Donald Trump’s Twitter account is central to his presidential campaign. It is the original platform where he hurled insults and rallied his supporters, and now, thanks to a new data analysis, we can seean internal battle over Trump’s message playing out there.
Is central to等于is the center of,不过用前者显得更高端一点。
这里的an internal battle playing out there的字面意思是“有一个内部斗争正在进行”,它在这是想表达:川普的推文并不完全是一回事,其中是有不同的。
It’s become a parlor game to guess if Trump is writing tweets or if his staff has taken over. But assembling Donald Trump word salad is not easy—a commonly cited tell: Trump tweets “Sad!” and his staff tweets “Sad.”
It’s在这里是it has的简写,而非it is的简写,这其实可以从后面跟的become推断出来。这种用法现在很普遍了,不过许多年长者并不赞同这种用法。
Parlor game的意思是“室内游戏”。西方社会中,到了晚上或节假日,家人朋友有时会聚在客厅里一起玩些诸如“你演我猜”的游戏,这样的活动被称为parlor game。
While most politicians don’t operate their own feeds, or else they “sign” their tweets when they do, Trump claims to manage his Twitter alone—except when he is blaming “interns” forembarrassing retweets.
To find out who’s really tweeting what, data scientist David Robinson decided to test out one popular hypothesis—that Trump’s tweets come from an Android device (he’s known to use a Samsung Galaxy), while staff tweets come from iPhones.
为了弄清楚到底是谁发了什么,数据科学家David Robinson决定来验证一个流行的假设:川普自己的推文是用安卓机发的(众所周知,他的手机是三星Galaxy),而员工发的则出自苹果机。
Old-school retweets
Robinson searched for tweets starting with quotations, and found that almost all of the “quoted” retweets came from the Android phone—only six came from an iPhone.
All the feelings
Next, Robinson looked at the words that Trump’s account uses most frequently—here are the top 20:
接着,Robinson研究了川普账号中用得最频繁的词,以下是其中的TOP 20:
And then he identified the most common words tweeted by each OS using Trump’s account, and that’s where the real difference can be seen.
The iPhone tweets are often about logistics, and frequently use hashtags to try and coordinate their message. The Android tweets, well, sound like Trump. And it’s not just you thinking that. Robinson also used software that analyzes the sentiments behind words, associating them with ten different sentiments: positive, negative, anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, and trust.
That analysis found that Trump’s Android tweets use “about 40-80% more words related to disgust, sadness, fear, anger, and other ‘negative’ sentiments than the iPhone account does.” In other words, yup, that’s Trump.