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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Intro:It was an excited and happy Captain Naaman that headed home to Syria in our lesson today! He had left Syria a disfigured and dying man, with only one hope:that the prophet of God in Israel could cure him of the dreadful disease of leprosy.You may remember how God used the prophet Elisha to send Naaman to dip in the Jordan River 7 times, and sure enough, Naaman had been made clean from his leprosy!

  引子:今天这一课要讲到乃缦元帅高兴地准备回到他在叙利亚的家。当初他离开叙利亚的时候还是一个沮丧快要死的人。那时他只有一个希望,就是以色列神的先知能治好他的大麻风病。你可能还记得神借着先知以利沙让乃缦元帅到约旦河里洗七次的故事吧。 就是这样,长大麻风的乃缦得了洁净!

  Because of this miracle, Naaman had believed in the true and living God. Now Naaman was returning to Syria, clean and new on the inside and the outside! How excited and happy he and his servants must have been!

  因着这个神迹,乃缦信了那位又真有活的神。现在,乃缦走在回叙利亚的路上,他整个人从里到外都被洁净而且更新了! 他和他的仆人们是多么的高兴啊!

  But back in Elishas home in Samaria, someone was not happy at all! It was Gehazi, Elishas servant. In frustration he was saying something like this to himself, Can you believe it! My master let Naaman go back to Syria with all that silver and gold and those expensive clothes, and wouldnt take one thing Naaman offered him! Gehazi was probably thinking of all the nice things he could have bought with even a little of that silver and gold. Maybe he was thinking also that it wasnt fair that Naaman had so much more than he did. Wanting and resenting what others have is called coveting , and Gods Word warns us that coveting is serious sin. Gehazi said to himself, ? I will run after him, and take some.

  可是,在撒玛利亚以利沙的家里有一个人非常的不开心。 他就是以利沙的仆人基哈西。 他非常沮丧地自言自语:你能相信吗?我的主人让乃缦将那些金银和昂贵的衣裳带回叙利亚了,他居然一样东西也不要乃缦的。 基哈西可能在想象,哪怕只用那些金银中的一点点就能买到各样的好东西。 他可能还觉得不公平,因为乃缦比他拥有的多太多了!想拥有别人的东西叫作贪恋,神的话警告我们这是很严重的罪。基哈西对自己说我要去追乃缦得一些财物

  Knowing Naaman couldnt have gone far, Gehazi slipped quietly out of the house without telling Elisha, and then raced down the road to catch up with Naamans chariot. When Naaman saw Gehazi coming he stopped the chariot and got down to meet Gehazi. Anxiously he asked, Is everything all right? Perhaps Naamans eyes were full of kind concern. Gehazi answered breathlessly, Everythings all right. And then Gehazi told a bold, deliberate lie! My master sent me because two young men of the sons of the prophets have just come from Mount Ephraim, and my master needs a talent of silver and two sets of clothes for them. Had Elisha sent Gehazi?We know he had not, but Gehazi chose to cover his sin of coveting with a lie, so he used Elishas name.

  基哈西知道乃缦不会走得太远,就悄悄地溜出去了,并没有告诉以利沙。 很快他就追赶上了乃缦。乃缦看见有人追赶,就急忙下车迎着他,说都平安吗? 基哈西说都平安。我主人打发我来说,刚才有两个少年人,是先知门徒,从以法莲山地来见我,请你赐他们一他连得银子,两套衣裳。 以利沙真的派了基哈西去追乃缦吗?我们知道没有。 可是基哈西为了掩藏自己的贪心, 就用以利沙的名义撒了一个谎。

  Main Truth:Do you sometimes cover your sin?If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, you have become Gods child forever. But even as Gods child, you will sometimes sin, and when you do, you must choose whether you will cover that sin, or confess it. If you know the Lord Jesus, dont cover your sin, confess it! Many times boys and girls try to cover their sin by lying or blaming someone else. Can we say our Bible verse for today?Proverbs 28:13, He that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but he that confesseth and forsaketh it shall have mercy. If you know the Lord Jesus, dont cover your sin, confess it!

