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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


英语练习一   一. CBADC DDCCC CABC无 CDBBC   二. 21. There is, Lucy\'s 22. that speaking 23. doesn\'t, any 24. with   25. does, look 26. have, time 27. Which girl 28. will visit   29. with 30. What\'s   三.31. second 32. to get 33. waiting 34. don\'t know, to do 35. is, lying   36. bookshelves 37. to leave 38. to be   四.39. capital 40. above 41. between 42. twentieth 43. dream   44. shower 45. cupboard 46. own 47. million   五.48. shares, with 49. sounds great 50. third 51. call, back   52. would, like, palace 53. wants, next to, hotel 54. climb, ladder, get into   六.CBCCD CACAD   七.ABAAC

英语练习二   一、1. change 2. tastes 3. tired 4. hungry 5. exercise 6. seldom   7. healthy / healthier 8. vegetables 9. important 10. energy   二、1. dancing 2. to cook 13. to be, playing 14. to see 15. feeds   16. bringing 17. to read 18. isn\'t 19. healthy 20. is running   三、31-40 BBBAB CBDDD 41-50 BBDAA DCCCB   四、51. Eating, isn\'t good for 52. on the Internet 53. sweet snacks any more   54. Good luck with 55. less than   五、EAFDB   六、61-70 DACCD CCCAD   七、CDBC

英语练习三   一.1. western 2. sunny 3. pollution 4. minutes\' 5. less   6. good 7. golden 8. hungry 9. ninth 10. paintings   二.BCBAB CBCDC BDACD BBCAAA   三.32. videos 33. kitchen 34. pollution 35. souvenirs 36. western   37. .second 38. wooden 39. tidy 40. hospital 41. underground   四.ACAAC BDACA   五.CBBCA ABDCB



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