James Cameron has spoken frequently about his intention to turn his mega-hit Avatar into a trilogy. Now, according to the director himself speaking at the PGA Awards on Saturday, those two sequels have release dates.
Cameron tells EW, “I am in the process of writing the next two Avatar films now. We are planning to shoot them together and post them together, and we will probably release them not quite back to back, but about a year apart. Christmas ’14 and ’15 is the current plan.” Of course, it’s probably best to take those release dates with a grain of salt, since the first Avatar had several release dates before its December 2009 release. Still, now fans know that they’ll have to wait at least three more years for a return to Pandora.
Cameron also notes that we’ll see some familiar faces return. “Basically, if you survived the first film, you get to be in the second film, at least in some form,” say the director. One thing’s for sure: some percentage of the presumably-massive Avatar sequel gross will go to charity. “Fox has partnered with me to donate a chunk of the profits to environmental causes that are at the heart of the Avatar world,” says the director. “I didn’t want to make more Avatar movies without a grander plan in place.”
詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)最近向《娱乐周刊》(EW)表示,《阿凡达》(Avatar)的两部续集中将会有很多第一部里的老面孔回归。他说:“基本上,只要你在第一集里活了下来,就会在第二部里出现,至少是以某种方式出现。” 此前(去年2月)卡梅隆还透露,由西格妮·韦弗(Sigourney Weaver)扮演的格蕾丝博士并没有死,她也将以某种方式出现在续集里。
目前卡梅隆正在创作《阿凡达2、3》(Avatar 23)的剧本,这两部影片将一同拍摄、一起后期制作,然后分别在2014年12月上映和2015年12月上映。
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