Walt finally called Lulu at 6:55 p.m. You were right, honey, he said. The music is not very good. So lets not go to the play, if thats all right with you. That was great, she said.
So, lets go to a movie, she suggested.
A movie? When?
Right now! she said. She was all dressed up, and she was ready to go somewhere! But he wasnt. He had already decided to stay in. How about a movie tomorrow? he asked.
Tomorrow!? she yelled over the phone. She was furious. Did he have any idea what a difficult day she had had, trying to finish all her realty work so that she would be ready by 7 p.m.? And then he had the nerve to call her up at 6:55 to tell her to forget it? Forget it?! Had he thought about calling her up earlier? Had he thought about asking her for her opinion before deciding everything on his own? Of course not! she said as she answered her own question. This was just one more example, she raged on, of how he had absolutely no respect for her, and she was tired of it. Were through! she shouted just before hanging up.
上一篇: I’m No Alcoholic!
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