自50年代末乔姆斯基的语言学理论问世以来,许多语言学家对以英语为母语的少儿的语言进行研究,发现随着年龄的增长,少儿的语言技能日趋成熟,其中一个明显标志是句子长度和复杂程度不断增加。在字数相同的作文中,语言技巧越娴熟的,句子的数目就越少,这意味着句子越长,结构越复杂,句子的意义含量就越大。根据这一理论,美国语言学家和教师进行了大量的写作教学法研究,发现合并句子(combining sentences)有助于促进语言技巧成熟。当然,长句和短句各有优点,在写作中它们应适当交叉使用,相互补充,使文章波澜起伏,错落有致,增加语言表现力。但一连串的短句会使人感到幼稚,有必要将它们合并。例如:
短句:I returned to my room.There was a note under my door.It was from Bill.He said he was in the town looking for a job.He hadnt found anything yet.He was sorry to have missed me.
合并:When I returned to my room,I found a note from Bill under the door.He said he was in the town looking for a job,but hadnt found anything yet.He added that he was sorry to have missed me.