Qatar’s energy minister said the world’s big oil producer countries had reached a conditional agreement to freeze production at January levels.
卡塔尔能源与工业大臣穆罕默德本萨利赫萨达(Mohammed Bin Saleh al-Sada)表示,全球大型产油国已达成有条件协议,将把石油产量冻结在今年1月的水平。
Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada said the provisional deal, announced after a meeting of oil ministers from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and Qatar, would be contingent on major producers following suit, reports Anjli Raval, the FT’s Oil Gas Correspondent.
“We believe this step will stabilise the market,” he said, according to Reuters.
In a news conference in Doha after the meeting, Ali Al Naimi, the Kingdom’s powerful oil minister, said the meeting was successful. Since global supply is already declining as a result of current prices, a freeze in output at levels from the start of the year was “adequate” for the market, he told reporters.
在上述会议后于多哈召开的资讯发布会上,沙特实权在握的石油部长阿里纳伊米(Ali Al-Naimi)表示,这次会议是成功的。他告诉记者,由于全球石油供应已因当前的油价而处在下滑当中,将石油产量冻结在年初的水平“足以”稳定住市场。
Venezuela’s oil minister said he would meet his counterparts from Iran and Iraq on Wednesday.
Although the decision will be welcomed by some in the oil market, others have pointed to the fact that many Opec producers are pumping at full capacity already.
Mr Naimi said he hoped producer countries inside and outside Opec would adopt this proposal. He added “We will assess in [the] next few months the next steps to stabilise [the] market.”
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