1. 长征
the Long March
A convention was held on Friday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. President Xi Jinping has hailed the Long March as a "stately monument" in the history of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
习近平在讲话中称,长征(the Long March)是中国共产党和中国革命事业从挫折走向胜利的伟大转折(a remarkable turning point - from setbacks to victory - for the Communist Party of China and China's revolutionary cause),中国共产党从此开始为实现民族独立、人民解放而斗争(launch the struggle for national independence and the liberation of the people)。
习近平表示,长征是一次寻求理想信念、检验真理、开拓创新的"伟大远征"(a "great expedition" to seek ideal and faith, test truth, and break new ground)。长征的胜利标志着中国共产党人的方向道路(orientation and path)和理想信念的胜利。长征的胜利,使我们党进一步认识到,只有把马克思列宁主义基本原理同中国革命具体实际结合起来(combine the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism with the real conditions of China's revolution),独立自主解决中国革命的重大问题,才能把革命事业引向胜利。
习近平称,长征精神(the Long March spirit)就是把全国人民和中华民族的根本利益看得高于一切,坚持独立自主、实事求是(seek truth from the facts)、顾全大局(bear in mind the overall interests)、紧紧依靠人民群众,同人民群众生死相依、患难与共(rely firmly on the masses and go through thick and thin together with them)。
革命事业 revolutionary cause
第五次反围剿 the fifth anti-encirclement campaign
战略大转移 strategic transfer
红军三大主力会师 union of the three red armies
革命老区 old revolutionary base areas
2. 全面改善关系
full improvement of ties
President Xi Jinping and visiting Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday agreed that the two countries will properly handle differences and achieve full improvement of bilateral ties.
习近平指出,中菲是隔海相望的近邻(neighbors across the sea),虽然两国关系经历过风风雨雨(go through twists and turns),但中菲友谊的基石和合作的愿望未曾改变(the foundation of the China-Philippines friendship and the willingness to cooperate remain unchanged)。
习近平就中菲关系未来发展提出四点建议(put forward four proposals):加强政治互信(cement political trust);开展务实合作(advance substantial cooperation);推动民间往来(promote people-to-people exchanges);加强地区和多边事务合作(strengthen cooperation in regional and multilateral affairs)。
此次访问是杜特尔特首次以菲律宾总统的身份访问中国,两国共签署了价值超过135亿美元的双边合作文件。杜特尔特称"这是中菲关系的春天(the springtime of Beijing-Manila relationship)",他相信此次访问将造福两国人民(benefit the two peoples)。前段时间,中菲关系因菲律宾前任总统阿基诺三世发起的南海仲裁案(the South China Sea arbitration case)跌入冰点。
受欢迎的转变 welcome U-turn
敌视和对抗 hostility and confrontation
对话和协商 dialogue and consultation
坦诚的交流 candid exchanges
在……的框架内 under the framework of
政治智慧 political wisdom
3. 自动对接
automatic docking
The successful automatic docking of China's Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft with Tiangong-2 space lab Wednesday takes China one step closer to its dream of building a space station.
17日清晨7时30分,神舟十一号载人飞船(Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft)在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心(the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center)搭载长征2F运载火箭(carrier rocket)发射升空(blast/lift off)。约575秒后神舟十一号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道(enter its designated/preset orbit),顺利将景海鹏、陈冬2名航天员送入太空。
19日凌晨3时31分,神舟十一号与天宫二号空间实验室(Tiangong-2 space lab)实现自动对接。交会对接(rendezvous and docking)后,航天员打开天宫二号的舱门(open the hatch of Tiangong-2),顺利进入空间实验室。对接(docking)是指两个以上航天器(spacecraft)在指定的轨道上按预定的时间和空间相会,相会后连接成一个整体。
两名航天员计划在天宫二号驻留30天(stay in Tiangong-2 for 30 days),加上独立飞行的3天,总飞行时间增加到33天,是我国持续时间最长的一次载人飞行任务(the longest-ever manned spaceflight mission)。本次任务的主要目的是对空间站(space station)运行轨道的交会对接和载人飞船返回、航天员太空中期驻留(mid-term space stay)等进行验证,从而为未来空间站建设铺路(pave the way for the building of a space station in the future)。目前,航天员景海鹏、陈冬状态良好(be in good condition),已顺利度过失重适应期(be well-adapted to weightlessness)。
载人航天工程 manned space program
永久载人空间站 permanent manned space station
自动/手控交会对接 automatic/manual-control rendezvous and docking
月球车 lunar/moon rover
火星探测器 Mars probe
太空垃圾 space junk/debris
4. 流动人口
migrant population
According to an official report, China's migrant population reached 247m in 2015, accounting for 18% of China's overall population. This means that one in six people in China migrated from one place to another.
