- Well, if you swell on bein human, theres only one way. Gumbo, gumbo in the pot. We need a precious. What we got?! 好吧,如果你们一定要变成人,只有一个办法秋葵汤,快快显灵我们需要找一个公主,有没有?
- Lottie? But she is not a princess!
- Oh, shut and look at gumbo!
- Thats right... Big Daddy is king of Mardi Gras parade. So, that makes Lottie... A princess.
- Does that count?
- 这也算?
- Yes, it does, but only til midnight, when Mardi Gras is over. Hop-Lone, you only got til the end to got that princess to kiss you. Once she does... You both turnin human.
- 是的,当然算但只能到午夜为止,狂欢节一结束就不算了记住,必须在那之前让公主吻你一旦成功你们两个就变成人了!
- Midnight? That doesnt give us much time at all.
- 午夜? - 那我们没有多少时间了
1. swell on bein human 着急变成人类
2. Gumbo, gumbo in the pot. We need a precious. What we got?!
有没有觉得这句话很熟?跟迪斯尼第一部长片《白雪公主》里头那句Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest fair of all?简直一样
3. shut 闭嘴
4. Does that count? 这能算么?
5. That doesnt give us much time at all. 压根儿没给咱多少时间啊。