  主要真理:有的时候你会遮掩自己的罪吗?如果你接受了主耶稣为你的救主, 你就永远成了神的孩子。 然而作为神的孩子, 你仍会犯罪。你犯了罪后必须决定是遮掩它还是承认它。如果你认识主耶稣,不要遮掩, 应当认罪! 许多时候男孩女孩都会用撒谎或怪罪别人来遮掩他们所犯的罪。 我们可以读一下今天的圣经经句:箴言28章13节遮掩自己罪过的、必不亨通.承认离弃罪过的、必蒙怜恤。 如果你认识主耶稣,不要遮掩, 应当认罪!

  Gehazi was covering his sin with a lie. Rather than rejoicing in the wonderful miracle God had done for Naaman, Gehazis greedy heart could only think of getting more money and things for himself. Captain Naamans heart was so full of gratitude and praise to God for his healing, he was eager to give to the servant of Gods prophet. Naaman had just come to know the true and living God of Israel, and his life had been changed forever!

  基哈西用谎言来遮掩他的罪。 本应该为着神在乃缦身上所行的神迹欢喜,基哈西却因着贪婪的心去求更多的钱财。乃缦元帅因着神的医治内心充满了感激和赞美。 他是那么地愿意帮助神先知的仆人。乃缦认识了以色列的独一真神,他的生命被改变了!

  Gospel:Have you let the true and living God change your life forever?God is the One Who gave you your earthly life. He made you, He knows everything about you, and is very interested in whats happening in your life. Ephesians 2:4 says, But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us? God loves you and wants you to be in Heaven with Him forever, but you cannot go there until your life has been changed.

  福音:你有没有让永生真神改变你的生命?神给了你地上的生命,他创造了你并且知道关于你的每一件事情。 他非常关注你生命中发生的一切。以弗所书2章4节告诉我们神既有丰富的怜悯。因他爱我们的大爱。神爱你并且渴慕你能永远与他在天堂里。但是除非你的生命被改变,你不能去天堂。

  The Bible tells us that when we were born with this earthly life, we were born with a sin nature, a want-to to do those wrong things, like wanting the things that belong to other people, or disobeying our parents. All those wrong things we think, say and do are sin. God says we have all sinned and are headed for a dreadful punishment, which is separation from God forever. But did you know that is exactly why Jesus, Gods perfect Son came to earth long ago?It was to take the punishment for your sin. I Corinthians 15:3 4 says, ? how that Christ died for our sin according to the Scripture, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scripture. Christ Jesus came and suffered for our sins by allowing cruel men to nail Him to a cross. He was beaten, and spit upon, and crowned with a crown of thorns.

  欲望。 比如说想要得到属于别人的东西,不听父母的话等等。所有我们想过,说过或做过的错事都是罪。神告诉我们所有人都犯了罪面临着可怕的刑罚,就是永远与神分离。 你知道为什么两千年前神的爱子耶稣要来到世上吗?他来是为了除去对我们的刑罚。哥林多前书15章13,14节告诉我们我当日所领受又传给你们的,第一,就是基督照圣经所说,为我们的罪死了。而且埋葬了。又照圣经所说,第三天复活了。 基督耶稣来到世上并为了我们的罪被人钉在十字架上。他被鞭打,唾弃,被戴上荆棘的冠冕。

  The blood that flowed from Jesus as He hung on that cross was the payment for your sin and mine. But after the Lord Jesus died and was buried, we know He arose the third day and is now in Heaven. When you tell the Lord Jesus you are sorry for your sin and ask Him to forgive and save you, He will! Then your life will be changed forever, just as Captain Naamans life was changed!

  耶稣在十字架上流出的宝血为你我的罪付上代价。主耶稣死了,埋葬了,三天后复活了。 如今他在天上。当你告诉主耶稣你为自己的罪伤心,祈求他的原谅和拯救,主耶稣一定会答应! 你的生命就会像乃缦一样被永远地改变!

  Naaman was so grateful that God had changed his life that instead of the one talent of silver Gehazi had asked, Naaman insisted he take two, and even sent his own servants to help carry the two expensive outfits which Gehazi had requested. Elishas servant mustve been thinking fast, to know where to hide Naamans gifts so that Elisha would not see them. The Bible says that when they came to the tower , Gehazi took the money and clothes from the servants and hid them in that place. Then he let the men go back to their master Captain Naaman, and he himself went and stood before his master Elisha as if nothing had happened. Where have you been, Gehazi? Elisha asked.


