福建省闽清高级中学等四校2014-2015高二上学期期中联考英语试卷 Word版含答案-查字典英语网
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福建省闽清高级中学等四校2014-2015高二上学期期中联考英语试卷 Word版含答案

发布时间:2016-12-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  【说明】 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷 (选择题,共15分)


  第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共45分)




  76.你的任务是把词语更换一下让句子有意义。(make sense)

  77..这些行为与他的原则是一致的。(be consistent with)

  78.我当众表达意见十分谨慎。(be cautious about)

  79.她总是对一切很乐观,哪怕身处逆境。(be optimistic about)

  80.彼得失业已经半年了,因此他想在这家公司申请一份工作。(apply for)

  第二节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  Dear friends,

  I’m sorry to hear that an earthquake hit your home town.

  Faced with such a disaster,you remain so c  and


  strong-willed   we are all moved to tears.A friend 82.  

  in   is a friend indeed.Thinking about


  your  (目前)situation,we cannot wait a minute


  to   every effort to help you.On behalf of all my classmates,I,


  as the chairman of the Students’Union,will  (表达)our 86.  

  most sincere pity and care for you.B ,we have made a


  donation of 80 thousand yuan to you,h  that it can


  help you go through the  (困难).A better hometown


  can be rebuilt.Therefore,never   up whatever happens.


  Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  第三节 书面表达(满分25分)


  大约90%认为不该涨价 10%认为可以适当涨价



  3.涨价会增加人们的经济负担。 1.景点建设及维护费用增加;




  2.词汇:景点scenery spot;维护maintenance。


  Last week my class had a heated discussion about whether prices of scenery spots should be raised.The students held different opinions about it.


  联考试卷参考答案 分值: 150分

  第卷 (选择题,共15分)


  1—5BCABA 6—10BCCAC

  11—15ACCBB 16—20ACACA







  36-40 ACCBC

  41-45 DCDCA

  46-50 DBCAC

  51-55 BCCAD





  71-75 CBBCB

  76.Your task is to change words so that the sentence makes sense.

  77.These actions are consistent with his principles. 

  78.I’m very cautious about expressing my opinion in public. 

  79.She is always optimistic about everything in spite of being in trouble. 

  80.Peter has been out of work for half a year,so he wants to apply for a job in this company


  81.calm 82.that 83.need 84.present 85.make 86.express 87.Besides 88.hoping 89.difficulty 90.give第节:书面表达(满分25分)


  Last week my class had a heated discussion about whether prices of scenery spots should be raised.The students held different opinions about it.

  About 90 percent of the students think it is not right to raise the prices of some scenery spots.They think those places are public resources,which should be shared by more people.If the prices go up too much,people will have to pay more money.Maybe some people can’t afford it.

  However,10 percent of the students think that it is acceptable to raise the prices a little.For one thing,construction and maintenance of scenery sports need more money.For another,raising prices can be an effective way of avoiding too many tourists rushing there in peak time.That may cause some damage to scenery spots.

  From my point of view,there is a balanced way that can be considered—raise prices during holidays and lower prices in other time.


  Text 1

  W: Let’s not invite Joe to the party; he’s such a cold fish that he’ll spoil it for everybody else.

  M: You’ve got a point there.

  Text 2

  W: Could you turn off the alarm? I’m too tired to get up.

  M: But you said you would go to the airport to see a friend off this morning.

  Text 3

  W: Honey, I need a new pair of shoes.

  M: Shoes? Maybe we’ll need to buy another cupboard, too.

  W: I know, but I have no shoes to match my new dress.

  Text 4

  W: Do you walk to work every day?

  M: No, it’s too far to walk.There is a bus going right by my house. But when it rains or when the bus is crowded, I do wish I had a car.

  Text 5

  W: I can’t believe we have another report due so soon.Dr.Smith must think that we don’t have any other classes.

  M: I know just what you mean.I’ll be really pressed to get it done.

  Text 6

  M: Can I have two glasses of beer, please?

