At the plane crash site, one lone survivor sat with his back against a tree, chewing on a bone. As he tossed the bone onto a huge pile of bones, he noticed the rescue team. "Thank Heavens!", he cried out in relief..... "I am saved!"
在空难现场,唯一的幸存者坐靠着大树,大嚼着一根骨头。他刚把吃完的骨头扔在一大堆白骨上,就看到了救援队向这边靠近。 “啊,真是谢天谢地!”他看见了救命稻草,哭喊出来。 “我得救了!”
The rescue team did not move, as they were in shock, seeing the pile of human bones beside this lone survivor. Obviously he had eaten his comrades. The Survivor saw the horror in their faces and hung his own head in shame. "You can't judge me for this," he insisted. "I had to survive. Is it so wrong to wan‘t to live?"
救援队看见幸存者身旁的白骨堆时惊呆了,队员们都远远停住了脚步-显而易见,他吃了飞机上的同伴。 幸存者看出众人脸上透着的惊恐,羞愧的低下头。“你们别这样看着我”,他辩解,“我得活下来呀,想活下来有错吗?”
The leader of the rescue team stepped forward, shaking his head in disbelief. "I won't judge you for doing what was necessary to survive, but Good Heavens, man, your plane only went down yesterday!"
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