to develop such soft skills as organizing skills, leadership

  skills, and communication skills.

  Living In Study Weeks

  At Insead College, students, tutors and coaches meet each other online. But there

  is also the opportunity for students to study face to face by way of two Living In

  Study Weeks. One week will be held in New York and the other week in London.

  Therefore, you can choose when to participate, depending on the progress of your

  study. In the Living In Weeks, cooperation between students will be an important

  element, Students will work together on real company cases. During the living in

  weeks, students will be supervised by a professional trainer.

  Living In Study Weeks are a compulsory part of the program and the costs of the

  weeks are covered by your tuition.

  The fee includes the study weeks' housing, food and participation but not the costs

  of travel.

  Studying Flexibility

  Insead College introduces a new way of learning. Students will study online

  through InseadCollege.com and interact via rich social media, which allows busy

  working professionals like you to study a world class MBA degree anytime, anywhere

  at any pace.

  60. Most Insead College graduates will work in the field of


  A. arts

  B. education

  C. business

  D. medicine

  61. When to take part in Living in Study Weeks is


  A. flexible

  B. compulsory

  C. inconvenient

  D. unimportant

  62. If you attend Living in Study weeks, you will have to pay for


  your tuition.

  A. housing

  B. travel costs

  C. meals

  D. participation fees

  63. The purpose of the passage is to


  A. stress the importance of lnsead College online education

  B. equip students with a high-quality learning MBA program

  C. attract professionals to study MBA program of lnsead College

  D. introduce the benefits of the officially-recognized degree programs


  Making decisions when shopping is often a tough call. Even if you're satisfied

  with the first dress you try on, would you go on looking for alternatives?

  Psychology researchers have studied how people make decisions and concluded

  there are two basic styles. "Maximizers" like to take their time and weigh a wide

  range of options - sometimes every possible one - before choosing. "Satisficers"

  (combination of the word "satisfice" and "satisfy") would rather be fast than


  "Maximizers are people who want the best. Satisficers are people who want good

  enough," Barry Schwartz, a professor said. In 2014, he and his colleagues followed

  548 job-seeking college seniors at 11 schools; they found that the maximizers landed

  better jobs. Their starting salaries were, on average, 20 percent higher than those of

  the satisficers, but they felt worse about their jobs. "The maxinuzer is kicking himself

  because he can't examine every option and at some point had to just pick something,"

  Schwartz says. "Maximizers make good decisions and end up feeling bad about them.

  Satisficers make good decisions and end up feeling good."

  Satisficers also have high standards, but they are happier than maximizers, he gays.

  Maximizers tend to be more depressed and to report a lower satisfaction with life, his

  research found.

  Faced with so many choices in our lives, we need to learn how not to waste time

  and energy on our decision-making, says Jane C. Hu in Slate online magazine.

  64. What is the inappropriate description of a maximizer in the passage?

  A. They will spend a large amount of time choosing among numerous options.

  B. They are capable of hunting for a better job and receiving a higher salary.

  C. They can make good decisions and never feel any regrets about them.

  D. They are more likely to get involved in a frustrating situation.

  65. According to the text, the satisficers are happier because


  A. they keep a positive attitude

  B. they are born optimistic

  C. they have a lower standard towards life

  D. they are unable to examine every choices

  66. What will the following paragraph talk about?

  A. decreasing your range of options for a decision.

  B. cheering yourself up before reaching a decision

  C. setting practical standards for satisfaction.

  D. avoiding the influence of others when making decisions.

  67. The passage is mainly developed by


  A. showing examples

  B. making comparison

  C. analyzing causes

  D. following the time order


  We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of

  instant(速溶) coffee. When it was introduced, most people did not like it as well as

  "regular" coffee, and it took several years to gain general acceptance (introduction

  stage). At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity, and many

  brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth). After a while, people became

  attached to one brand and sales leveled off (stage of maturity). Sales went into a slight

  decrease when freeze dried coffees were introduced (stage of decline).

  The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: Different stages in

  the product life cycle call for different strategies. The goal is to extend product life so

  that sales and profits do not drop. One strategy is called market modification. It means

  that marketing managers look for new users and market sections. Did you know, for

  example, that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally

  designed for the soldiers?

  Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present

  customers or going for a different market, such as senior citizens. A marketer may

  re-position the product to appeal to new market sections.

  Another product extension strategy is called product modification. It involves

  changing product quality, features, or style to attract new users or more usage from

  present users. American auto manufacturers are using quality improvement as one

  way to regain world markets. Note, also, how auto manufacturers once changed styles

  eagerly from year to year to keep demand from falling.

  68. The first paragraph tells us that a new product is


  A. not easily accepted by the public

  B. often of poorer quality compared with old ones

  C. often more expensive than old ones

  D. usually introduced to satisfy different tastes

  69. Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to


  A. promote its production

  B. work out marketing plans

  C. speed up its life cycle

  D. increase its popularity

  70. The author mentions the example of "backpacks" (Para.2) to show the importance of


  A. pleasing the young as well as the old

  B. increasing usage among students

  C. exploring new market sections

  D. finding creative product designers

  71. In order to attract more consumers, U.S. auto makers are


  A. modernizing product style

  B. increasing product features

  C. developing products of better quality

  D. re-positioning their product in the market


  Get to work punctually, always busy and completely devoted to your work. You

  may do all these things at the office, and more. But when it comes to getting ahead,

  experts say, it is politics, or rather office politics that counts.

  Dale Carnegie suggested as much more than 50 years ago: "Hard work alone

  doesn't ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your

  ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes:' Yet, despite the obvious rewards of

  engaging in office politics-a better job, a promotion, praise-many people are still

  unable-or unwilling-to "play the game."

  "People assume that office politics involves some manipulative(有心计的)

  behavior," says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Holster

  College. "But "politics" derives "P" from the word 6polite'. It can mean lobbying and

  forming associations. It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please

  your superior, and then expecting something in return."

  In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue

  one's own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some form of

  socializing within the office environment-not just in large companies, but in small

  workplaces as well.

  "The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on a

  consistent basis," says Neil P Lewis, a management psychologist. "But if two or

  three candidates are up for a promotion, each of whom has reasonably similar ability,

  a manager is going to promote the person he or she likes best. It's simple human


  Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the

  concept of politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of

  work and what it takes to succeed. Still others associate politics with flattery(奉承),

  fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their

  boss for favors.

  So it is urgent to alter this negative picture by recognizing the need for some


  72. Office politics is used in the passage to refer to


  A. the standard of behavior for office workers

  B. the political views and beliefs of office workers

  C. the interpersonal relationships within a company

  D. the various qualities required for a successful career

  73. Why are many people unwilling to "play the game"?

  A. They believe that doing so is not practical.

  B. They feel that such behavior is not moral.

  C. They are not good at forming associations.

  D. They think their efforts will not pay off.

  74. The author considers office politics to be


  A. unwelcome among workers at the workplace.

  B. bad for interpersonal relationships among staff

  C. essential to the development of company culture.

  D. important for personal promotion.

  75. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Self-promotion doesn't necessarily mean manipulative behaviors.

  B. Speaking up for oneself is part of human nature.

  C. Many employees fail to recognize the need of flattery.

  D. Hard work contributes considerably to one's promotion.





  We all know that“sticks and stones may break our bones”,but we should also be

  aware that words can hurt people, too.

















  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


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