Bob Dylan's words say "I accept my Nobel Prize in literature" but his actions say "leave me alone, Sweden." A few weeks ago we rejoiced when Dylan added a one-line acknowledgement of his Nobel Prize to his website—prematurely, as it turned out, because a week later the acknowledgement had disappeared. Now, in an interview with The Telegraph, Dylan says he plans to attend the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony on December 10.
"Absolutely," Dylan told reporter Edna Gundersen, "if it's at all possible." Dylan's response represents a shift in the right direction from a few weeks ago (one Swedish Academy director said they had "stopped trying" to contact Dylan). The 75-year-old also told Gundersen that winning the prize is "amazing." I'm sure the Swedish Academy will be pleased to hear that while Dylan is not overly enthused, he at least does not actively resent the award. We fully expect to see him at the ceremony.
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