1.aluminum n.铝
例:Air pollution from the giant aluminum refinery is killing our plants.
2.alumna n.女校友,女毕业生(a female former student of a school, college or university)
3.alumnus n.男校友,男毕业生(a male former student of a school, college or university)
例:He is an alumnus of Peking University of the class of 1986.
4.amalgam n.混合物( combination)
例:amalgam of Chinese and Western medicines中西药合剂
5.amass v.积聚(to gather,accumulate)
词根记忆:a+ mass( -团)--变成--团--积聚
例:While in college, John amassed a shelf of reference books.
6.amateur n.业余爱好者(one who practisesa sport or art without receiving money for it one who is unskilled or inexperienced in an activity)
词根记忆:amat( =amor爱)+eur(人)--爱好的人--业余爱好者
例:He is an amateurin boxing.
7.amber n.琥珀( hard clear yellowish brown gum )
8.ambiguity n.模棱两可,模糊(uncertainty)
例:The ambiguityof the teachers response made us realize he did not know the answer.
9.ambiguous a.意义不明的,模棱两可的( obscure)
例:The professor gave an ambiguous answer to Janes question.
10.ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的( having a desire to achieve a particular goal);宏大的( an idea or plan on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully)
例:Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction.
White / blue-collar worker 白领,蓝领
Apple’s headphone headache? 令人头疼的新款苹果耳机
Young and in business 年轻人创业从商
Until I'm blue in the face 任凭你磨破嘴皮
In defence of shyness 为害羞的人辩护
The good of gardening 园艺疗法益心养神
Too much stuff 物质主义和简约主义
In the blink of an eye 一眨眼之间
The future of English 未来的英语语言变化
Drama queen 小题大做的人
Sweat it out – in a bath! 泡热水澡等于做运动
Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人
How to become a billionaire 如何成为亿万富翁
Hangry 饥饿成怒
Is a game just a game? 游戏只是游戏吗?
One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
To fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一关
A cashless society 无现金社会
Would you let your baby sleep in a box? 你愿意让自己的宝宝在盒子里睡觉吗?
The university of life 生活经历