国家卫计委(the National Health and Family Planning Commission)日前发布的《中国流动人口发展报告2016》(the 2016 Report on China's Migrant Population Development)显示,未来10年至20年,我国仍处于城镇化(urbanization)快速发展阶段,按照《国家新型城镇化规划》的进程,2020年我国仍有2亿以上的流动人口。
报告发现,我国流动人口的平均年龄(average age of the migrants)明显上升。去年流动人口的平均年龄为29.3岁,较2014年增加了1.4岁。流动人口的收入也有明显增长,2015年流动人口平均月收入为4598元(the average monthly wage of migrants stood at RMB4,598 in 2015),比2014年增长19%。东南沿海仍是跨省流动人口(inter-provincial migrant population)的主要目的地,中部和西部地区省内流动农民工(rural workers migrating within a province/intra-provincial migrant rural workers)比例将不断增加。
报告指出,我国流动老人(older migrants)规模不断增长,占流动人口总量的7.2%,年龄中位数(median age)为64岁。照顾晚辈(look after children or grandchildren)、养老(senior/elderly care)与就业构成老人流动的三大原因。据国家卫计委人口流动司司长王谦介绍,我国人口迁移流动已经进入到以家庭化迁移(household migration)为主要特征的阶段。在这样的情况下,流动老人的数量不断地增加是大趋势。
人口老龄化 population ageing
人口红利 demographic dividend
劳动年龄人口 working-age population
农村留守老人/儿童 left-behind seniors/children in rural areas
国内人口迁移 internal migration
国际人口迁移 external/international migration
生育率 fertility rate
5. 互联网保险
online insurance
China's online insurance market has a bright future as the user base expands fast.
蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)与第一财经商业数据中心(CBNData)发布的报告显示,我国通过互联网平台购买保险的投保人数量达3.3亿(330m policyholders buy insurance through Internet platforms),较上一年增长42.5%,已经是股民的3倍、基民的1.5倍。其中,"80后"和"90后"占八成(those born in the 1980s and 1990s accounted for 80%),是互联网保民的绝对主力。
从投保人群来看,有娃群体的投保意向更强(be more likely to buy insurance)。报告称,有孩子的夫妇投保意外险(accident insurance)的意愿是没孩子夫妇的2.6倍;其投保健康险和车险(health insurance and car insurance)的意愿分别是没孩子夫妇的2.4倍和6.7倍。报告称,90后对保险政策的认知度比80后高(the post-1990s' awareness to insurance policies is more than the post-1980s)。未来,90后的互联网保险需求将超越80后。
从区域分布来看,与很多互联网金融服务(online financial services)类似,目前,互联网保户多来自于人口基数相对较大、经济发达的区域(developed areas)。报告显示,广东、江苏、浙江、山东、河南、四川、福建、北京和河北是互联网保民(Internet insurance users)数量排名靠前的省市。
互联网基金 Internet fund
家财险 family property insurance
海外投资险 overseas investment insurance
生育险 maternity insurance
人寿险 life insurance
重疾险 critical illness insurance
6. 空气净化器
air purifier
One-quarter of air purifiers sold on the domestic market are substandard, according to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.
今年上半年(in the first half of this year),国家质检总局(the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, AQSIQ)对56家企业生产的61批次空气净化器(61 batches of air purifiers)进行抽查,发现14家企业生产的15批次产品不合格(15 batches of products were substandard),产品抽查合格率(qualification ratio)为75.4%。广东净霸、上海新松电子等国内企业生产的净化器因甲醛(methanol)净化能效、噪音不达标准被列为不合格产品。
这是国家质检总局首次针对空气净化器进行全国性质量检查(this is the first time that the AQSIQ has organized a national quality inspection aimed at air purifiers),覆盖了多数业内知名品牌(cover most well-known brands available in the industry),抽查企业数将近全国生产企业总数的1/5。
近年来,随着人们对空气净化器需求的增长,制造商的数量也随之有所增加(with increasing demand for air purifiers in recent years, the number of producers has also risen)。今年上半年,中国空气净化器总销量为450万台,比2015年同期增长了58%。
空气净化 air purification
污染物 pollutant
空气过滤口罩 air filtration face mask
工业粉尘 industrial dust
细颗粒物 PM2.5/fine particles
空气质量监测 air quality monitoring
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