Decisions, decisions! Everyday we have to make them! Some decisions are easy like, Do I want to go to my friends house or stay home?? Do I want to wear my red shirt or my blue one? But some decisions are much harder, and we sometimes worry and wonder about the best thing to do. Thats when we need something that only God can give! James 1:5 says, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God? If any of you lack wisdom?means if any person needs to know the right thing to do, or needs to be able to understand something, LET HIM ASK OF GOD. He can pray to God and read from Gods Book of Wisdom, the Bible, to get the guidance he needs.
在我们生活的每一天, 我们都要做许多的决定。有些很容易, 比如; 我是应该呆在家里还是去朋友家呢? 我今天是穿红衬衫还是那件蓝色的呢?但是, 有些决定是很难做的, 我们有时候还会担心是不是做对了。这件事只有神能够帮助我们。 雅各书1章5节说; 你们中间若有缺少智慧的, 应当求...神...。 你们中间若有缺少智慧的是指任何人如果想知道该怎么做或明白一件事情。应当求...神 , 就是他可以向神祷告, 或读神的话语来寻求神的带领。神的话语, 就是圣经, 是充满了智慧。
We all like to think were smart enough to figure things out for ourselves. We gather all the information, and then we think about things, and we make a decision. But can we really know the future?Can we really see all the information?GOD CAN! He is onmiscient?that means, He knows EVERYTHING. He has the wisest answer. dont be like those who decide for themselves what they?re going to be when they grow up. Ask God. He knows all about you and your future! And right now, ask God about the everyday decisions you need to make, like How shall I spend my free time?
我们都认为自己挺聪明的, 可以自己来解决问题。我们找出所有的材料, 经过思考, 我们来做一个决定。但是我们真的能预测未来的事吗?我们能够看到所有的方方面面吗?我们不能, 但神能!他是无所不知的神。他有最智慧的答案。不要自己来决定将来做什么。问问神, 他知道一切有关你现在和将来的事。来问问神你每天要做的决定。比如, 我的空余时间应该怎样度过?
Who should be my close friends?How can I go about doing this school project?How can I tell my friends about Jesus How should I spend this extra moneyshould I read this book about witchcraft?In all these situations, you need Gods wisdom, His direction, to help you make the right decisions.
我应该和谁成为好朋友?学校的作业我应该怎样著手?我应该怎样向我的朋友传讲耶稣?我应该怎样花手里的钱?我是不是应该读这本关于巫术的书。所有的这些事, 你都需要神的带领, 神的智慧来做出正确的决定。
As Gods child, you can go to Him in prayer and in reading His Word. He promises He will guide you. God sees everything! He sees your heart, He sees the future, and every consequence or result of your decisions.
作为神的孩子, 你可以向神祷告, 读他的话语。他已经应许要来引导你。神知道一切, 他知道你的心思, 他也知道未来, 他更知道你所做的决定会有什么样的结果。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, you are not His child. But He has given you clear directions on how to make the decision to become His child forever. That is the most important decision you will ever make! Wont you go right now to ?How to be a Child of God?and follow those directions?Then God can begin to give you wisdom in other decisions as well.
如果你还没有相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来, 你就还没有成为神的孩子。但他已经清清楚楚地给你指明怎样成为他的孩子。这是你一生中最最重要的决定。请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子 , 照着那里说的来做出决定。然后, 神在其它的事上就会赐给你智慧。
Lets say James 1:5 again now.If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.Count how many times you read it, before you can say it without looking! Was it 4 times, 6 times?Maybe just 3 times! Now Lets sing!I will not forget Gods Word, That is where His voice is heard.If we read, and if we pray, well grow in wisdom every day!让我们再说一遍雅各书1章5节; 你们中间若有缺少智慧的, 应当求...神...。看看你念几次就能够把它背下来?4次还是6次?也许三次就背下来了。好, 小朋友们, 让我们来一齐来唱下面这首歌; 切莫忘记主圣言,圣灵轻声在耳边, 总要殷勤读主话, 身量智慧与日添。