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发布时间:2016-07-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Theresa May, the new Conservative Party leader, will become Britain’s second female prime minister on Wednesday, entering 10 Downing Street three weeks after Britain voted to leave the European Union.

新任保守党党魁特丽莎‧梅 (Theresa May) 本周三成为英国第二位女首相,在退欧公投三周后入主唐宁街10号官邸。

A shrewd politician who was described favorably by a colleague as a “bloody difficult woman,” Ms. May, 59, takes power at a tumultuous moment in her country’s history.

今年59岁的梅是一位精明的政治人物,曾有同僚善意地揶揄说她是个“超级难搞的女人”。 她将在她的国家历史上动荡不安的一刻执掌大权。

Here are five things you need to know about her.


She has been a long-serving home secretary


Ms. May has served longer in the difficult cabinet post of home secretary, overseeing the nation’s domestic security and immigration agencies, than any since the 19th century. She has held the post since 2010, 13 years after she was first elected to Parliament.

梅曾在英国内阁担任挑战重重的内政大臣一职,负责国内安全与移民事务,在位时间之长,自19世纪以来无人能出其右。 她在首次获选为国会议员的13年后,于2010年就任内政大臣。

She is considered a moderate in the Conservative Party and has been compared to Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany; both are known for their pragmatism. As home secretary, Ms. May was criticized for failing to meet a Conservative pledge to sharply reduce the net number of immigrants to Britain.

梅被视为保守党内的温和派,有人拿她与德国总理安格拉‧默克尔 (Angela Merkel) 相较;两人都以务实作风闻名。 担任内政大臣时,梅因为未能实现保守党大幅削减英国外来移民净人数的承诺而遭到批评。

She has promised to lead Britain out of the European Union


Though Ms. May supported Prime Minister David Cameron’s stance in favor of remaining in the European Union, she said little publicly during the referendum campaign, leading to some speculation that she privately favored leaving, known as Brexit. That ambiguity helped her to emerge as a compromise candidate who might promise to unify the party’s factions.

虽然梅支持前首相卡梅伦的留欧立场,但在公投活动期间她很少就此公开发言,致使有人推测她私下倾向退欧,也就是所谓的“Brexit”。 这种模糊性协助她以立场折衷的候选人身分脱颖而出,因为这样的人选有望整合党内派系。

She has ruled out holding a second referendum, saying that the people have spoken and that “Brexit means Brexit.” Still, she is not in a hurry: She said she would not invoke the legal mechanism that begins the withdrawal process until later in the year.

她排除了举办第二次公投的可能性,表示人民已言明心声,“退欧就是退欧”。 然而,梅并不急着行动:她表示自己要到今年稍晚时才会启动退欧的法律机制。

She wants to give workers a seat on corporate boards


Ms. May has said that people want more than just a “Brexit P.M.,” and has pledged “a bold new positive vision for the future of our country, a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us.” She has promised to address inequality, give workers greater representation on corporate boards and limit tax cuts.

梅曾说,人民要的不只是一个“退欧首相”,并誓言要“给我国的未来一个大胆、全新、积极的远景;一个不只为享有特权的少数人服务,而是为我们每个人服务的国家”。 她承诺要着手解决贫富不均,赋予劳动阶级在管理层更大的代表权,并对减税加以限制。

She was introduced to her husband by Benazir Bhutto


Like Britain’s first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, Ms. May was born into a middle-class family. She was educated at Oxford, where she belonged to the Conservative Association and the Oxford Union, a debating society known for producing future leaders.

和英国第一位女首相玛格丽特‧撒切尔一样,梅也出身自中产家庭。她在牛津大学读书,在那里加入了保守党协会(Conservative Association)以及牛津大学辩论社(Oxford Union),后者以作为领导人物的摇篮而闻名。

At a Conservative Association dance in 1976, she was introduced to Philip May, her future husband, by Benazir Bhutto, a fellow student who would go on to become the first female prime minister of Pakistan.

1976年,在保守党协会的一场舞会上,贝娜齐尔‧布托(Benazir Bhutto)介绍梅与她未来的丈夫菲利浦‧梅(Philip May)认识。布托也是牛津的学生,后来成为巴基斯坦第一位女总理。

She is an avid cookbook collector


To relax, Ms. May has said she enjoys cooking (she owns more than 100 cookbooks) and taking long walks in the countryside.

梅曾说,为了纾压,她很喜欢下厨 (她拥有超过百本食谱) ,也会在乡间长距离散步。

She is known for her eclectic footwear, and often wears leopard-print shoes.



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