Redfield, New York, received twelve feet of snow last week. Its neighbors in Oswego are jealous because they got only ten feet of snow. An Oswego resident told a TV reporter that one more storm was coming in that would determine the winner. I hope we get five more feet, he said. Thatll beat Redfield. This is the most snow the region has received in six years.
The people who worry about global warming should come visit us. Theyll worry less, said a Redfield resident. He said any visitors would have to wait till some snow melted, because most local roads were closed. Even the snowplows were waiting until after the next storm before they began to clear all the roads.
Schools were closed all week. Most kids were happy about it. They couldnt go ice skating or skiing because the roads were closed. But they did play in the snow, make snowmen, and have snowball fights.
It wasnt a good week for me, complained one high school student. I had to help my dad shovel all the snow off the roof. When he finished doing that, his dad asked him to shovel the snow off the driveway and the sidewalk. I cant wait for school to reopen, he said.
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