在屋里找一样东西,怎么也找不到,让家人帮忙找,结果发现那东西就在你眼前。这样的情形估计很多人都经历过吧?在英语里,这种情况叫做domestic blindness。
Domestic blindness describes the situation that when you are trying to look for something in your house, but you can't find it, so you ask your spouse or parents for help. Upon asking someone for help, he/she points to the item that you were looking for, which is usually standing right in front of your face.
Domestic blindness描绘的是这样的情景:你在家找某样东西,怎么也找不到,于是让家人帮忙找。而家人立即就找到了,因为那样东西就在你面前。我们可以将这个表达译为“寻物眼盲症”。
For example:
I must've had a case of domestic blindness! I’ve been looking for my cellphone the whole morning, and it turned out that it is right in my pant pocket.
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