Before you know it youll be asking, How did it get so late so soon? So take time to figure yourself out. Take time to realize what you want and need. Take time to take risks. Take time to love, laugh, cry, learn, and forgive. Life is shorter than it often seems. 在你知道这些人生哲学之前你会问自己:为什么我这么晚才明白这些道理,为什么这么快生命就走到了尽头? 花点时间想想自己想要什么,需要什么;花点时间去冒险;花点时间去爱、去笑、去哭泣、去学习和原谅。生命往往比看上去更短暂。
Here are ten things you need to know, before its too late: 下面这十大人生道理你应该尽早懂得:
1. This moment is your life. 1. 活在当下。
Your life is not between the moments of your birth and death. Your life is between now and your next breath. The present the here and now is all the life you ever get. So live each moment in full, in kindness and peace, without fear and regret. And do the best you can with what you have in this moment; because that is all you can ever expect of anyone, including yourself. 生命并不是从出生到死亡的这段时间,而是你呼吸着的时时刻刻。现在,此时此地,就是你所有的人生。所以在生命的每一分钟,都应该生活在充实、善良和平静之中,而不是恐惧和遗憾。此刻你可以尽你所能做到最好,因为谁都指望不住,包括你自己。
2. A lifetime isnt very long. 2. 一辈子并不长。
This is your life, and youve got to fight for it. Fight for whats right. Fight for what you believe in. Fight for whats important to you. Fight for the people you love, and never forget to tell them how much they mean to you. Realize that right now youre lucky because you still have a chance. So stop for a moment and think. Whatever you still need to do, start doing it today. There are only so many tomorrows. 这是你的人生,你必须为之奋斗。为你认为对的事情奋斗,为你的信仰奋斗,为那些对于你来说重要的东西而奋斗,为你爱的人而奋斗,记得告诉他们:他们对你很重要。要知道此刻你是幸运的,因为你仍然有机会。因此停留片刻,好好思考一下你还有什么事情需要去做,今天就开始行动。不要等到明天,明日复明日,明日何其多。
3. The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future. 3. 今天的牺牲和努力未来都会有回报。
When it comes to working hard to achieve a dream earning a degree, building a business, or any other personal achievement that takes time and commitment one thing you have to ask yourself is: Am I willing to live a few years of my life like many people wont, so I can spend the rest of my life like many people cant? 说到为梦想而奋斗学位,创业,或其他任何需要时间和投入才能实现的个人成就你先要问自己一个问题:我是否愿意过几年大多数人都不愿过的苦日子,只为拥有大多数人无法企及的幸福余生?
4. When you procrastinate, you become a slave to yesterday. 拖延会让你成为昨天的奴隶。
When you are proactive, its as if yesterday is a kind friend that helps take a load off your back. So do something right now that your future self will thank you for. Trust me, tomorrow youll be happy you started today. 当你积极主动的时候,昨天就好像一个好朋友,帮你卸下背上的负担。所以要做什么事现在就开始吧,以后你会感激你自己的,相信我,明天你会为今天就开始行动而感到高兴。
5. Failures are only lessons. 5. 失败只是成长的课堂。
Good things come to those who still hope even though theyve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though theyve tasted failure, to those who still love even though theyve been hurt. So never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten. Take it all as lessons learned and move on with grace. 那些受过挫折却仍然怀有希望的人,那些尝过失败滋味却仍然拥有信仰的人,那些受过伤害却仍然相信真爱的人,美好的东西终会降临到他们身上。因此,永远都不要为生活中已经发生的事情后悔;这些事情已经无法改变、抹去或遗忘。把这些经历都当做教训,继续有风度的前进。
6. You are your most important relationship. 6. 最重要的朋友是自己。
Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone elses approval. You must first have a healthy relationship with yourself before you can have a healthy relationship with others. You have to feel worthwhile and acceptable in your own eyes, so that youll be able to look confidently into the eyes of the people around you and connect with them. 幸福是自己的感受,无需他人的批准。在和周围人建立健康的关系前,你首先得和自己建立一种健康的关系。你要觉得自己眼中的自己是有价值和受欢迎的,这样你在他人的眼中就是一个自信的形象,才能自信的与他人交往。
7. A persons actions speak the truth. 7. 行为见人心。
Youre going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times; but in the end, its always their actions you should judge them by. So pay attention to what people do. Their actions will tell you everything you need to know. 生活中有一些人总是说话很得体,但是最后你认清他还是通过他的行为。因此要注意人们的行为。他们的行为会告诉你你需要知道的所有东西。
8. Small acts of kindness can make the world a better place. 8. 小小善举成就美好世界。
Smile at people who look like they are having a rough day. Be kind to them. Kindness is the only investment that never fails. And wherever there is a human being, theres an opportunity for kindness. Learn to give, even if its just a smile, not because you have too much, but because you understand there are so many others who feel like they have nothing at all. 对那些辛苦度日的人们报以微笑。善待他们,善意是这个世界上唯一不会失败的投资,只要有人类就有爱。要学会给予,哪怕只是一个小小的微笑,不是因为你拥有的太多,而是因为这世界上有很多人觉得他们一无所有。
9. Behind every beautiful life, there has been some kind of pain. 9. 破茧成蝶的美好生活都有伤痛。
You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live, you learn. Youre human, not perfect. Youve been hurt, but youre alive. Think of what a precious privilegeit is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to chase the things you love. Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but there is also lots of beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we hurt, for we will never know what is waiting for us just around the bend. 你会失败,会成功,会犯错误,你活着,你在学习。你是人,就不会十全十美。你会收到伤害,但你还活着。想想你还活着,这是多么珍贵的权利能呼吸,能思考,能享受,能追寻你喜欢的东西。人生的旅途中难免会有悲伤,但也有很多美好。即使受到伤害,我们也要保持前进的姿态,因为我们永远也不知道在人生的转角处会有什么在等待着我们。
10. Time and experience heals pain. 10. 时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛。
Your negative event seems much larger to you because it is a greater percentage of your total life experiences. I am not diminishing the importance of this event; I simply have a different perspective on it. What you need to understand is that an overwhelmingly painful event in your life right now will one day be part of your much larger past and not nearly as significant as it seems. 对于你来说,负面事件之所以这么难以承受,是因为你的人生经历还太少。我并不是说这些经历不重要,只是从不同的角度来看待它们。你要明白的是,现在在你看来足以压垮你的痛苦,随着人生阅历的增长终会成为过去的一部分,在你的记忆中逐渐淡化。
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