Political leaders in Colombia are looking for a way forward after voters unexpectedly rejected a peace deal with leftist FARC rebels that would have ended a 52-year-old war.
President Juan Manuel Santos plans to meet Monday with all political parties and has ordered his negotiators to return to Havana, Cuba, where four years of peace talks had taken place.
Voters narrowly rejected the deal 50.2 percent to 49.7, or by a margin of just 54,000 votes. Public opinion polls going into Sunday's voting forecast the referendum would pass by a two-to-one margin.
Santos and rebel leaders are vowing to push ahead with the peace process, though it is unclear how they can save the deal since there appears to be no plan B.
选民们星期天以百分之50.2比 49.7的微弱多数,也就是仅以5万4千张选票的优势,拒绝了这项协议。投票前的民调预测,公投将以二比一的优势获得通过。