北京时间2016年8月9日,里约奥运会男子200米蝶泳半决赛之前,美国名将菲尔普斯戴着耳机坐在一旁等待比赛开始,而在2012年伦敦奥运上以微弱优势战胜他的南非选手勒克洛斯却在他前面手舞足蹈。菲尔普斯面无表情死死盯着勒克洛斯,空气里似乎充满了复仇的味道。这一场景被相机捕捉到以后,立即在网络上引发网友们的恶搞。大家都说菲尔普斯简直就是星战中的Darth Vader再现。
Michael Phelps’ game face spawned the best meme of the Rio Olympics. His death stare at South African rival Chad le Clos before the 200-meter butterfly seminfinals Monday night became an instant internet sensation.
这里的game face指the face you put on when you are about to get ready to tackle something difficult, or when you are about to take on a challenge(准备好应对某个棘手的事情或者迎接挑战时的表情)。
Le Clos warmed up with a little dancing and shadowboxing directly in front of Phelps before the 200-meter butterfly semifinals in Rio de Janeiro.
That inspired Phelps to give his full axe murderer look, which quickly became the hashtag #PhelpsFace as people imagined what was running through his head.
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