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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Donald Trump has won a landslide victory in Nevada, giving the billionaire his third consecutive success in the Republican presidential race and providing him with another burst of momentum ahead of Super Tuesday on March 1.

唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)在内华达州初选中赢得压倒性胜利。这是这位亿万富翁在共和党总统选战中赢得的连续第三场胜利,令他的选举势头在3月1日“超级星期二”之前得到又一次提振。

With 94 per cent of votes counted, the New York property mogul was set to win the western state easily, with 45.9 per cent of the vote according to the Associated Press. Marco Rubio (23.7 per cent) was narrowly ahead of Ted Cruz (21.5 per cent), as the freshman Cuban-American senators vie to become the main challenger to Mr Trump, the clear frontrunner.

这位纽约房地产大亨轻松拿下了内华达州,美联社(Associated Press)数据显示,他的得票率为45.9%。佛罗里达州参议员马尔科鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)得票率为23.9%,再次击败得票率为21.4%的得克萨斯州参议员特德克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)。这两名资历不深的古巴裔参议员正在争夺特朗普主要挑战者的位子。目前,特朗普遥遥领先于其他共和党总统竞选人。

“We love Nevada, we love Nevada, thank you,” Mr Trump told supporters in Las Vegas after the result became clear. “This is a great place. We will be celebrating for a long time tonight.”


Mr Trump has now won back-to-back races in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, following his second-place finish to Ted Cruz in Iowa. His victory on Tuesday night comes one week before the crucial Super Tuesday contests when voters in 12 states, including a number in the southern Bible Belt, will cast their ballots.

在艾奥瓦州初选中排名第二(克鲁兹第一)的特朗普,接连赢下新罕布什尔州、南卡罗来纳州和内华达州的初选。他在周二晚获胜一周后,将迎来关键的“超级星期二”,届时将有12个州的选民参加投票,包括南部“圣经地带”(Bible Belt)的几个州。

In one of the most surprising developments in Nevada, NBC News exit polls found that Mr Trump had won 44 per cent of the Hispanic vote, compared with 29 per cent for Mr Rubio, a fluent Spanish speaker, and Mr Cruz on 18 per cent. Mr Trump has repeatedly claimed to have strong support from Hispanics despite his signature policy to deport 11m — mostly Mexican — illegal immigrants and to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. “Number one with Hispanics. I am really happy about that,” Mr Trump said in his victory speech.

NBC News的出口民调显示,内华达州选情非常令人意外的一点是,特朗普赢得了44%的拉美裔选票,而说一口流利西班牙语的鲁比奥才赢得29%,克鲁兹则为18%。特朗普多次声称自己得到拉美裔的强力支持,尽管他招牌性的政策是驱逐1100万非法移民(主要为墨西哥人)以及在美墨边境修筑一道墙。特朗普在获胜演讲中表示:“成为拉美裔人民的头号选择,这让我真的很开心。”

The Republican establishment is increasingly alarmed at the prospect of Mr Trump winning the GOP nomination because they fear his anti-immigration stance and xenophobic comments will make it difficult to win the general election. The projected size of his victory in Nevada will only exacerbate those concerns, as the party comes around to the growing likelihood that the New York mogul will become their nominee.



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