我们今天要讲的第一个习惯用语是美国人用得非常普遍的,而且也很形像。这个习惯用语就是:To stonewall. Stonewall是一个字,但是很明显,它是由stone和wall两个字合成的。大家都知道,stone就是石头,那末顾名思义stonewall就是一堵用石头造的墙。按字面解释,这是对的。但是,作为俗语,它的意思就比较含蓄了,stonewall是指:想尽一切办法不要把那些使自己难堪或不利的消息透露出去。二十多年前,美国发生水门事件的时候,白宫竭尽全力阻挡国会的调查人员来查明尼克松总统手下的人是否有违法的行为。结果,想掩盖的企图宣告失败;事实真相被揭露出来,尼克松总统也被迫辞职。下面这个例子是一个地方上的政客在给他的高级助手下指示。
例句-1: Make sure our people stonewall any questions from the press or television about our candidate for mayor having those personal problems. If the facts get out, we don\'t have a chance to win the election.
例句2: We\'ve arrested one major suspect in this murder case and also arrested another man who we believe helped the crime. But both of them are stonewalling - they refuse to answer any questions at all.
我们现在再讲一个跟wall有关系的习惯用语。Off the wall.请大家注意的是这里的off是有两个f, 而不是一个 f. Off the wall,要是按字面的意思来解释,那就是:不在墙上。但是,在用做俗语的时候,off the wall是指一个跟一般人很不一样的人,也就是美国人常说的那种性情和举止都很古怪的人,或者是一种和一般人的思路非常不同的想法。下面是一个人在说他的表兄。
例句3: My cousin the rocket scientist is full of off the wall ideas about how man can travel into outer space beyond our solar system. He\'s either crazy or a genius - I don\'t know which.
美国的企业为了要和其他同行业的公司进行竞争,必须要依靠股员的聪敏才智,为新的产品,新的经营方法出谋献策。我们曾经讲过一个美国人常用的字to brainstorm. 这就是要大家动脑筋,献计策的意思。下面是一个公司的工程师在说他的一个同事。
例句4: People in our office tended to ignore Richard\'s ideas in the past because they thought they were off the wall. But our chief engineer tried his proposal last year and it turned out to be a huge success; it boosted our profits by 20 percent.
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