At around 11 p.m. on Feb. 15, a noise came suddenly from the emergency department of the Frontier Corps Hospital of Fujian Peoples Armed Police in Quanzhou city, Fujian province. With the support of family members, a man named A Yong, pale and smelling of alcohol, shouted: I wont be put back together! His shouts confused the medical staff on duty. 2月15日晚上11点左右,位于福建省泉州市的武警边防总队医院急诊部突然传来一阵嘈杂声,一名名叫阿勇的男子在家人的搀扶下,脸色苍白,一身酒气,嘴里却嚷嚷着“我不接!我不接!”这情景让值班的医护人员一头雾水。 According to his family member, the man cut his penis after drinking excessive alcohol. The cut portion was about 3 centimeters long and was put on ice as soon as A Yong was brought to the hospital. 根据家人介绍,男子在过度饮酒后,冲动之下,挥刀自宫。被切掉的部分长3厘米,阿勇一被送到医院,这部分就被包到一个冰袋里面。
Doctor Huang, who was in charge of the operation, said later that the wound was not bandaged and was bleeding heavily when the man was transferred from a hospital in Yongchun county. A Yong even suffered from shock. 边防医院负责手术的黄医生后来介绍说,当时伤者是经由永春县医院转运过来的,伤口并没有包扎,一直血流不止。阿勇甚至还出现了休克的情况。 The situation was critical. After being put on an IV and given a blood transfusion, A Yong underwent an operation that lasted more than four hours. Luckily, the surgery went smoothly. 当时情况十分危急。在进行注射并输送血液之后,阿勇又进行了4个多小时的手术。幸运的是,手术进行得很顺 He usually does not drink, but he had five drinks that night, a family member told the doctor. A Yong is 36 years old. He has two daughters, ages 3 and 13 respectively. 阿勇家属告诉医生:“他平时不怎么喝酒,那天晚上连喝了5杯酒,”阿勇今年36岁,育有两名女儿,分别是13岁和3岁。 A Yong was born to a rural family that preferred boys to girls. He was often laughed at for not having any male children. So on the night of Feb. 15, he drank himself into a great depression and used a knife to cut his penis. 阿勇出生于农村,村里重男轻女。因没有生下儿子,阿勇经常被嘲笑。2月15日晚上,阿勇一个人喝闷酒,越喝越郁闷,最后竟然拿起刀子切了自己的“命根子”。 Judging from the wound, Doctor Huang guessed that A Yong must have made two cuts, and that his hand was also cut in the process. This is the first operation of its kind that the hospital has performed. 黄医生介绍称,从阿勇的伤口来看,阿勇应该切了两次才把自己的“命根子”切断,过程中,阿勇的手也被切了个口子。这是医院第一次接到这样的手术。 Doctor Huang said that A Yongs condition is currently stable. Generally, it takes six months to one year to fully recover, after which the injury should no longer affect A Yongs life. 黄医生表示,阿勇现在病情稳定。通常来讲,这种情况需要半年到一年的时间就可以恢复到正常人的水平,不会影响到阿勇的正常生活。
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