例如: Whats the objective of the information? Is it to make people more confused and astray? I partly agree with the authors contention that the enormous and otiose information sometimes render people lose their way and fail to consider question penetratingly and originally.
在作文的开头就扔出两个问题,然后接下来的陈述却与问题基本毫无干系。作为读者,首先要考虑那两个问题的答案到底是什么,然后才能往下读。这些在中文里可能会被评作引人入胜的好词好句,在英语的论文写作里面,可以说是最大的败笔之一。如果你一定要问问题的话,那就改成陈述句式,例如:Whether this issue is right or wrong? 可以改成:It has been a controversial issue that
2、避免集中使用Be动词,包括is, are, has been, have been, etc.
上一篇: 向作文中垃圾词汇说再见(一)
下一篇: 浅谈英语中常见修辞格(二)