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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)

1) ___ b ___   2) ___ q ___    3) d ___ ___

4) s ___ ___   5) ___ v___

2. Finish the words (完成下列单词)

s___f___(沙发) r___b___ ___r(橡皮)  s___ee___(糖果)  j___mp(跳)

t___ble(桌子)  cl___ ___n(干净)  w___nd___w(窗户)  ___p___n(开)

3. read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词)

1)(  )A. apple B. run C. orange   2)(  )A. climb  B. hen C. chick

3)(  )A. write B.swim C. panda   4)(  )A.bear  B.tiger  C.table

5)(  )A.window B.door C.banana  6)(  )A.lamp  B.bed  C.fly

7)(  )A.horse  B.sing  C.sheep   8)(  )A.tree   B.run  C.sleep

9)(  )A.nose  B.pencil C.hand  10)(  )A.cat   B.ferry C.taxi

4. read and match(把下列句子和图片配对)

1)Spotty can run.          A.

2)I hear a sheep.          B.

3)There are five birds in the sky.    C.

4)I see a bear.            D.

5)There is a lamp on the table.     E.

5. Read and choose(选择填空)

1)(  )小学二年级英语家庭作业练习:Look _______ the window.

A. on     B. at     C. in

2)(  )_______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

A. Who    B. What   C. Where

3)(  )There is _______ dog in the room.

A. am     B. a     C. an

4)(  )May I have a _______?

A. pizza    B. pizzas   C. a pizza

5)(  )I like _______ play.

A. to     B. in    C. on

6)(  )Come and play _______ me.

A. for     B. with   C. and

7)(  )There are some _______ on the farm.

A. sheep    B. sheeps  C. a sheep

8)(  )_______light! Stop!

A. Green    B. Yellow  C. Red

9)(  )I have _______ apple.

A.am     B.a     C.an

10)(  )There _______ some books on the table.

A.are     B. is     C. am


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