小米5正式发布 相关人士却大多不看好!-查字典英语网
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小米5正式发布 相关人士却大多不看好!

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Xiaomi Inc launched its latest flagship smartphone, the Mi 5, on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing, with founder Lei Jun saying the company plans to focus this year on making exciting products and winning consumers hearts and wallets. 在上周三北京的发布会上,小米公司正式推出了其最新旗舰智能手机小米5。创始人雷军表示,公司计划在今年集中打造“令人兴奋”的产品,以赢得消费者的青睐。 Analysts warned, though, that the new device wasnt distinctive enough to help the Beijing-based company regain sales momentum in a hotly competitive market. 尽管如此,分析家们却警告称,这款新机器并不能直接帮助这家总部位于北京的公司赢回在竞争激烈的市场上的热销势头。 In 2015, Xiaomi shipped nearly 70 million smartphones domestically, up about 14.5 percent from the previous year, retaining the No.1 position in Chinas smartphone market with a 15 percent share, according to a report issued by US-based market consultancy Strategy Analytics in late January. 根据美国市场研究公司策略分析1月下旬发布的报告显示,2015年小米智能手机国内出货量近7000万,较上年同期增长约14.5%,并以15%的市场份额的优势稳居中国智能手机市场销量第一名。

However, Xiaomis shipments in 2015 fell significantly short of its target and raised doubts over the prospects of the Chinese tech start-up in a cut-throat battleground. The company had aimed to ship 80 million to 100 million handsets last year. 然而,2015年小米的出货量在还未达到制定的目标时就出现大幅度下跌,这不免引起了人们对中国科技初创企业在激烈的市场中前景的质疑。去年该公司的目标是销售8000万至1亿部手机。 By contrast, domestic rival Huawei Technologies Co, which woos consumers around the world with both high-end and low-cost models, disclosed in early January that it had shipped 108 million smartphones globally in 2015, up 44 percent from 2014. 相比之下,该公司的国内竞争对手华为技术有限公司,面向世界各地出售高端低成本智能机,赢得了消费者的广泛支持。2015年1月初该公司已向全球出货1亿800万部智能手机,同比2014年增长了44%。 Liu Dingding, an industry analyst with Beijing-based market research firm Sootoo, wasnt very optimistic about the prospects of the Mi 5. The new smartphone is ?well-specd but shows no distinctive differences from its domestic comparatives, Liu told the Global Times on Wednesday. 北京市场研究公司速途网的行业分析师刘丁丁表示,他并不看好小米5的发展前景。刘先生于周三接受环球时报采访时表示:“尽管新的智能手机配置很好,但它与国内同类商品相比较并无明显差异”。 Xiaomi will confront a tough year in 2016 in the face of increasingly strong Chinese competitors with respect to specifications and prices, Liu noted. 刘丁丁指出,2016年将是小米最艰难的一年,它将面对因技术和价格优势而日益强大的中国竞争对手。 Wang Yanhui, head of the Shanghai-based Mobile China Alliance, told the Global Times on Wednesday that the Mi 5s product positioning is almost the same as that of the Mi 4, so the new model is unlikely to fare much better than the Mi 4 in the market. 总部位于上海的手机中国联盟负责人王艳辉周三对环球时报表示,小米5的产品定位几乎与小米4一样,所以这一新的设备不可能比小米4销售得更好。 The 5.2-inch Mi 5 model is priced at 1,999 yuan to 2,699 yuan, available both on its own online marketplace and at more than 1,000 brick-and-mortar stores of domestic home appliance retailer Suning Commerce Group Co in March. 5.2英寸的小米5售价为1999至2699元,3月份将在自己的网上市场和1000多家国内家电零售商--苏宁商务集团有限公司的实体店出售。


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