Dillon the Dog:Hey, Randy Rabbit, what song is that Youre humming?
小朋友们, 让我们先来听一只小狗和一个小兔子的对话.小狗花花说:嘿, 小兔子白白, 你在哼什么歌呢?
Randy the Rabbit:Anything you can do, I can do better!
小兔子白白说:你能做的, 我也能, 而且比你更好。
Dog:Wait a minute, now! Youre really bragging on yourself! Lets hear you howllike this:AhOOOO!
小狗说:你别瞎吹了, 那你会象我这样叫吗?说著, 小狗呜呜地叫起来。
Rabbit:Ummmm! Oh well, maybe I cant howl. But I can hop faster than you can!
小兔子很不服气地说:我虽然不会像你那么叫, 可是我比你跳得快呀。
Dog:Sure, Thats cuz dogs werent made to hop like rabbits. were not the same kind of animal.
小狗说:当然狗不能像兔子那么跳了, 因为我们是不同的动物。
Rabbit:Whad do you mean?We both have bones, eyes, ears, mouths, skin, hair, muscles,and all that, dont we?
小兔子说:你这是什么意思?我们不是都有骨头, 眼睛, 耳朵, 嘴, 皮毛, 头发, 还有肌肉吗?
Dog:Yes, but were not the same. God made us different and well always be different.Rabbits will always be rabbits, and they?ll always have baby rabbits with long
ears and legs that hop. Dogs will always be dogs, and they?ll always have puppies that can howl.Thats just Gods plan.
小狗说:但我们就是不一样。神把我们造成不一样的, 兔子就是兔子, 兔子生来就有长耳朵, 还有会跳的长腿。狗就是狗, 小狗也生来就会叫。这就是神的计划。
Rabbit:Ok, ok, so the poor dogs can never be like me, the wonderful rabbit. But dont feel too bad, Ill still be your friend! Ill go get my best carrot, and you
can have a bite.
小兔子说:好罢!看来, 可怜的小狗永远不可能象我们兔子这么棒。别难过, 我们还是朋友。我要去把我最好的胡萝卜拿来, 你可以咬一口。
Dog:But dogs dont LIKE carrots!
Rabbit:OK, ok, dont be so sensitive! Hey, Lets race out of here! You run and Ill hop! Any race you can run, I can hop better!
小兔子说:好啦, 别太敏感了。那让我们赛跑罢。你来跑, 我跳。 说完, 小兔子又唱起来:虽然你跑得快, 但我能跳得更快。
Dogs and rabbits are different, arent they! Think about how different birds are from fish, or snakes are from spiders! Now Lets take a giant step. Look at how
differently God made people! People have wonderful abilities no other creature has. People have ideas; they can make plans, imagine and invent things. People have the
ability to know and choose between right and wrong.
小朋友们, 狗和兔子非常不同。想想看, 鸟和鱼有多大的差别, 蛇和蜘蛛又有多么的不同。那让我们看得更远一点, 看看神所创造的人有什么不同。人类具有别的创造物所没有的能力。人有
思想, 他们有丰富的想象力, 人可以订计划, 想象, 发明。人有能力知道和选择什么是对的, 什么是错的。
But the most important difference between people and animals is found in Genesis 1:26-27, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:... 27)So
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
但是, 圣经的第一本书创世纪1章26-27节告诉了我们人与动物之间最重要的区别:神说, 我们要照着我们的形像, 按著我们的样式造人...神就照着自己的形像造人, 乃是照着他的形像造
In the image of God means that human beings were made in the likeness of God. While we do not understand all the ways we are like God, we do know one very important
way:we were made with an eternal soul, the part of us that will live on forever, even after our body dies. Animals do not have a soul. When they die, life is over for
照着神的形像就是说人类是按著神的形像, 样式被造的。虽然我们并不完全理解我们怎样象神, 但是有一个重要的点我们却很清楚, 那就是我们的魂是不会死的, 它永远活著, 甚至当我们的
身体死了, 我们的魂仍然活著。动物却没有魂, 当动物死了以后, 它的生命也就结束了。
How does God feel about you?Genesis 1:31 says, And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. God values all His creation, but His highest
regard is for people, because they are made in His image. Jesus said in Luke 12:7, But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore:ye are
of more value than many sparrows. Sometimes people say things like, I wish I was dead, or I cant do anything right.
那么, 神是怎样看你的呢?创世纪1章31节说:神看著一切所造的都甚好。神看中他创造的所有的东西, 但他最最看中的还是人, 为什么呢?因为人是按著神的形像, 样式被造的。耶稣在路加
福音12:7说:就是你们的头发也都被数过了, 不要惧怕, 你们比许多麻雀还贵重。 有时候, 我们会听见这样的话,
Even if you sometimes think these things about yourself, is this true?No! You are a valuable treasure to God, your life is worth a lot! You may look at others and
think, He plays baseball better than I, so Hes better than I am. or SHes better than I am because SHes a lot prettier. But to God, you are as valuable and
precious as anyone else and He loves you with a special love!