  Now Gehazi has another choice! Will he choose to cover his sin, or confess it?What should he do?  Main Truth:Even for you who know you have already asked Jesus to come into your life, there will be times when you do those things you know are sin. If you have already believed in the Lord Jesus as your Savior, dont cover your sin, confess it! When you blame someone else, or shrug your shoulders and say, Oh, everybodys doing it , or Well, it was just a little sin, or Nobody saw me, those are all ways to cover your sin.

  主要真理:即使你邀请了主耶稣进入你的生命,有的时候你仍会做一些明知道是罪的事情。如果你接受了主耶稣为你的救主,不要遮掩, 应当认罪!你若怪罪别的人或者说每个人都这么做,这不过是件小事,没有人看见我, 要知道,这些都是在遮掩自己的罪。

  And the truth is that you can never cover or hide your sin from God. God sees everything, including the thoughts we think. When Gods Holy Spirit shows you in your heart that you have thought, or said, or done something wrong, quickly confess by telling God what you have done. He promises He will forgive and cleanse you. Then you can thank Him and ask for His power to keep you from that sin. No matter how often you come to God, remember His promise is always true, if you will choose to confess sin rather than cover it.


  Gehazi made the choice about his sin. When Elisha asked, Where have you been, Gehazi? Gehazi replied, Your servant didnt go anywhere. Even though Gehazi knew Elisha was a prophet of God, Gehazi chose to try to cover his sin with another lie.Climax:Elisha answered, Didnt my heart go with you when Naaman turned from his chariot to meet you?Is it a time to receive money, and to receive clothes, and all those things?Because you have done this, the leprosy of Naaman will cling to you and to your descendants forever.

  基哈西对他的罪作出了选择。以利沙问他说基哈西你从哪里来? 他回答说仆人没有往哪里去。虽然基哈西知道以利沙是神的先知,却仍然要试着用另一个谎言来遮掩自己的罪。


  Conclusion:II Kings 5:27 ends with these sad words:And he went out of his presence a leper? You will remember from our lesson about Naaman that leprosy in Bible days was a terrible skin disease for which there was no cure. Not only would Gehazi suffer the most dreaded disease of that day, but his children and grandchildren, and the following generations would suffer as well! Im sure as Gehazi heard these shocking words, his hidden treasure of silver and gold and expensive clothes suddenly lost all their importance. Too late he had realized that his sin was not really covered at all, for God had seen everything.

  结论:列王纪下5章27节以这样一句话结束基哈西从以利沙面前退出去,就长了大麻疯,像雪那样白。从上一次的故事中你应该还记得在那个时代大麻疯是一种无法治好的可怕的皮肤病。 不只是基哈西自己要受这种最可怕的疾病的折磨,他的子子孙孙都要受这种折磨!我相信当基哈西知道这些事情时,他所藏起来的财物和衣裳都失去了重要性。 当他认识到他并不能完全遮掩自己的罪时已经太晚了,因为神看得见所有的事情。

  Challenge:He that covereth his sin shall not prosper? our memory verse says. There is no amount of money or things that can ever be as important as keeping our lives clean with the Lord. If you know the Lord Jesus, covering your sin will break the fellowship between you and God, hinder your prayers from being answered, and also bring other sadness in your life. Will you this week say Proverbs 28:13 every morning, and remember, as soon as God shows you in your heart that you have sinned, dont cover it, confess it! God promises He will forgive. Then remember to thank Him and ask for His power to stop doing that sin.

  挑战:这周要背的圣经经节是遮掩自己罪过的、必不亨通.承认离弃罪过的、必蒙怜恤。 无论多少钱或事物都比不上在神面前保持一颗清洁的心重要。 如果你认识主耶稣,遮掩自己的罪会中断你与神的交通,会阻拦你的祷告被应允并且给你的生命带来忧伤。 小朋友们,请在这周的每个早晨都读一遍箴言28章13节。只要你犯了罪神对你的心说话,不要遮掩, 应当认罪!神的应许是原谅我们,然后我们可以感谢他并且求他的能力保守我们不再犯罪。

  Invitation:If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, God says you are separated from Him unless your life is changed. Jesus, Gods perfect Son, has already made it possible for your life to be changed by dying for your sin. Acts 13:38 39 says, through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:And by him all that believe are justified When you tell Jesus about your sin and that you believe He died for you, you can ask Him to save you from sin. Jesus wants to save you and change your life today! Will you go right now to How to be a Child of God , and follow those steps.




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