Intro:Have you ever won first prize in a school contest or a race?That honor is given only to those who are supposed to be the best. But there is someone who deserves first place in everything, because He is the best.
小朋友们, 你有没有在学校里得过第一名?这个荣誉是奖给那些最好的人。有一个人配得所有的第一, 因为他是那样的完美。这是谁呢?
Presentation:Isaiah 44:6 says, I am the first, and I am the last; and besides me there is no God.
以赛亚书44:6说:耶和华以色列的君, 以色列的救赎主万军之耶和华如此说, 我是首先的, 我是末后的, 除我以外, 再没有真神。
Explanation:All other gods of the earth are idols and cause people to turn away from the truth. God so very plainly tells us He is the only true and living God!
Application:If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, God deserves first place in your heart and life. Worshipping and serving Him should come before anything else. He is your Creator, the One Who saved you from everlasting punishment, Who cares for you daily, and one day will give you a forever home in Heaven. There is no one or no thing that can compare to the importance of God in your life. Put Him first!
这世上其它的所谓神都是偶像, 是让人远离真神的。神清楚第告诉我们, 他是唯一的真神。 如果你已经接受了耶稣做你的救主, 神在你的心中和整个生命里配得最重要的地位。敬拜神, 事奉神比别的都重要。神是创造我们, 赐给我们生命的神, 神把我们从死, 从罪, 从永远的审判中拯救出来。神每天看顾我们, 有一天还要让我们去天堂永远和他在一起。在你的生活中, 没有什么能够比神更重要。把神放在首位!
If you have never believed in the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, you dont even have God in your life. But how God longs to have you as His child forever. Go now to How to be a Child of God to see how you can become His child and begin to put Him first in your life.
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 神根本就不在你的生活里。但神多么希望你能成为他的孩子。请你去听怎样成为神的孩子, 并照那里所说的去做, 让神在你生命中掌权。
Review:Say that verse and make some motions to go with it. This week why not say it to yourself first thing every morning, so you can remember Who should be first in your life. And lets learn this song to help us keep God first!
让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节:以赛亚书44;6说:耶和华以色列的君, 以色列的救赎主万军之耶和华如此说, 我是首先的, 我是末后的, 除我以外, 再没有真神。在这个星期, 希望你每天早上醒来就提醒自己这句经节, 记住把神放在首位。让我们唱以下这首歌:
You shall love the Lord, the Lord your God, With all your heart and with all your soul, And with all your mind, Jesus said, in Matthew 22:37.Jesus, Youre the Lord, the Lord my God.And I love You with all my heart.Lord, Ill read Your Word, Lord, Ill pray.Lord, Ill listen and obey.
耶稣说, 你要全心爱神, 唯一的神, 用全心, 用全意, 用全力, 马太福音22:37。耶稣, 你是我神, 我全心来爱你。主我要读你话, 向你祷告, 我还要来顺服你。
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