In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was without form and void(空的), with darkness over the face of the abyss(深渊), and a mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters. God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light; and God saw that the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. He called the light day, and the darkness night. So evening came, and morning came, the first day.
God said, 'Let there be a vault between the waters, to separate water from water. 'So God made the vault, and separated the water under the vault from the water above it, and so it was; and God called the vault heaven. Evening came, and morning came, a second day.
God said, 'Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear'; and so it was. God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters he called seas; and God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let the earth produce fresh growth, let there be on the earth plants bearing seed, fruit-trees bearing fruit each with seed according to its kind. 'So it was; the earth yielded fresh growth, plants bearing seed according to their kind and trees bearing fruit each with seed according to its king; and God saw that it was good. Evening came, and morning came, a third day.
God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of heaven to separate day from night, and let them serve as signs both for festivals and for seasons and years. Let them also shine in the vault of heaven to give light on earth. 'So it was ; God made the two great lights, the greater to govern the day and the lesser to govern the night; and with them he made the stars. God put these lights in the vault of heaven to give light on earth, to govern day and night, and to separate light from darkness; and God saw that it was good. Evening came, and morning came, a fourth day.
God, said, 'Let the waters teem with countless living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of heaven. 'god then created the great sea-monsters and all living creatures that move and swarm in the waters, according to their kind, and every kind of bird; and God saw that it was good. So he blessed them and said, 'Be fruitful and increase, fill the waters of the seas; and let the birds increase on land. 'Evening came, and morning came, a fifth day.
God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures, according to their kind:cattle, reptiles, and wild animals, all according to their kind. 'So it was; God made wild animals, cattle, and all reptiles, each according to its kind; and he saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let us make man it our image and likeness to rule the fish in the sea , the birds of heaven, the cattle, all wild animals on earth, and all reptiles that crawl upon the earth. 'So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the earth. 'god also said, 'I give you all plants that bear seed everywhere on earth, and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed:they shall be yours for food. All green plants I give for food to the wild animals, to all the birds of heaven, and to all reptiles on earth, every living creature. 'So it was; and God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Evening came, and morning came, a sixth day.
Thus heaven and earth were completed with al their mighty throng. On the sixth day God completed all the work he had been doing, and on the seventh day he ceased from al his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he ceased from all the work he had set himself to do.
This is the story of the making of heaven and earth when they were created.
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