  W: Sure… ⑥That’s $14.5.

  M: Thank you.

  W: And here is your change.

  M: Thanks.Er, how much did I give you? I think you’ve made a mistake.

  W: Sorry?

  M: I think you must have made a mistake.⑥I gave you $20, but you’ve given me change for $6.5.

  W: ⑦Oh, I’m so sorry about that.

  M: Thanks.

  Text 7

  W: My grandfather hasn’t been too well lately.

  M: Oh dear.I’m sorry to hear that.

  W: He’s 79.Don’t you think he should slow down a bit at his age?

  M: Absolutely.

  W: But he won’t listen to me.He says he wants to enjoy his life to the full.

  M: Fair enough.

  W: Last summer he went on a twoweek cycling holiday in France.⑧Last winter he attended a skiing contest.

  M: You are kidding.I can’t believe it.

  W: ⑨We’re going to give him a big party for his 80th birthday.

  M: That’s great.

  W: But before that, I’m going to have a word with him and tell him to take things easy.

  M: Good for you.

  Text 8

  W: ⑩Have you heard about Sam in Class Two?

  M: No, I haven’t.

  W: Well, I haven’t spoken to him myself, but, apparently, (11)he was caught cheating in his math exam.

  M: No kidding! I can’t believe that.Does he have a problem with math?

  W: No.Actually, math is his best subject.

  M: Really? So why would he cheat? He doesn’t need to.

  W: Exactly.And anyway, Sam’s not the type to cheat.

  M: He must be very upset.

  W: Yeah. (12)He’s seeing the principal this afternoon. Obviously, he’s going to deny it completely.

  M: Well, hopefully, the principal will believe him.Let me know what happens.

  W: I will.Personally, I think he’ll be OK.

  M: I hope you’re right.See you later.

  Text 9

  M: Now, where am I staying in Barcelona?

  W: (13)I’ve booked you out in the Sky Palace, just at the airport terminal.

  M: Sky Palace? Wasn’t it possible to get me into Barcelona Hotel as usual?

  W: Well, Barcelona Hotel would have involved much more traveling for you. (13)The company you’re visiting is located near the airport.

  M: Oh, I see.Yes, fine. (14)Have you got the hotel’s phone number?

  W: Oh, no, but I’ll get it for you from the travel agency.And at the next stop, you’ve been booked into the Larval Hotel in Brussels.

  M: The Larval? I’ve already stayed there twice and found it rather depressing.Is it possible to change the hotel?

  W: Of course.I will do my best. (15)Oh, the last stop, London.

  M: OK.When everything is settled, (16)I will ask my wife to meet me at the Heathrow Airport. Is there anything else?

  W: If possible, I will ask them to send the tickets up before we close today.That’s all in order now.

  Text 10

  W: And now here’s the news about our latest competition.You won’t believe what we’re offering you this month.As this is International Year of the Family, you have the chance to win a wonderful family holiday in Jamaica. (17)All you have to do is to take a photograph which shows your family life. It could be children with their parents or their grandparents or whatever you wish.You don’t have to have taken it on holiday of course. (18)Now, the lucky winner has the chance to spend two weeks at Silver Sands Bay in Jamaica. Two weeks of beautiful beaches, sunshine, plenty for everyone to do. There are watersports,children’s entertainment and everything else is included.That’s everything—food as well. Now, the second prize is a camera worth £500 and that’s certainly worth having for any holiday coming up.So send us your photograph—in colour or black and white—by August 31st. That’s the closing date for entries, and listen to this programme to see if you’ve won or not. (19)We will be announcing the winners on September 15th. Now, you must be over 18 years of age.I’m sorry, kids, but you’ll have a chance next month in your super sports competition! Send your lucky photograph to us at DCM Radio, 25 East Hill, Brighton, Sussex. (20)And don’t forget to write your name and address on the back of the photo. We can’t return any photos, I’m afraid, so make sure that you’ve got another copy if it’s your favourite hobby


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