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发布时间:2016-08-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The new regulations have placed a greater burden on the ride hailer drivers to provide safer cars and rides. On the other hand, the two giants are likely to cut back the subsidies they make to both drivers and passengers as a result of the merger. Inevitably drivers will see lower profits and fewer passengers.

Mr. Deng has been a full-time ride hailer driver for Didi for about six months. He says drivers get around 60 yuan - about 9 US Dollars - from the company if they achieve 22 orders a day. That represents a big part of his income, and yet this sum will shrink as a result of the hook-up of the top 2 players on the Chinese market.

"I'll keep driving for some time and observe. If it doesn't work well, I'll quit. The job is very tiresome. I have to work for over 10 hours a day. Otherwise I cannot get the subsidies, which means I cannot make money."

The new regulations have placed a greater burden on the ride hailer drivers to provide safer cars and rides. On the other hand, the two giants are likely to cut back the subsidies they make to both drivers and passengers as a result of the merger. Inevitably drivers will see lower profits and fewer passengers.

Mr. Deng has been a full-time ride hailer driver for Didi for about six months. He says drivers get around 60 yuan - about 9 US Dollars - from the company if they achieve 22 orders a day. That represents a big part of his income, and yet this sum will shrink as a result of the hook-up of the top 2 players on the Chinese market.

"I'll keep driving for some time and observe. If it doesn't work well, I'll quit. The job is very tiresome. I have to work for over 10 hours a day. Otherwise I cannot get the subsidies, which means I cannot make money."


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