关键词: linsanity linsensational lincredible
linspiration thrillin linmania linvincible linstigator
他有多“牛 ( lin-sanity)相信同学们都已知道,但是今天让我们换个角度来看“林疯狂--- Linsanity!
口语学习误区一:口语就是把中文思维翻译成英语!--- translation works?
真的是这样吗?我们不妨一起来做几个翻译练习,看看你的英语用词native speaker的有什么不同。
练习1:媒体采访林书豪,说奥巴马(Obama)总统也是你的粉丝了,你对这么多人喜欢你有什么感想。林书豪说他很荣欣,愧不敢当,感觉有些受宠若惊。你会怎么用英语表达呢?思考3秒钟,来看一下Jeremy Lin(林书豪)的原话。
Lin said he was “very honored and very humbled to hear it. “I mean, wow, the president, he said. “Nothing better than that. And I'm a little overwhelmed right now, Lin said with a smile. --- CBS的报导,你会想到用humbled (愧不敢当)和overwhelmed (受宠若惊的)这两个单词吗?
练习2:媒体采访科比(Kobe Bryant-湖人队著名球星),问他对林书豪的看法,Kobe说林书豪的成功是林坚持不懈和努力的结果,你会怎么用英语表达呢?思考3秒钟,来看一下Kobe的原话。
“It's a testament to perseverance and hard work and I think a good example for kids everywhere. Bryant said. ---- ESPN的报导,你会想到用testament (见证)这个单词吗?
练习3:媒体赛后采访德安东尼(D'Antoni –纽约尼克斯的教练),问他对林书豪场上表现的评价,德安东尼说林有组织后卫的头脑,你会怎么用英语表达呢?思考3秒钟,来看一下D'Antoni的原话。
“I just thought that he has a point-guard mentality, D'Antoni said, looking back. “He can get to the basket. He didn't finish well. But you could see the pick-and-roll, or at least penetration, getting the ball into the paint. --- New York Times的报导,你会想到用mentality (头脑)这个单词吗?
口语学习误区二:用词越难越好!--- beefing up the sentence?
最近,有位学生和我说他迷上了美剧“生活大爆炸(the big bang theory),因为他觉得里面三个主人公的英语口语词汇超牛,有很多他以前背过的“BIG WORDS,他希望自己的英语口语可以和他们说的一样。
这样真的合适吗?和这部美剧里的主人公一样,林书豪也是名校毕业的“nerd (书呆子)但他的口语词汇非但不难,简直就是小学词汇,我们先来看一段林书豪的答记者问。
Asked to address those fans, Lin said: “My whole thing, as I try to live my life, is just to have fun, explore your opportunities, your dreams and find something you're passionate about and just go after it. I think that's true for kids, whether they play basketball or they want to do whatever they want to do. So hopefully, I can be an inspiration to them. --- New York Times的报导
Tips:口语词汇最关键的是地道自然,不要为了难而难,否则影响考官理解,反而得不偿失。其实“生活大爆炸(the big bang theory)中的三个人并非“正常人,诚然他们的口语是高分的,但并不适合我们同学去模仿,林书豪的口语才是我们应该参考并且可以达到的模板。
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