Fake-ation is a vacation where a significant amount of time is spent reading email and performing other work-related tasks, also spelled as fakeation or fakation.
Fake-ation指休假期间大部分时间都用来查阅电子邮件及完成与工作相关的任务,可称之为“不像假期的假期”。另外,这个词也可拼写为fakeation 或fakation。
It's a fake vacation. You stay connected and though you're not in the office, you still do all the things you'd normally do if you were at your desk and in your office.
The word fake-ation has as many meanings as it does spellings:
1. Calling in sick when you're healthy.
2. A miserable or problem-filled vacation.
3. A pretend vacation where you stay at home but take steps to make it appear as so you went away (e.g., applying tanning cream).
(Source: wordspy.com)
1. 没生病却打电话请病假。
2. 过了一个麻烦不断的悲催假期。
3. 一直待在家,却用一些手段表现出你曾出去度假的样子(比如,在身上涂美黑霜)。
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