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发布时间:2016-09-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编
2016年9月4日下午,二十国集团杭州峰会开幕,习近平主席致开幕辞。今年G20峰会的主题是“构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济”(building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world),习近平主席的演讲也以此为题,阐述了世界主要经济体面临的问题,指出世界经济正处于“关键当口”,并且开出了标本兼治的“药方”。这样的国际性重要会议,外国媒体自然是要追踪报道的。那么,在峰会开幕以后,外国媒体的报道都关注哪些内容呢?我们一起跟大家浏览一下,读这些报道摘录的同时,记得学习相关的语言表达哦。CNNChinese leader Xi: G20 must 'blaze a new trail' on trade习近平:G20需为全球贸易“开辟新道路”Xi told the gathering of world leaders from the nation's 20 largest economies that their countries need to "enhance mutual understanding" in order to face a "crucial juncture for the world economy."习近平对G20峰会的与会领导人说,各国需要“增进相互理解”,以面对“世界经济的关键当口”。"The world today is undergoing profound changes never seen before," he said. "It's imperative we blaze a new trail to bring an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy and a new round of robust growth."他说:“当今全球正经历着从未有过的深刻变革。我们要为世界经济开辟新道路,构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济,为世界经济迎来新一轮增长和繁荣打下坚实基础。”He added that "growth drivers from the previous round of technological progress are gradually fading, while a new round of technological and industrial revolution has yet to gain momentum," according to Reuters, and Xi asked the G20 leaders to be an "action team, instead of a talk shop."据路透社报道,习近平补充说:“上一轮科技进步带来的增长动能逐渐衰减,新一轮科技和产业革命尚未形成势头。”他还说,我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。Language tips:Blaze的本来含义中,有“在树皮上刻痕指示(道路)”之意,而“trail”就是痕迹的意思,blaze the trail就是在荆棘中找到了路,是个习语,意思就是开了先河,奠定了基础等。“开辟了新的道路”就可以用blaze a new trail来表示。Crucial juncture用来形容事情进展到了一个“关键时刻”,比如:At this crucial juncture he lost his head and made a serious mistake.(就在这关键时刻,他头脑发昏,犯了严重的错误。)习近平指出,我们需要通过各自行动和集体合力,直面问题,共寻答案,构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济(innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy)。Talk shop除了指“清谈馆”,还常用来指“说行话,三句话不离本行”。比如你来同事家做客,刚进门坐下,同事就说:"Let's not talk shop",这可不是说不要谈商店,意思其实是咱们别谈公事。Huffington PostUS, China Formally Join Paris Climate Pact中美正式批准《巴黎协定》US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping fortified commitments to reduce carbon emissions Saturday by formally joining the Paris agreement and pledging a “continued bilateral climate cooperation.”9月3日,中国国家主席习近平和美国总统奥巴马共同出席气候变化《巴黎协定》批准文书交存仪式,并保证“不断深化和拓展中美双边气候变化合作”,进一步履行了碳减排承诺。The leaders of the world’s two largest emitters of greenhouse gases met Saturday at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China. By officially ratifying the climate agreement reached in April, the two countries move the Paris deal a major step toward taking effect this year, the White House said.世界上最大的两个温室气体排放国(美国和中国)的领导人在杭州G20峰会上会晤。白宫方面表示,通过正式批准今年4月签署的气候变化《巴黎协定》,中美两国在推动《巴黎协定》今年的落实方面迈出关键的一步。More than 170 nations signed the Paris agreement, committing to fight climate change by cutting carbon emissions. The deal requires at least 55 countries representing 55 percent of global emissions to take the additional step of ratification before it takes effect.超过170个国家签署了《巴黎协定》,承诺通过碳减排应对气候变化。协定要求至少55个《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方(其温室气体排放量占全球总排放量至少约55%)在生效前批准。Language tips:Huffington Post把报道的注意力放在了有关气候变化的《巴黎协定》,世界上温室气体排放量最大的两个国家批准了该协定,说明两国对于改善气候变化现状有志于采取实际行动,而不是停留于“清谈”。【“协议”知多少】Accord:指双方在就某事存有许多共同点之下达成的协议,并且是双方完全自由,不受任何强迫下达成的共赢协议。Pact是为了停止争端,纠纷,战争等而签的协议。因此中国的清朝政府所签的那些卖国协议,只能用pact,不能用accord。Protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是“应急预案”。Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名。比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (账户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议)。APEconomic summit opens amid sluggish growth, trade disputesG20峰会伴着增长放缓及贸易争端开幕Chinese President Xi Jinping called Sunday for leaders of the United States, Germany and other major economies to resist pressure to raise trade barriers as they opened a summit amid sluggish global growth and disputes.中国国家主席习近平9月4日呼吁美国、德国及其他主要经济体领导人抵制实施贸易壁垒的压力。G20峰会开幕之际,全球增长放缓,并出现贸易争端。Opening the two-day meeting in this lakeside city southwest of Shanghai, Xi called for more innovation to spur economic growth and reforms to global financial and economic management. He appealed for cooperation in taxes, anti-corruption and measures to “improve the ability of the world economy to resist risks.”G20峰会于上海西南部湖畔城市杭州开幕,为期两天。习近平主席提倡开展更多创新,推动经济增长,并呼吁对全球金融和经济管理进行改革。他呼吁各经济体在税收和反腐层面进行合作,并采取措施“增加全球经济抵抗风险的能力。”Language tips:贸易壁垒(trade barriers)又称贸易障碍,指的是对国外商品劳务交换所设置的人为限制,主要是指一国对外国商品劳务进口所实行的各种限制措施,一般分非关税壁垒(non-tariff barrier)和关税壁垒(tariff barriers)两类。Barrier既可以指具体的栅栏、障碍,也可以指抽象的屏障、分界、隔阂,比如age barrier(年龄障碍)、language barrier(语言障碍)、racial barrier(种族隔阂)等等。例如:She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them 她一直在等待西蒙打破他们之间的隔阂。

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