And Tim Frank's asked Jeremy if this no-fly or safe zone does come to fruition, how significant would it be?
"I think that if it comes to pass, and the tone of prime minister's remarks were very much suggesting that it will, that it's potentially a game changer in the war. It's that significant because one of the things that has made it very difficult for various opposition groups, and of course things are way more fragmented in Syria than they were, say, three years ago when basically it was an uprising against theregime. It's much more than that now with war layered upon war, with one jihadi group taking on another one. But I think that if there is an area which, where first of all civilians can go and not feel in danger, which is what Prime Minister Davutoğlu said was the whole idea of all of this and which as well as that those groups who are supported by Turkey and the West, both Turkey and the West, if they can have an area in which they can muster, gather, train, then it will be a very different situation."
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