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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编











  I  often imagine what my  life will be like in the future. ________________________

  I often imagine what my  life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very

  different in ten years. I will be twenty-eight years old by then. I will have my own family, probably with a lovely child .I hope I  will work in a computer company as a program

   designer. I will enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues; I will do a good job in whatever I do. In my free time, I will continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various 

  ball games. On my holidays, I will travel around the world. In a word, my life will be much richer and more colorful.




  范围:9个省、自治区(autonomous regions)、1个直辖市(municipality)








  标题:New Development for Central and Western China



  .第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)

  News reportFour young female college students died Friday after falling or jumping from a blazing room on the sixth floor of Shanghai Business School. Witness said one woman who jumped appeared to be aiming for bushes on the ground, but missed and landed on concrete. Witnesses said the other three were desperately trying to climb to another room amid roaring flames when they fell to the concrete paving.

  The fire broke out in Room 602 of the seven-floor dormitory at the school’s downtown campus on Zhongshan Road West, just after 6 a.m. The fire was caused by an electrical device used to heat water. This had ignited flammable objects, police said late Friday afternoon. After receiving reports of the fire at 6:12 a.m, police, firefighters and ambulances were quickly on the scene. The fire was extinguished by 6:30 a.m., according to the school.

  There is only one public toilet on each floor to get water and fire extinguishers in the dormitory were outdated, students said.



  1. 以约30个词概括这篇报道的主要内容。

  2. 针对此篇报道发表你对校园安全问题的看法, 至少包括以下内容要点,该部分词数大约120个词。









  New Development for Central and Western China

  The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China which includes 9 provinces and autonomous regions and one municipality, covering and area of 5.4 million square kilometers with a population of 285 million. The government will pay special attention to its transportation and some highways and railways will be built. To protect the environment, farmers will return farmland to forest and measures will be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the need of the development, different kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in.


  After the Tears, Let’s Focus on Dorm Safety

  It was reported that on November 14, a tragedy occurred in a girls’ dormitory of the Shanghai Business School. Four girls jumped from their sixth-floor balcony in an attempt to escape a fire, and lost their lives.

  People expressed their sympathy after hearing the tragedy. In my opinion, this incident reflects a lack of awareness of safety procedures. Both the college and the students are responsible for it. On one hand, we students should learn to deal with an emergency calmly in daily life. If there

  is a crisis, we are supposed to remain calm, ensure we are safe and then call for help.

  On the other hand, it is the school authorities’ obligation to take safety measures for students living in a campus. Furthermore, more lectures should be held on safety to enhance students’ awareness of the issue.

  In short, to avoid similar tragedies, both sides must work together.



  注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好。



  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Attention, please! Here is something urgent!

  A four-year-old Chinese girl named Lingling is missing. She is about 110cm tall with long straight black hair as well as a pair of big eyes. She is wearing a red dress and white shoes. She was last seen at ten o’clock nearby the cafe at the airport. Lingling’s parents are very anxious as she can only speak Chinese Putonghua.

  If any of you see her or get any clue about her, please take her to the broadcasting station of the airport or call at 677-852-4523.

  We’d show our sincere gratitude to anyone who offers related information or who helps find the girl.

  Thanks for your attention!




  著名诗人 时代 生平 成就 评价


  (701~762) 盛唐,唐朝浪漫


  一生遭受逆境 他热爱自然,向往自由;创作诗文千

  余篇,其中30多首代代传诵至今 被誉为中国



  (1792~1822) 工业革命时期,


  民主诗人 英年早逝 他不满社会不平等;用诗歌颂劳动阶

  级的欧洲第一人 被誉为“诗人


  *珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)






  【参考范文】基础写作 (One possible version)

  Li Bai, a romantic poet living in the prosperous period of China’s Tang Dynasty, is regarded as the “God of poetry” in China. All his life, though he went through a lot of setbacks, he showed his deep love for nature and eager wish for freedom and wrote about one thousand poems, of which more than thirty have been widely read and recited from generation to generation till today. Compared with Li Bai, Percy Bysshe Shelley, a romantic democratic poet lived during the period of Great Britain’s Industrial Revolution. He was born over 1,000 years later than Li Bai and unfortunately died at an early age, but he also wrote many famous poems showing his dissatisfaction with the social inequality. And Shelley, considered as the “poet of poets”, became the first poet who sang for the working class in Europe.




  Helping others can really make a difference to your own life. You're always busy living your own life, but every now and then, take a break for a bit and help someone out. You will not regret doing this.

  Here are a few easy ideas how you can help others:

  Spend some time with one of your elderly relatives or neighbors. Help them clean up around the house or take them to a grocery store. Just sit with them and have a little chat, because sometimes the smallest acts mean the most.

  Teach a friend or a relative how to use a computer or get on the Internet: how to start a blog, how to upload photos to a drugstore's website so they can be printed out, how to use an iPod and add music to iTunes. It's probably stuff you write about on your own blog anyway, so talk about it instead of writing about it, which will help you learn how to explain things verbally.

  Donate clothes that you no longer wear or other things that you're no longer using. Someone out there will benefit from the stuff you don't need any more.













  【参考范文】读写任务 (One possible version)

  The passage advises us to find some time to help others, such as doing the chores for our friends and relatives or teaching them how to use a computer. These little acts will improve their lives, as well as ours.

   For society as a whole, it is worth spending time doing charity work. And I think that what matters most is not how much we offer to people in need, but whether we are willing to give them a hand.

  Sometimes, a little help can make a big difference. I once helped an old woman fix her mosquito net. She said to me gently, “Thank you, little girl.” It didn’t seem like a big thing, but I was shocked when I was told that the old woman never spoke a word after her only son committed suicide twenty years ago.

   As an old Chinese saying goes, “The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.” Happiness lies in giving help to others.


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