国内英语资讯:Macao people can make the city a better place: Premier Li-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Macao people can make the city a better place: Premier Li

发布时间:2016-10-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday met with some 150 representatives from all walks of life in Macao, calling on the Macao people to work harder to make the city a better place.

Li praised Macao's outstanding achievements in recent years, saying they prove the strong vitality of the "one country, two systems" principle and crediting the Special Administrative Region (SAR) government's administration in accordance with the law and the hard work of Macao's citizens.

"The central government fully acknowledges this," the premier said.

Li called on Macao to meet the requirements set by President Xi Jinping during an inspection tour in 2014. The central government hopes Macao will continue to adhere to the "one country, two systems" principle, as well as to "Macao people administering Macao," a high degree of autonomy and the Basic Law, Li said.

"I hope Macao citizens love both the motherland and their own city and will be open-minded and united and forge ahead to make Macao a better place," the premier said.

Li said the central government will continue to support Macao's development and has formulated 19 new supportive measures to promote a more diversified economy and sustainable development in Macao.

These measures include backing Macao in developing tourism, conventions and exhibitions, establishing a renminbi clearing center for Portuguese-speaking countries, developing cross-border e-commerce, smart city building, technological innovation, health care and the marine economy.

Li urged the SAR government to continue to put the people first, make scientific policies, and give top priority to people's well-being. He also encouraged people from all sectors to focus on major issues in the development of Macao and support the local government to administer in line with the law.

After the event, Li met with officials in charge of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the Macao SAR government as well as from the liaison office of the central government in Macao and heads of major Chinese-funded enterprises there.

Speaking at the airport as he left Macao later Wednesday morning, Li said the three-day tour fulfilled his expectations and he is confident Macao will have a more promising future through opening up to the world and integrating with the mainland.


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