我恨不得死了算了 , 或者我真笨,什么都做不好。 你是不是有时候也会这么想?其实这是不对的。你是神所珍爱的宝贝, 你的生命可宝贵了。当你看到别人比你强的时候, 你也许会想
:他的棒球比我打得好, 他肯定什么都比我强。 或者女孩子们会想:她比我漂亮多了, 她一定比我好。 但对神来说, 每一个人都宝贵, 神爱每一个人。
When God made people, He not only gave them a living soul, but He also gave man the ability to choose between right and wrong. Sadly, the first man and woman chose to
do wrong. Because of that choice, everyone born after that was born with a sin nature, a want-to, to do wrong. For example, if theres a new girl at school and you see
everyone making fun of her, you have a choice. You know God wants you to be kind to her. If you choose to make fun of her, that is sin. Sneaking past your parents to
do something they told you not to do is sin.
当神造人的时候, 他不但给他们一个活的魂, 他也给他们能力来选择对错。但让人难过的是神造的第一对人却做了错误的选择。因为他们的选择, 他们的后代生来就有一个罪性在里面, 就是
想去做错的事情。比如说, 学校里新来了一个女孩子, 你看见很多人都在嘲弄她。这时候, 你有一个选择。你知道神要你对人友好, 如果你选择来嘲弄她, 那就是罪。还有偷偷做父母不让你
One of the big questions people ask themselves as they try to find the meaning of life isWho am I? The answer is very simple:I am a creation of God and I am a
sinner. Gods Word says For all have sinned... . If we never come to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness of our sin, the everlasting punishment for our sin
is that when we die we must be apart from God, to suffer torment in hell.
当人们试图寻找生命的意义的时候, 通常会问:我是谁? 其实答案非常简单:我是神所创造的, 我是一个罪人。神的话是怎么说的呢?在罗马书3:23, 神说, 世人都犯了罪。如果我们还
没有来到主耶稣面前, 求他饶恕我们的罪, 那我们就要承担对罪的惩罚, 就是当我们死的时候, 我们要与神永远的分离, 去经受地狱之苦。
Another big question people ask is, Why am I here? Without God to help them understand, their only answer can be:I dont know! Without God people have no real
reason for living and nothing makes them happy for very long. Even if they get the highest grades, and then the highest degrees in education; even if they become very
wealthy, or become the most beautiful or handsome, or the most athletic there will always be an emptiness inside because we are missing that relationship with the One
Who made us in His image.
人们常问的另外一个问题是:我生活在这世上的意义是什么? 如果神不帮助他们的话, 他们唯一的答案就是:我不知道。 如果没有神, 人活著就没有意义, 没有什么使他们长久快乐。
虽然他们可能考了最高分, 得到最好的教育, 甚至非常富有, 或者长得非常英俊漂亮, 或者成为运动健将, 但在他们心里总是有一个无法填满的空白, 因为我们与那位按他形像创造我们的神
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you know why you are here on earth! You are His child, and He has a wonderful plan for your life. You are here to obey and
please the Lord, and tell others about Him! What joy and purpose that brings to life!
如果你已经接受耶稣基督做你的救主, 你就知道你为什么生在这个世界上。你是他的孩子, 他在你的生命里有一个美好的旨意。你在这世上就是要顺服神, 讨神的喜悦, 并且也把这福音传给
别人。这使我们的生活充满了喜乐, 充满了意义。
The third question that is asked by people all over the world is Where am I going? The answer to this question is the same for everyone, To meet Jesus . Jesus is
Gods perfect Son, Gods wonderful gift of love to the world. If you ever wondered if God really loved you, you only need to think about Jesus. God gave you life, He
gave you an eternal soul, He gave you the freedom to choose right from wrong. Even though you have chosen wrong and sinned in many ways, God still loves you and valued
you enough to send His darling Son Jesus to save you from the dreadful, everlasting punishment of sin.
人们常常要问的第三个问题是:我将会到哪里去? 对于每一个人答案都是一样的, 就是去见耶稣。 耶稣是神完美的儿子, 神赐给这个世界的爱的礼物。如果你怀疑神到底爱不爱你, 你
只需要想一想耶稣就知道了。神给了你生命和永活的魂, 他给了你选择对错的自由, 虽然你常常犯错, 神仍然爱你到一个地步, 他让他的爱子, 我们的主耶稣来拯救你脱离对罪的审判。
The third question that is asked by people all over the world is Where am I going? The answer to this question is the same for everyone, To meet Jesus . Jesus is
Gods perfect Son, Gods wonderful gift of love to the world. If you ever wondered if God really loved you, you only need to think about Jesus. God gave you life, He
gave you an eternal soul, He gave you the freedom to choose right from wrong. Even though you have chosen wrong and sinned in many ways, God still loves you and valued
you enough to send His darling Son Jesus to save you from the dreadful, everlasting punishment of sin.
