Dont be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so. 别对你的梦想和现实之间的差距感到畏惧,如果你有梦想,你就能实现它。
Dont become part of a workplace clique. As much as you might like some coworkers, you should maintain professional boundaries. Dont get drawn into gossiping, and dont take on other peoples workplace battles just because you consider them friends. 不要拉帮结派。你可能对某些同事有好感,但要保持工作界限。不要散布流言蜚语,不要因为你和某人是朋友就参与到他们的办公室争斗之中。
Many 20 somethings dont know what they want to do, so they hang around the house or in low level jobs waiting for the spirit to move them. Not making a choice is a choice. These 20 somethings think they are keeping their options open, but they are actually closing doors. Resumes start look thin, their peers begin surpassing them and they may get stuck in underemployment. 很多20几岁的年轻人不知道自己想要什么,就宅在家里,或做一些没有技术含量的工作,等到哪天兴致来了再去找更好的出路。不选择也是一种选择。这些20几岁的年轻人觉得自己向机会敞开了大门,实际上他们是在把前路堵上。他们的简历会看上去很单薄,被同龄人赶超,还会受限于没有充分的工作经验。
To sum up, often the hardest thing about combining work with study is making the decision to do it in the first place. Once you get started you will probably find that its not as difficult as youd imagined. Studying doesnt have to take over your life: just a few hours each week can make all the difference. 总的来说,在职学习最困难的部分往往在于一开始做出这个决定。一旦你开始学习也许就会发现,并没有自己想象的那么困难。没有必要让学习占据你全部的生活:每周哪怕只学习几个小时也会有很大不同。
Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Once you cease dreaming, soon you will also lose your energy and be back to mediocrity. 始终铭记你的梦想,做你的梦,不要停。一旦你停止梦想,你就会失去继续前行的力量,又变回一个平庸的人。
When we fail, we might be tempted to think that we have wasted our time and thus regret it. But thats should not be the case. The fact that you have done something is much better than doing nothing. Rise up and move on. The regret lies not in doing, but in not doing. 当我们遭遇失败的时候,我们可能会后悔自己浪费了那么多的时间去做一件失败的事情。但事实并不是这样的,去做永远比不做好。失败了,就再站起来,继续前行。我们不应该后悔去做了什么事,而是要后悔没去做什么事。
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel Company 随着我渐渐变老,我越来越少在意人们在说些什么。我只观察他们做什么。安德鲁-卡内基,卡内基钢铁公司,被誉为钢铁大王。
When you live for others opinions, you are dead. 如果你为别人的看法而活,那你已经死了。
Failure is inevitable if we are to succeed in life. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to overcome failure, and they are stopped by it when they encounter one. The ability to overcome failure is one big difference between successful and mediocre people. 如果我们想要在生活中获得成功,失败就是不可避免的。然而,我们很多人在遇到失败的时候,都不知道如何去战胜它,只好停滞不前。成功人士和平庸的人的区别就在于他们战胜失败的能力。
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