人们常常要问的第三个问题是:我将会到哪里去? 对于每一个人答案都是一样的, 就是去见耶稣。 耶稣是神完美的儿子, 神赐给这个世界的爱的礼物。如果你怀疑神到底爱不爱你, 你只需要想一想耶稣就知道了。神给了你生命和永活的魂, 他给了你选择对错的自由, 虽然你常常犯错, 神仍然爱你到一个地步, 他让他的爱子, 我们的主耶稣来拯救你脱离对罪的审判。
Can you imagine how much God loved you, that He would put all your sin on His perfectly obedient Son and allow wicked men to nail Him to a wooden cross?On that cross the Lord Jesus gave His blood and His life for you and me. He was buried, and after three days He came alive again. Now the Lord Jesus is in Heaven again. Because the Lord Jesus was obedient even to death, the Bible says God has given Him a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
能够想象神有多爱你吗?他把你的罪都放在他的爱子耶稣的身上, 又让他忍受被钉在十字架上的痛苦, 来承担你的罪。耶稣, 他却从来没有犯过罪。在十字架上, 耶稣流血, 他把他的生命给了你和我。他被埋葬, 第三天他复活了。现在, 耶稣就活在天上。因为耶稣顺服神, 以至于死, 且死在十字架上, 圣经上说, 所以神将他升为至高, 又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名, 叫一切在天上的, 地上的, 和地底下的, 因耶稣的名, 无不屈膝, 无不口称耶稣基督为主。
And Acts 17:31 says, ...he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained... That man is Jesus, and at the end of life, every person will have to stand before the Lord Jesus as their judge.
在使徒行传17章31节说:因为他已经定了日子, 要藉著他所设立的人, 按公义审判天下。 这个人就是耶稣。在我们生命的尽头, 每一个人都要站在耶稣这位大审判官的面前。
Romans 10:13 says, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. God gave you the Lord Jesus to be your Savior. If you admit to God that you have sinned, believe that Jesus died for your sin, taking your punishment, and then if you call on the Lord Jesus in prayer asking Him to save you, He will! Jesus will become your Savior and your dearest Friend. God also gave Jesus as our Judge. If you choose not to believe and call on Jesus to save you, then you must stand before the Lord Jesus in judgment, and receive the punishment you deserve for your sin, which is eternal hell.
罗马书10:13说:凡求告主名的, 就必得救。 神赐耶稣来做你的救主。如果你向神承认你是一个罪人, 相信耶稣为你的罪死, 为你担当了罪的惩罚, 然后你向耶稣祷告, 请求他来拯救你, 他就一定会。耶稣就会成为你的救主和最好的朋友。神也让耶稣来审判。如果你选择不相信耶稣, 也不愿意让他来拯救你, 那么当你站在耶稣面前的时候, 就要接受他的审判, 并自己承担你的罪所带来的惩罚, 那就是地狱。
For those who do call on the Lord Jesus to save them, what a wonderful eternity is waiting for you in Heaven, Gods perfect home! There will be no darkness, no sickness, no tears, no death! There will be everlasting joy and light and friendship with the Lord Jesus and all the precious believers who?ve gone before us!
对于那些相信耶稣的人, 他们将要在永世里, 永远与神在天上。那里没有黑暗, 没有疾病, 没有眼泪, 也没有死亡。在那里, 他们要与耶稣一起享受永远的喜乐, 耶稣也成为他们永远的朋友, 还有那些比我们先去那里的基督徒。
Life is valuable and so important! its given by a God Who loves you with an everlasting love. Remember those three important questions:Who am I?Why am I here?Where am I going?
Why not begin to answer those questions right now, by going to How to Be a Child of God and following the steps. Then you can know you are a child of God, and day by day follow His wonderful plan for your life. You can understand Gods plan for your life as you daily pray to Him, read and obey His Word the Bible, tell others about Him, and fellowship with other believers. Then at the end of life, you can know where you are going:to your Fathers house in Heaven forever!
你现在就可以去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 在那里, 你可以找到答案。然后, 你就有把握知道, 你就是神的孩子, 每一天, 你都走在神的旨意里。那么, 怎么样来明白神的旨意呢?你要每天祷告, 读圣经, 并遵守神的话, 还要向别人传讲耶稣, 并要与其他相信耶稣的人有交通。当你走到生命尽头的时候, 你就知道你将要去哪里:就是我们那天上永远的家!
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